Anticipations – #2
243085 Anonymous None Source? 0000
244126 Benedek, Attila None Source? 0000
2077 Brieger, Robert A None Source? 0000
49566 Gold, Samuel None Source? 0000
234881 Haring, Jacobus None Source? 0000
2392 Harth, Arthur R None Source? 0000
50466 Nemo, Ottmar (Weiss, Ottmar) None Source? 0000
142034 Nield, Joshua None Bristol Mercury 0000
181216 Preiswerk, Walther Edouard None Basler Nachrichten 0000
52578 Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander None Source? 0000
234537 Speckmann, Werner None Source? 0000
120762 Vogel, Peter None Source? 0000
120765 Vogel, Peter None Source? 0000
124424 Vogel, Peter None Source? 0000
130620 Vogel, Peter None Source? 0000
96809 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Source? 0000
96812 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Source? 0000
96834 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Source? 0000
149154 Zucker, Manfred None Source? 0000
71182 Lulman, Augustus None Illustrated London News 1848
278420 Brown, Theodore Morris None Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 1860
42024 Campbell, Joseph Graham None The Chess Player's Chronicle (Staunton) 1861
2218 Cook, Eugene Beauharnais None Household Journal 1861
70293 Elsen, J None Source? 1861
207026 Lange, Max None Handbuch der Schachaufgaben (Lange) 1862
194835 Anonymous None Sissa 1864
107709 Bayer, Konrad None Illustrated Family Journal 1865
207126 Clarke, JW None New York Turf, Field and Farm 1866
1977 Cook, Eugene Beauharnais None Dubuque Times 1866
207102 Healey, Frank None A Collection of Two Hundred Chess Problems (Healey) 1866
31032 Loyd, Sam None La Strategie 1867
48033 Loyd, Sam None La Strategie 1867
44560 Courtenay, Edward H None New York Clipper 1868
9304 Courtenay, Edward H None New York Clipper 1868
50031 Loyd, Sam None American Chronicle 1868
110515 Courtenay, Edward H None Brownson's Chess Journal 1870
79537 Carpenter, George Edward None Dubuque Chess Journal 1872
4507 Carpenter, George Edward None Dubuque Chess Journal 1873
4506 Thompson, Theophilus Augustus None Chess Problems by Theophilus A. Thompson 1873
32680 Thompson, Theophilus Augustus None Chess Problems by Theophilus A. Thompson 1873
208116 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None New York Clipper 1874
52607 Abbott, Joseph William None The Chess Player's Chronicle (Sampson) 1875
4528 Blumenthal, Oscar None Osterreichische Schachzeitung 1875
208733 Brown, Theodore Morris None Detroit Free Press 1875
208131 Carpenter, George Edward None Dubuque Chess Journal 1875
208765 Brownson, Orestes Augustus Jr None Chess Problems 1876
59964 Slater, George James None English Mechanic and World of Science 1876
214364 Crane, William None Australian Town and Country Journal 1877
214511 Kanaga, CC None Brownson's Chess Journal 1877
214517 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None Brownson's Chess Journal 1877
120940 Nix, John Gilbert None Chess Journal 1877
214636 van Ess, LA None Chicago Tribune 1877
214456 Foster, Benjamin R None St. Louis Globe Democrat 1878
214368 Hawkins, Xenophon None Detroit Free Press 1878
214590 Rohner, William A None Adelaide Observer 1878
214539 Wash, Benjamin S None New York Turf, Field and Farm 1878
230671 Fisher, JB None English Mechanic and World of Science 1879
23602 Loyd, Sam None Chicago Times 1879
4548 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None Boys' Own Paper 1879
4559 Orsini, Emilio None Nuova Rivista 1879
75330 Orsini, Emilio None English Mechanic and World of Science 1879
167298 Orsini, Emilio None Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi 1879
62402 Rosenbaum, Aleksandr None The Chess Monthly (Hoffer) 1879
150854 Slater, George James None Preston Guardian 1879
9327 Greenwood, William M None Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement 1880
64172 Pierce, James None Illustrated London News 1880
55132 Shinkman, William Anthony None Source? 1880
