Search Results
24728 0000 d3f1 1010.03 #3 None Source? von Holzhausen, Walther Freiherr
28696 1846 b8d8 0141.21 #3 None The Chess Player's Chronicle (Staunton) Loveday, Henry Augustus
12711 1856 h3a1 1311.15 #3 None Illustrated London News Turton, Henry
12717 1858 a1e1 1044.04 #3 None Cincinnati Dispatch Loyd, Sam
17105 1858 d6d3 1100.10 #3 None Illustrated London News Healey, Frank
1946 1859 g3f5 1344.03 #2 None Baltimore Dispatch Loyd, Sam
40231 1860 b8d4 0121.35 #3 None Brooklyn Standard Cheney, George Nelson
19211 1861 h2c5 1245.54 #3 1st Prize Set BCA (Bristol) Healey, Frank
20549 1861 h5h1 0535.36 #5 None Era Loyd, Sam
12733 1863 b4b7 1140.12 #3 1st HM. Westdeutsche Schachbund Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig
39239 1865 b3a5 0154.05 #3 None Neue Berliner Schachzeitung von Bilow, Ludwig Immanuel
12978 1876 e1f3 1011.34 #3 None Cleveland Leader Loyd, Sam
4592 1881 g5e5 4524.01 #2 1st Prize Danbury News Gilberg, Charles Alexander
5824 1885 d2e4 1041.25 #3 None Zlata Praha Pospisil, Josef
4442 1895 b6g2 1011.00 #3 None Source? Wurzburg, Otto
29866 1895 c5b7 1010.03 #3 None Bahn Frei Wurzburg, Otto
157730 1900 b8a6 0512.11 #2 None Dalton Ty. Palkoska, Emil
22586 1902 h1a8 1311.13 #3 None Sachove listy Stritecky Blazej
2698 1903 a3a5 0214.20 #2 None Checkmate Stubbs, Charles Francis
180861 1903 h1c1 0115.33 #4 None Das Indische Problem Behting, Karl Karlovich
109518 1906 a3f6 4588.83 #2 None Les Tours de Force sur l'Echiquier Thompson, Walter Hood
2797 1906 b2e4 4778.15 #2 None Les Tours de Force sur l'Echiquier White, Alain Campbell
2795 1906 d2e4 4558.31 #2 None Les Tours de Force sur l'Echiquier White, Alain Campbell
102778 1907 b3d5 1035.24 #2 None L'Echiquier Francais Palkoska, Emil
9644 1907 f5h5 4875.33 #2 1st Prize Norwich Mercury Heathcote, Godfrey
181277 1910 f8h7 1340.25 #3 None Tidskrift for Schack Moller, J?
19968 1911 f8e1 1348.23 #4 None Festschrift des Akademischen Schachklubs Munchen Kockelkorn, Carl & Kohtz, Johannes
180061 1911 g5e4 1144.24 #2 None Traite de Delaire Prat, J
19062 1911 h6e4 4132.24 #2 1st Prize American Chess Bulletin (Block Threat Ty.) Heathcote, Godfrey
13805 1912 a8a5 0742.01 #3 None Narodni Politika Palkoska, Emil
103877 1913 a2h5 0110.54 #4 None Recreatiunea Herland, Sigmund
13901 1914 c6a7 0518.01 #3 None The Problem Wurzburg, Otto
183289 1916 a8c6 1771.43 #3 None Deutsche Schachzeitung Ryden, Adolf
21115 1916 h1f4 4788.24 #2 None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times Harley, Brian
21508 1919 d1d5 4742.23 #2 1st Prize Good Companions (January) Ellerman, Arnoldo
64385 1920 c1d4 1788.16 #2 2nd HM. Good Companions (July) Ellerman, Arnoldo
21673 1920 h4f6 4858.33 #2 None Good Companions (January) Heydon, Joseph Kentigern
180053 1923 c1a3 1406.02 #2 None Falkirk Herald Palkoska, Emil
3149 1923 d7d5 4858.45 #2 None Melbourne Leader Watson, Charles Gilbert Marriott
37483 1924 e1d5 0112.23 #3 1st Prize Narodni Politika Balik, Josef
22126 1924 h1d5 1535.33 #2 None Simple Two-move Themes Hume, George
22054 1924 h3h1 1043.01 #2 None L'Alfiere di Re Guidelli, Giorgio
108245 1925 c8c6 0121.44 #2 None Tijdschrift vd NSB de Rooij, C
183288 1925 h3d8 1450.11 #2 None Deutsche Schachblatter Kraemer, Adolf Herrmann Rudolf Ferdinand
128914 1926 g2f4 4153.26 #3 None Tijdschrift van den Nederlandsch-Indischen Schaakbond Palkoska, Emil
95379 1926 h2c4 1275.27 #2 None Allgemeine Zeitung Katko, Imre
14427 1927 e8d1 1144.71 #3 4th Prize Kecskemet Chess Club Hartong, Jan
6109 1927 e8h8 3502.03 #2 None Chess Amateur (The) Hume, George