51071 Spencer, George Burt None Burnley Express 1880
214564 Taylor, Jesse Paul None The Chess Player's Chronicle (Sampson) 1880
9325 Wheeler, Charles Henry None Detroit Free Press 1880
65961 Anonymous None The Chess Monthly (Hoffer) 1881
2289 Crake, James 1st Prize Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi 1881
56206 Ehrenstein, Moritz None Oesterreichische Lesehalle 1881
23002 Hartoch, H & van Zoutevee, ? None Schachkalendar van het Noordelikj SB 1881
142786 Lington, IS None The Chess Player's Chronicle (Sampson) 1881
10952 Loyd, Sam None Detroit Free Press 1881
22515 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi 1881
218488 Anonymous None Boys' Newspaper 1882
218611 Anonymous None Charleston Sunday News 1882
4603 Blumenthal, Oscar None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1882
212972 Blumenthal, Oscar None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1882
4604 West, JG None Game of Chess 1882
222395 Gold, Samuel None 200 Schachaufgaben 1883
91942 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1883
222466 Whitner, HK None Philadelphia Times 1883
31369 Winter-Wood, Edward John None Croydon Guardian 1883
108366 Halkett, James Brooke None Chicago Tribune 1884
222837 Votruba, Anna None Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung 1884
4630 Wiehe, Christian None Nationaltidende 1884
222385 Wiehe, Christian None Nationaltidende 1884
223358 Bobrov, Pavel Pavlovich None Raduga 1885
223055 Cimburek, Ladislav None Brunner Beobachter 1885
220218 Healey, Frank None The Field 1885
24321 Jensen, W None Nord Stierhen 1885
222932 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Magdeburger Zeitung 1885
222931 Pradignat, Emile Leonard None ABC des Echecs 1885
4672 Carpenter, George Edward None International Chess Magazine 1886
223214 Halkett, James Brooke None Nashville Daily American 1886
223105 Lessner, Louise None Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung 1886
142207 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None English Mechanic and World of Science 1886
222934 Uhl, W None Bruderschaft 1886
223290 Wilkins, Henry None Newark Sunday Call 1886
224458 Anonymous None Philadelphia Times 1887
2185 Conroy, JA 2nd Prize Dublin Evening Mail 1887
224218 Fischer, Franz None Illustrirte Familien-Journal (Leipzig) 1887
224641 Gold, Samuel None Charleston Sunday News 1887
262316 Anonymous None The Field 1888
224223 Anonymous None Sonntagsblatt 1888
47351 Drtina, Jan None Zlata Praha 1888
224480 Eccles, Charles W None Philadelphia Times 1888
224472 Fortier, May None Philadelphia Times 1888
108346 Guay, Georges None L'Opinion Publique 1888
224725 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1888
224411 Laub, SP None Glasgow Weekly Citizen 1888
224222 Nosske, Oskar None Baltimore Sunday News 1888
161332 Planck, Charles None Tyneside Review 1888
9440 Heathcote, Godfrey None Pen & Pencil 1889
70467 Taverner, Thomas 1st Prize= Brownson's Chess Journal 07. TT 1889
2847 Decker, Adolfph L None Source? 1890
154095 Galitzky, Aleksandr Vasilevich None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1890
244993 Jonsson, Hermann Leonard None Tidskrift for Schack 1890
2664 Schlechter, Carl None Source? 1890
2293 Cudmore, Henry None Source? 1891
165386 Cudmore, Henry None Chess Player's Annual 1891
4807 Heathcote, Godfrey 1st Prize The Schoolmaster 1891
4775 Locock, Charles Dealtry None England 1891
4790 Locock, Charles Dealtry None Knowledge 1891
109817 Valle, Giovanni Batista None L'arte di costruire 1891
4814 te Kolste, JW None Utrecht Dagblad 1891
137948 Galitzky, Aleksandr Vasilevich None Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1892
137950 Galitzky, Aleksandr Vasilevich None Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1892
249611 Jespersen, Karl Lorenz Jesper None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1892
4870 Maksimov, Nikolai Ivanovich None Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1892
4872 Maksimov, Nikolai Ivanovich None Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1892
4846 Rinck, Henri None La Strategie 1892
142307 Anonymous None St. James' Budget 1893
4908 Potempski, Waclaw None Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1893
143280 White, Alain Campbell None British Chess Magazine 1893
249371 Gold, Samuel None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1894
103198 Maximov, Nikolai J None La Presse 1894
249589 Porst, Jorgen Frederik None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1894
234958 Saunders, FW None Bradford Illustrated Weekly Telegraph 1894
4937 Teed, Frank Melville None Montreal Gazette 1894
102942 Zimmermann, Stepan None Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1894
4953 Blake, Percy Francis None Bradford Observer Budget 1895
143573 Challenger, Alfred Clement None British Chess Magazine 1895
144743 Gittins, Frederick Richard None Hampstead and Highgate Express 1895
147116 Lasker, Emanuel None Baltimore News 1895
4968 Loyd, Sam None New York Commercial Advertiser 1895
158298 Meyer, Max Julius None Manchester Weekly Times 1895
61556 Schuite, FHH None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1895
144526 Wallis, G None Hampstead and Highgate Express 1895
114255 Alisa, S None La Presse 1896
5003 Blake, Percy Francis None The Times Weekly Edition 1896
144061 Hagemann, C None Der kleine Problemfreund 1896
129877 Kondelik, Karel None Nove parizske mody 1896
5002 Maksimov, Nikolai Ivanovich None Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1896
150995 Nesbitt, HA None Hampstead and Highgate Express 1896
78167 Pradignat, Emile Leonard None La Strategie 1896
4991 Wurzburg, Otto None Detroit Free Press 1896
29420 Wurzburg, Otto None Detroit Free Press 1896
94518 Beck, Antonin None Ceske Granaty 1897
107897 Chatillon, Octave H None La Presse 1897
5023 Cisar, Vaclav None Ceske listy sachove 1897
94521 Cisar, Vaclav None Ceske listy sachove 1897
205826 Dougherty, JD None Brisbane Courier 1897
135915 Galitzky, Aleksandr Vasilevich None Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1897
161433 Planck, Charles None Brighton Pavilion 1897
93886 Shoshin, Aleksandr Ivanovich None Ceske listy sachove 1897
5028 Teed, Frank Melville None La Presse 1897
5071 van Dijk, Johannes 1st Prize Tijdschrift vd NSB 1897-1898
120937 Bobrov, Pavel Pavlovich None La Presse 1898
175764 Bobrov, Pavel Pavlovich None Rigaer Tageblatt 1898
95234 Bush, V None Deutsches Wochenschach 1898
178113 Engberg, EW None Philadelphia Times 1898
230682 Gray, Henry None The Field 1898
141860 Lane, Henry Fitzgerald William 1st Prize Liverpool Weekly Mercury 1898
175805 Laws, Benjamin Glover None Philadelphia Times 1898
71177 Mackenzie, Arthur Ford None Birmingham Post 1898
5081 Maksimov, Nikolai Ivanovich None Wiener Schachzeitung 1898
69443 Markx, BJM None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1898
36807 Schultz, Erik Gustav None Skakbladet 1898
175752 Wurzburg, Otto None American Chess Magazine 1898
5102 Colpa, Johannes J None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1899
82465 Havel, Miroslav None Ceske listy sachove 1899
121457 Havelka, Frantisek None Lucan 1899
74263 Hirsch, Abraham None Adevarul de Joi 1899
175509 Lamouroux, D None Philadelphia Times 1899
30528 Mach, Julius Zdenek None Nove parizske mody 1899
248100 Markx, BJM None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1899
5103 Markx, BJM None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1899
121007 Prideaux, Henry Maxwell None The Field 1899
22278 Ropet, Ivan Pavlovic None Novoye Vremya 1899
175442 van Dijk, Johannes None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1899
175443 van Dijk, Johannes None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1899
175635 Anonymous None Philadelphia Times 1900
57017 Baird, Edith Elina Helen (Mrs WJ) None Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News 1900