14429 1927 h8e4 1011.30 #3 None L'Echiquier Mongredien, Alfred Wornum
14504 1928 a3d6 0122.43 #3 1st HM. Zadachi i Etyudi Niemeijer, Meindert
90405 1929 h1c3 1628.35 #3 None Die Schwalbe Palkoska, Emil
183035 1929 h7g5 4488.26 #3 None Die Schwalbe Kahane, Ernest
6451 1929/II a3b6 4847.35 #2 1st Prize= Shakhmaty Umnov, Evgeny Ivanovich
181322 1930 a1a3 0712.01 #4 None Le Temps Cheron, Andre
180862 1930 d2g1 0140.46 #4 None Le Temps Kahane, Ernest
180951 1930 e2c4 0211.11 #3 None Le Temps Cheron, Andre
24300 1930 h2f4 1642.21 #3 None The Observer Grossi, Damien
183290 1931 d7a1 4231.14 #3 None Vossische Zeitung Kraemer, Adolf Herrmann Rudolf Ferdinand
29111 1932 g2h4 0241.60 #3 None Grand Rapids Herald White, Alain Campbell
181276 1932 h4f4 0584.13 #3 None Neue Zurcher Zeitung Zimmermann, Otto
6731 1933 a8h1 4144.03 #2 1st HM. Enigmistica Popolare Seneca, Camil
61900 1933 b2a5 0712.12 #5 None Journal de Leysin Cheron, Andre
38141 1933 h8d7 4278.25 #2 None Die Schwalbe Ianovcic, Anatole Felix
49692 1934 g1d3 1315.21 #2 None The Puzzler Palkoska, Emil
72021 1934 g5e1 4882.23 #2 Sp. Prize= Ianovcic TT (Revista Romana de Sah) Feldmann, Tibor (aka Florian, Tibor)
178056 1935 c1a3 4487.44 #3 None Schach-Echo Metzenauer, Ferdinand
77247 1935 h3d6 4858.22 #2 1st Prize Magyar Sakkvilag Paros, Gyorgy
11096 1936 a3a1 0240.10 #2 12th Place Match: France - Spain Seneca, Camil
11108 1936 a7a4 4767.23 #2 1st Prize Olympic Ty. Mansfield, Comins
139640 1937 a7d4 1255.32 #2 None The Problemist Davis, Edward & Kipping, Cyril Stanley
184277 1937 c7d4 1558.53 #2 None Match: Finland - Romania Ianovcic, Anatole Felix
178055 1938 a8d5 1858.35 #2 1st Prize Source? Nielsen, Villy Charles Esbjorn
182532 1939 g8d5 4528.62 #2 None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Head, Arthur James
184061 1943 h2d4 4852.25 #2 1st Prize Union des Problemistes de France (UPF) Schurr, Martial
183504 1944 b5d6 1252.68 #2 1st HM. Arc-en-ciel Pelle, Charles
24212 1945 d1f2 1131.01 #2 1st Prize La Marseillaise Monreal, Pierre & des Marands, Henri
30939 1946 b2d4 4542.16 #2 None Match: Paris - Prague Servais, Albert
76704 1946 d7b5 4235.12 #2 1st HM. La Marseillaise Monreal, Pierre & Nietvelt, Gustaaf Josephus & des Marands, Henri
24609 1946-1947 g2d5 4522.12 #2 1st Prize Bulletin de l'UPF Servais, Albert
178629 1947 b2d4 4285.22 #2 Comm. Xeque Mate Bikos, Spyros
736 1947 f6e4 1335.22 #2 None British Chess Magazine Dawson, Thomas Rayner
749 1948 a1e5 4887.36 #2 None British Chess Magazine Gooderson, Arthur R
26950 1948 a1g4 1785.02 #2 1/2 Prize Shakhmaty v SSSR Dombrovskis, Alfreds A & Rukhlis, Efim Naumovich & Zagoruyko, Leonid Ivanovich
184278 1948 c1c6 1472.45 #2 1st Prize Romanian Championship Ianovcic, Anatole Felix
76706 1948 e8d4 1884.13 #2 HM. La Bataille Bansac, Pierre & Monreal, Pierre
119192 1948 f1d4 1555.02 #2 None Palestine Post Zagoruyko, Leonid Ivanovich
47172 1949 b1e4 1248.32 #2 None L'Echiquier de Paris Bansac, Pierre
40362 1949 b6d5 4788.33 #2 1st Prize Szachy Hartong, Jan
184310 1949 g8d5 1041.00 #2 None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Boissy, Lucien
78085 1949 h7f6 0555.12 #2 None L'Echiquier de Paris Bansac, Pierre
71383 1950 b1d6 1451.44 #2 4th Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Bouttier, Pierre
99968 1950 c5e5 1135.45 #2 2/3 Prize Magyar Sakkvilag Kardos, Tivadar
181965 1950 c8c4 0111.20 #3 1st HM. Parallele 50 Segal, Leon
63059 1950 d3c5 1454.42 #2 1st Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Buchwald, Julius