5138 Cimburek, Ladislav None Sachove listy 1900
175550 Creyghton, JP None De Maasbode 1900
138670 Galitzky, Aleksandr Vasilevich None Odessa Novosti 1900
5137 Havel, Miroslav None Romanleser 1900
137592 Havel, Miroslav None Romanleser 1900
175567 Jespersen, Karl Lorenz Jesper None Wiener Schachzeitung 1900
175656 Maksimov, Nikolai Ivanovich None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1900
178120 Mann, Carel Christiaan Wilhelm None Reclam-Sammlung VI 1900
141339 Siehenschnur, P None Der Reichsbote 1900
178121 Stabenov, Albert None Der Reichsbote 1900
31172 Trcala, Stanislav None Nove parizske mody 1900
148204 Westbury, Eric Ernest None British Chess Magazine 1900
92667 Wurzburg, Otto None Tijdschrift 1900
175526 Zimmermann, Stepan None Source? 1900
175586 van Dijk, Johannes None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1900
180542 Colpa, Johannes J None De Amsterdammer Weekblad voor Nederland 1901
174970 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1901
175008 Goodenough, ? None Philadelphia Times 1901
174945 Kosek, Wojtech None Deutsches Wochenschach 1901
23671 Kuskop, Friedrich Amandus Leopold 2nd Prize Canterbury Times JT 1901
50892 Kuskop, Friedrich Amandus Leopold 1st Prize Canterbury Times JT 1901
256576 Maximov, Nikolai J None Wiener Schachzeitung 1901
174929 Mazel, Eduard None Bohemia 1901
120668 Meredith, William None Checkmate 1901
120666 Meredith, William None Checkmate 1901
164663 Palkoska, Emil None Ceske listy sachove 1901
120949 Wurzburg, Otto None Checkmate 1901
9406 Aschehoug, Herman Weyer Lund None Morgenbladet 1902
175166 Dobbs, J None American Chess World 1902
175058 Drnek, Josef None Nove parizske mody 1902
175211 Johnson, Henry Sparks None Boston Sunday Post 1902
175229 Kosek, Wojtech None Philadelphia Times 1902
175199 Laws, Benjamin Glover None San Francisco Chronicle 1902
41899 Maximov, Nikolai J None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1902
103224 Mazel, Eduard None Wiener Schachzeitung 1902
154519 Moller, J? None Tidskrift for Schack 1902
175226 Polet, Ivan Pavlovich None The Times 1902
17133 Shinkman, William Anthony None Der Westen 1902
175260 Smith, Walter H None San Francisco Chronicle 1902
175113 Taifun, ? None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1902
31183 Trcala, Stanislav None Wiener Schachzeitung 1902
141376 Berry, Charles Vincent E None Brighton Society 1903
56205 Blumenthal, Oscar None Wiener Schachzeitung 1903
129861 Drnek, Josef None Nove parizske mody 1903
151466 Keidanski, Theodore Hermann None Rivista Scacchistica Italiana 1903
17142 Mazel, Frantisek None Wiener Schachzeitung 1903
156284 Meyer, Max Julius None Hampstead and Highgate Express 1903
122244 Wheeler, Charles Henry None Checkmate 1903
260704 de Barbieri, Vittorio None Dom i Svet 1903
178318 van der Holst, H None Morgenbladet 1903
178325 van der Holst, H None Morgenbladet 1903
28686 Anstey, Charles Thomas T None Checkmate 1904
257723 Creyghton, JP None Wiener Schachzeitung 1904
9468 Gold, Samuel None American Chess Bulletin 1904
2409 Howard, Kenneth Samuel None Checkmate 1904
108610 Kennard, Walter Irving None Checkmate 1904
9471 Libby, F None Birmingham Post 1904
156399 Meyer, Max Julius None Leeds Mercury 1904
181077 Prikryl, Bohuzlav None Munchner Zeitung 1904
181163 Simplex None Revue d'Echecs 1904
181089 Tempora mutantur None Revue d'Echecs 1904
160830 Williams, Philip Hamilton None Reading Observer 1904
181144 van Dijk, Johannes None Utrecht Dagblad 1904
155472 Allen, JW None British Chess Magazine 1905
66363 Braune, Robert 10th HM. Leipziger Tageblatt und Handelszeitung 1905
155445 Daniel, Arthur William None British Chess Magazine 1905
120114 Drnek, Josef None Nove parizske mody 1905
121530 Drnek, Josef None Nove parizske mody 1905
181896 Jorgensen, Johs None Skakbladet 1905
181897 Mach, Julius Zdenek None Sport a hry 1905
181804 Palkoska, Emil None Bs 1905
167279 Rydle, D None Nedele 1905
181855 Ursic, Andrej Anton None Wiener Schachzeitung 1905
181844 Vasques, Julio None Os Sports 1905
181769 Volf, Josef None Lidove noviny 1905
181830 van Dijk, Johannes None De Telegraaf 1905
182370 Bobrov, Pavel Pavlovich None Deutsches Wochenschach 1906
182226 Drnek, Josef None Nove parizske mody 1906
182227 Dutschke, Rudolf None Der Reichsbote 1906
119986 Esslinger, Fritz None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1906
148061 Forster, Fritz None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1906
182224 Holzman, Josef None Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu 1906
127174 Lichtenberger, Clara E Prize Revista da Semana 1906
60639 McIntyre, Donald Glenoe None Cape Times 1906
182347 Merenyi, Lajos None Magyar Sakklap 1906
182361 Merenyi, Lajos None Magyar Sakklap 1906
182379 Merenyi, Lajos None Pesti Naplo 1906
182335 Popp, Johannes None Armee Schachzeitung 1906
109820 Rohr, Hugo None ABC des Echecs 1906
182229 Schroder, Heinrich None Rivista Scacchistica Italiana 1906
47232 Spencer, George Burt None St. Paul's Dispatch 1906
182373 Teign, Angul None Copenhagen 1906
120807 Thomson, Robert Gavin None Hobbies 1906
49145 Ursic, Andrej Anton None Munchner Neueste Nachrichten 1906
182362 Wyschogrod, Pal None Pesti Naplo 1906
200485 van Dijk, Johannes None Op de Hoogte 1906
158214 Andrews, JT None British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 1906-1907
158163 Daniel, Arthur William None British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 1906-1907
158166 Hickox, EB None British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 1906-1907
158655 Pape, Edouard None British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 1906-1907
145122 Schuld, Henk L None British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 1906-1907
158307 van Dijk, Johannes None British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 1906-1907
49193 Anonymous None De Schaakcourant 1907
183114 Baird, Edith Elina Helen (Mrs WJ) None Morning Post 1907
9653 Blumenthal, Oscar None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1907
183106 Blumenthal, Oscar None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1907
121425 Cumpe, Josef None Bohemia 1907
183108 Daniel, Arthur William None Illustrated London News 1907
183219 Gold, Samuel None Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung 1907
183211 Hansen, Lorenz None Philadelphia Inquirer 1907
50715 Henry, Eugene None Chess Amateur (The) 1907
92866 Herland, Sigmund None Tidskrift for Schack 1907
9647 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None Nottinghamshire Guardian 1907
9655 Loyd, Sam None St. Louis Globe Democrat 1907
144059 Magner, Siegfried None Deutsches Wochenschach 1907
156495 Meyer, Max Julius None W Marks Chess Club, Belfast 1907
183206 Miskolczy, Antal None Pesti Naplo 1907
183169 Palkoska, Emil None Narodni Politika 1907
121460 Pradignat, Emile Leonard None La Strategie 1907
183226 Ramsey, Robert Henry None Philadelphia Inquirer 1907
183236 Reichhelm, Gustavus Charles None Philadelphia Inquirer 1907
93234 Scheel, Johan None Norsk Skakbladet 1907
49149 Schuld, Henk L None Nederlandse Schaakbond 1907
31198 Trcala, Stanislav None Lidove noviny 1907
151464 Alvey, George Clarence Vincent None Hobbies 1908
151470 Beckers, Franz None Tagliche Rundschau 1908
93742 Cumpe, Josef None Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu 1908
184738 Decker, Adolfph L None La Strategie 1908
9708 Drnek, Josef None Nove parizske mody 1908
154456 Hoeg, Nils None Norsk Sjakkblad 1908
184803 Jewetsky, Feodor Orestovich None 125 Shakhmaty Zadachi (Eventski) 1908
184810 Jewetsky, Feodor Orestovich None 125 Shakhmaty Zadachi (Eventski) 1908
121474 Jewetzky, Orest None Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1908
9707 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None Nottinghamshire Guardian 1908
184888 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None Boys' Own Paper 1908