184308 1950 d6e4 0111.11 #2 None Echec et Mat des Marands, Henri
32026 1950 d7h5 1010.03 #3 None Shakhmaty v SSSR Vasilichikov, P
105795 1950 d8h3 1441.21 #3 None Vissavienibas TT Keirans, Arturs
184276 1950 f1d4 4425.34 #2 Prize= Romania Libera Ianovcic, Anatole Felix
178514 1950 g7e6 4858.12 #2 3rd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Ellerman, Arnoldo
39898 1950 g8e8 0845.13 #3 2/3 Prize Parallele 50 Bansac, Pierre
165 1950 h4d4 4558.15 #2 2nd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Fleck, Ferenc
27077 1951 a2e4 4875.55 #3 1st Prize KNSB JT Nanning, Frederik Willem
179505 1951 a8e5 0205.10 #3 1st HM. KNSB-100 JT Buchwald, Julius
184303 1951 b1d4 1574.24 #2 3rd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Buchwald, Julius
54285 1951 b1d5 1878.23 #2 1st Prize Panorama Schneider, Vilmos
184304 1951 b1e4 1584.13 #2 2nd HM. Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Nestorescu, Virgil
107606 1951 c4a3 1032.01 #2 None Chess Authier, Gabriel
31298 1951 c7d3 1105.05 #3 1/2 Prize Parallele 50 Hladik, Frantisek
62126 1951 d1c5 1582.30 #2 1st HM. Schach Levrier, Jean
122736 1951 d1h2 1310.02 #3 3rd Prize Norsk Vanforetidsskrift Wrobel, Marian
78867 1951 e8h8 3785.35 #2 1st Prize= Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs des Marands, Henri
178563 1951 f3c3 1311.12 #2 2nd Prize Norsk Vanforetidsskrift Wrobel, Marian
63882 1951 f3d3 4772.16 #2 1st Prize Bamahane Stocchi, Ottavio
180870 1951 g8d4 1785.23 #2 5th HM. Panorama Servais, Albert
184305 1951 h1c4 1185.04 #2 1st HM. Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Hartong, Jan
178562 1951 h1e4 1287.34 #2 1st Prize Goteborgs-Posten Hjelle, David
183027 1951-1953 a2d5 0185.23 #3 4th Place Match: France - Romania Rusenescu, Eugen
103245 1951-1953 a3e4 4522.36 #2 2nd Place Match: France - Romania Samarian, Serghiu
183024 1951-1953 a3e5 1588.12 #2 7/8 Place Match: France - Romania Loewenton, Leon
183026 1951-1953 a8c8 1785.26 #3 3rd Place Match: France - Romania Segal, Leon
17948 1951-1953 b1f5 4858.42 #2 3rd Place Match: France - Romania Morice, Jean & Segal, Leon
77867 1951-1953 b2e4 4852.30 #2 1st Place Match: France - Romania Levrier, Jean
183025 1951-1953 b5e5 1558.26 #3 2nd Place Match: France - Romania Dobrescu, Emilian
183022 1951-1953 c1e3 4845.31 #2 6th Place Match: France - Romania Segal, Leon
183021 1951-1953 c5e4 1884.43 #2 4th Place Match: France - Romania Levrier, Jean
40959 1951-1953 d1d3 4278.37 #3 1st Place Match: France - Romania Casa, Alex
70318 1951-1953 d3e5 1017.32 #3 5th Place Match: France - Romania Nestorescu, Virgil
183030 1951-1953 f8d5 1488.35 #3 8th Place Match: France - Romania Dobrescu, Emilian
183028 1951-1953 g3f5 1427.44 #3 6th Place Match: France - Romania Casa, Alex
183029 1951-1953 h3e4 0585.23 #3 7th Place Match: France - Romania Samarian, Serghiu
183023 1951-1953 h6d4 4855.13 #2 7/8 Place Match: France - Romania Dobrescu, Emilian
44872 1951-1953 h7e5 1557.32 #2 5th Place Match: France - Romania Nestorescu, Virgil
62127 1951/II a1d5 1185.04 #2 2nd Prize Schach Latzel, Gerhard Paul
178630 1951/II a4e5 4448.32 #2 1st Prize Caissa Volkmann, Albert
62102 1951/II d1e4 3848.21 #2 3rd Prize Schach Ahues, Herbert Siegfried Oskar
14623 1951/II h7d6 1782.33 #3 1st Prize Schach Brehmer, Siegfried
17930 1952 a1e5 1274.14 #2 1st Prize BCF Haring, Jacobus
178063 1952 a3d6 4578.34 #2 2nd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Ellerman, Arnoldo
109168 1952 a4e4 4288.33 #2 None Polsky GKKF Pfeiffer, Mieczyslaw