9679 Schlechter, Carl None Allgemeine Sportzeitung 1908
184792 Schuster, Zsigmond None Vasarnapi Ujsag 1908
184881 Westberg, CE None Tidskrift for Schack 1908
24207 Zimmermann, Stepan None Sport a hry 1908
184830 van Dijk, Johannes None Het Familieblad 1908
167288 Stout, Heel None La Strategie 1908-1910
49829 Anonymous 1st Prize Tagliche Rundschau 1909
9736 Bull, Cecil Alfred Lucas None Chess Amateur (The) 1909
102776 Elkhan, Alexander A None Revue d'Echecs 1909
187622 Fleckner, Otto None Frankisches Volksblatt 1909
255060 Frankenstein, Josef None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1909
187704 Gold, Samuel None Neues Wiener Tageblatt 1909
169420 Hawes, Frederick Thomas None The Leader 1909
187817 Hoffmann, Karoly None Pesti Naplo 1909
107321 Kintzig, Robert None Vasarnapi Ujsag 1909
187612 Mazel, Eduard None Wiener Schachzeitung 1909
143992 Ohlsson, Anders V None Tidskrift for Schack 1909
120716 Scheel, Johan None Morgenbladet 1909
63480 Schumer, Jacob None Chess Amateur (The) 1909
148062 Souza Campoo, A None Rivista Scacchistica Italiana 1909
187765 Ursic, Andrej Anton None Skakbladet 1909
78148 de Villeneuve-Esclapon, Jean None L'Echiquier Francais 1909
9829 Cimburek, Ladislav None Tidskrift for Schack 1910
64048 Fisher, Max None Chess Amateur (The) 1910
28303 Fuss, Otto None Hannover Courier 1910
187969 Havasi, Kornel None Pesti Naplo 1910
187887 Koetsheid, Petrus Albertus None Hamburg Ty. 1910
9794 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None 150 exzentrische Schachaufgaben 1910
187867 Larsen, Peder Andreas None Tidskrift for Schack 1910
120125 Ludanyi, Antal None Deutsches Wochenschach 1910
9808 Mach, Julius Zdenek None Deutsche Schachbund 1910
187893 Modin, Carl Edvin None Aftonbladet 1910
9825 Munck, Laurits Andreas None Skakbladet 1910
164753 Pauly, Wolfgang None Das Interessante Blatt 1910
120718 Scheel, Johan None Social Demokraten 1910
121470 Smutny, Jan None Tidskrift for Schack 1910
187976 von Sponer, Gyorgy Janos Andor None Pesti Naplo 1910
115455 Carpenter, George Edward None La Presse 1911
108277 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None La Presse 1911
189460 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None Tidskrift for Schack 1911
189667 Gross, Izidor None Magyar Sakkvilag 1911
18999 Heathcote, Godfrey 4th Prize Hampstead and Highgate Express 1911
95240 Herland, Sigmund None Deutsches Wochenschach 1911
130181 Legentil, Georges None Journal de Rouen 1911
189471 Ludanyi, Antal 1st Prize Az Ujsag 1911
189454 Maksimov, Nikolai Ivanovich None Deutsches Wochenschach 1911
189438 Maukisch, A None Das neue illustrierte Blatt 1911
189474 Modin, Carl Edvin None Nordisk Schackforbund 1911
93878 Scheel, Johan None Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu 1911
189429 Stanek, Tomas None Lidove noviny 1911
102140 Strong, H None Reading Observer 1911
189559 Zalkind, Lazar Borissovich None Tidskrift for Schack 1911
189684 Battinelli, A 3rd Prize L'Italia Scacchistica 1912
147952 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None Neuburger Wochenschach 1912
121453 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Bohemia 1912
149552 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1912
255818 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None Wiener Schachzeitung 1912
189784 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) HM. Budapesti Sakkor 1912
108169 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Tygodnik Illustrowany 1912
82506 Havel, Miroslav None Svetozor 1912
189750 Henriksen, Thorleif Cammillo Prize Budapesti Sakkor 1912
142268 Lane, Henry Fitzgerald William None Western Daily Mercury 1912
19123 Larsen, Peder Andreas None Skakbladet 1912
189692 Letzin, Gustav None Deutsche Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1912
189720 Merenyi, Lajos 8th HM. Karolyvarosi Sahovski Klub 1912
19071 Ognjanovic, Z None Dom i Svet 1912
189680 Schlund, H None Source? 1912
189845 Simon, Aurel None Pesti Naplo 1912
189734 Ursic, Andrej Anton None Munchner Neueste Nachrichten 1912
189685 Weyl, Paul None Leipziger Tageblatt 1912
121467 Zalkind, Lazar Borissovich None La Strategie 1912
190112 Blake, Percy Francis None Magyar Sakkujsag 1913
120007 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1913
189972 Freimann, Fritz None La Strategie 1913
190197 Freimans, E None Latvija 1913
190048 Gold, Zsigmund None Capablanca Magazine 1913
189986 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Tidskrift for Schack 1913
190141 Herland, Sigmund None Magyar Sakkvilag 1913
190173 Kosiner, Sandor None Magyar Sakkujsag 1913
189961 Larsen, Karl Adolf Koefoed None Skakbladet 1913
121519 Mach, Julius Zdenek None Lidove noviny 1913
190113 Olasz, Imre None Magyar Sakkujsag 1913
129852 Palkoska, Emil None Munchner Neueste Nachrichten 1913
20893 Palkoska, Emil None Narodni Politika 1913
190187 Papp, Istvan None Pesti Naplo 1913
189967 Ringier-Tschudi, Adolf None Schachprobleme 1913
189978 Ringier-Tschudi, Adolf None Schachprobleme und Problemchen 1913
102155 Scheel, Johan None Nya Dagligt Allehanda 1913
189960 Semerad, Bohumil None Delnicke listy 1913
143646 Togstad, Jacob J None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1913
190167 Turnbull, William Peverill None Chess Amateur (The) 1913
51031 Williams, PS None The Inquirer 1913
190043 Wirtz, JBA None Magyar Sakkvilag 1913
190106 van Beek, Huibrecht None Magyar Sakkvilag 1913
193337 Broholm, Jacob Andersen None Skakbladet 1914
193345 Dunka, Gyorgy Jusztin None Arbeiter Zeitung 1914
150520 Fink, Adolf Jay None Good Companions (October) 1914
183464 Green, S (= Laws, BG) None British Chess Magazine 1914
120153 Owen, Leonard E None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1914
40130 Pauly, Wolfgang None Breslauer Zeitung 1914
20920 Salthouse, Thomas None Falkirk Herald 1914
193351 Stanek, Tomas None Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu 1914
141337 Anonymous None Brisbane Courier 1915
135310 Borders, Reginald W None The Field 1915
193576 Faber, R None Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant 1915
193481 Gundersen, Gunnar None Australasian (The) 1915
21036 Jacometti, L None L'Italia Scacchistica 1915
255110 Kletter, T None Wiener Schachzeitung 1915
178324 Langsand, R None Morgenbladet 1915
183663 Morgan, Philip None British Chess Magazine 1915
20985 Opdenoordt, Joseph J None De Maasbode 1915
193607 Perlis, Julius None Neuigkeits Weltblatt 1915
148428 Shinkman, William Anthony None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1915
193603 Wastl, Rudolf None Pesti Naplo 1915
193658 Wastl, Rudolf None Pesti Naplo 1915
153512 Anonymous None Good Companions (February) 1916
120132 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None Tidskrift for Schack 1916
193821 Faber, R None Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant 1916
193803 Gold, Samuel None Brooklyn Eagle 1916
21120 Havel, Miroslav 3rd Prize Tidskrift for Schack 1916
193929 Hody, Janos None Pesti Naplo 1916
193956 Hoeg, Nils None Horsens Avis 1916
193733 Laue, Kurt None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1916
193920 Lauritzen, Oskar Georg None Illustrated Family Journal 1916
193729 Massmann, Wilhelm Karl Heinrich None Deutsche Schachblatter 1916
193864 Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig None Chess Amateur (The) 1916
193883 Robinson, Frank None Brisbane Courier 1916
193728 von Dehn, Bodo None Teplitz-Schonauer Anzeiger 1916
194020 Belli, Nicolo None L'Italia Scacchistica 1917
244988 Berger, Johann Nepomuk 1st Prize Tidskrift for Schack 1917
174009 Bottacchi, Antonio None Il Secolo 1917
145899 Bourne, Stanley 3rd HM. Good Companions (December Meredith Ty.) 1917
194107 Breyer, Gyula None Magyar Sakkvilag 1917
80442 Corrias, Antonio G 3/4 Prize Good Companions (December Meredith Ty.) 1917
194195 Flemin, Karl None Fyens Stifstidende 1917