103526 1952 a5e5 4488.32 #2 2nd HM. BCF Daniel, Arthur William
54284 1952 a7f4 1558.35 #2 None Volksgazet Servais, Albert
17941 1952 a8a5 0502.00 #2 None Die Schwalbe Servais, Albert
40701 1952 a8d4 4878.52 #2 1st Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Casa, Alex
180005 1952 a8e8 0085.17 #3 2nd Prize Olympic Ty. Fossum, Andre Ferdinand
40089 1952 b7d5 1788.62 #3 None Maroczy MT Schneider, Vilmos
17970 1952 c2e4 1754.04 #2 6th Place Olympic Ty. Holladay, Edgar Dinwiddie
47799 1952 d7e5 1058.21 #2 1st Prize Echec et Mat Hermanson, Halvar
72151 1952 d8b4 4888.24 #2 None Chess Casa, Alex
54884 1952 e1c4 1258.62 #2 1st Prize Helsinki Olympic Ty. Musante, Horacio Luis
44871 1952 e1e4 1018.42 #2 3/4 Prize Revista de Sah Nestorescu, Virgil
132132 1952 h2e4 4758.36 #2 3rd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Casa, Alex
29736 1952 h5e1 1022.64 #3 1st Prize Olympic Ty. Pachman, Vladimir
83658 1952 h8f4 4588.37 #2 None Helsinki Olympic Ty. Ellerman, Arnoldo
184309 1952 h8h6 1007.01 #2 None L'Echiquier de Paris Wermelinger, Charles
182457 1952-1953 a7f4 4888.25 #2 1/2 Prize Volksgazet TT Piatesi, Antonio
35503 1952-1953 h2e5 4288.13 #2 1/2 Prize Volksgazet TT Petrovic, Nenad
35503 1952-1953 h2e5 4288.13 #2 1/2 Prize Volksgazet TT Petrovic, Nenad
57521 1952-1953 h3e6 4555.25 #2 Sp. Prize Volksgazet TT Michel, Francois
107068 1953 a7d5 4418.37 #3 None Svobodne Slovo Herland, Sigmund
184205 1953 a8c4 4888.13 #2 1st Prize L'Echiquier de Paris Scotti, Louis
18062 1953 c6c4 1728.13 #2 1st Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Hermanson, Halvar
39474 1953 c7d5 4775.54 #3 2nd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Casa, Alex
18087 1953 d3b4 0111.11 #2 None L'Echiquier de Paris Diot, Roger
183052 1953 d7d5 1858.32 #2 2nd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Andersson, Sven Tore
181288 1953 d7g4 1011.01 #3 None Brussels Bukne, Roald
181326 1953 f1e5 1257.43 #2 3rd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Scotti, Louis
39473 1953 g5e4 0885.55 #3 1st Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Schneider, Vilmos
181968 1953 g8c6 0288.11 #2 2/3 HM. Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Monreal, Pierre
14698 1953 h1e5 0472.45 #3 3rd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Morice, Jean
83660 1953 h2f5 1548.45 #2 None Magyar Sakkelet Ellerman, Arnoldo
184135 1953 h3e5 4548.23 #2 None l'Anti-Dual Authier, Gabriel
18063 1953 h8d4 1858.34 #2 4th Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Casa, Alex
181287 1953 h8d5 4478.22 #2 None Brussels Bukne, Roald
61821 1954 a1f5 4585.44 #2 2nd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Groeneveld, Cornelis
36264 1954 a2e4 4558.22 #2 1st Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Groeneveld, Cornelis
161316 1954 a7e4 1888.42 #2 None Die Schwalbe Authier, Gabriel
184307 1954 e1e5 1231.30 #3 None Volksgazet Authier, Gabriel & Servais, Albert
184191 1954 e1h4 1857.03 #2 2nd HM. Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Scotti, Louis
107455 1954 f1d4 1847.12 #2 2nd Prize Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Aschenazi, Marcel
184204 1954 f1d5 1888.13 #2 None Democratie Nouvelle Scotti, Louis
58586 1954 f6e4 1558.27 #2 None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) Scotti, Louis
184060 1954 f8c5 4588.22 #2 None L'Echiquier de Paris Leclercq, M
184190 1954 h2f5 1885.35 #2 1st HM. Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs Hjelle, David

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