72690 Foschini, Ettore None Good Companions (February) 1917
145907 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Good Companions (December Meredith Ty.) 1917
194103 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Tidskrift for Schack 1917
194131 Hartong, Jan None Rostra Gymnasiorum 1917
194171 Janet, Frank None Pittsburgh Sun 1917
194260 Janet, Frank None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1917
194052 Johansson, Uno HM. Tidskrift for Schack 1917
166257 Kauder, Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1917
194055 Lindgren, Frithiof None Stockholm Almane Schachklub 1917
194056 Lindgren, Frithiof None Dagens Nyheder 1917
194199 Musketier, Thomas None Rhein-Westphalische Zeitung 1917
3048 Palitzsch, Friedrich Martin None Deutsches Wochenschach 1917
121444 Palitzsch, Friedrich Martin None Deutsches Wochenschach 1917
194214 Palitzsch, Friedrich Martin None Deutsches Wochenschach 1917
194217 Palitzsch, Friedrich Martin None Deutsches Wochenschach 1917
194220 Palitzsch, Friedrich Martin None Deutsches Wochenschach 1917
194106 Palkoska, Emil None Narodni Politika 1917
194004 Sigmond, G None Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad 1917
21242 Tolosa y Carreras, Jose None Problemas de Ajedrez 1917
21245 Tolosa y Carreras, Jose None Problemas de Ajedrez 1917
21246 Tolosa y Carreras, Jose None Problemas de Ajedrez 1917
179591 Weenink, Henri Gerard Maria None Op de Hoogte 1917
194285 Weingruber, Istvan None Magyar Sakkvilag 1917
21141 Williams, Philip Hamilton None Chess Amateur (The) 1917
71194 Williams, Philip Hamilton None Chess Amateur (The) 1917
195085 Beach, Lennox F None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1918
89394 Berg, Ludwig None Zlata Praha 1918
89393 Berg, Ludwig None Zlata Praha 1918
21272 Bernard, Henry D'Oyly None Chess Amateur (The) 1918
153490 Betts, Frederick Charles None Fraternity Saturday 1918
149412 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Sammler 1918
21401 Hannemann, Knud Harald None Skakbladet 1918
64310 Havel, Miroslav None Besedy lidu 1918
653 Healey, Percy E None British Chess Magazine 1918
195234 Huebner, M None Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schachbundes 1918
101357 Janet, Frank None Good Companions 1918
146362 Kemp, Charles Edward 2nd Prize Sussex Chess Problem Society 1918
195072 Keysor, William Ellis None Brisbane Courier 1918
194916 Knotek, Ladislav None Svetozor 1918
21405 Lindgren, Frithiof None Svenska Dagbladet 1918
102294 Loven, E None Dagens Nyheter 1918
195071 Reichert, Wilhelm None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1918
195113 Shinkman, William Anthony None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1918
195099 Wastl, Rudolf None Reichspost 1918
3133 Williams, Philip Hamilton None Sussex Chess Problem Fraternity 1918
195059 Wurzburg, Otto None Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1918
196911 Bland, Jas None British Chess Magazine 1919
80770 Bottacchi, Antonio None Good Companions (February) 1919
196966 Brogi, Giuseppe None Brisbane Courier 1919
159647 Campbell, AWD Comm. BCPJ (May) 1919
197006 Carpenter, George Edward None American Chess Bulletin 1919
196893 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1919
196884 Fischer, Hieronymus None Deutsches Wochenschach 1919
121391 Fisher, F None Deutsches Wochenschach 1919
100943 Fontana, Alessandro None Good Companions 1919
196682 Friedlander, Louis None Chess Poetry 1919
47406 Gordon, Bert F None Good Companions (April) 1919
196719 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Tidskrift for Schack 1919
137140 Guerin, J 3rd HM. Sunday Times 1919
196841 Hoeg, Nils None Skakbladet 1919
196696 Janet, Frank None Good Companions 1919
196971 Keysor, William Ellis None Brisbane Courier 1919
196940 Moller, Jorgen Thorvald None Skakbladet 1919
21447 Scheel, Johan None Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu 1919
196937 Sidlauer, Karoly None Magyar Sakkvilag 1919
196802 St Maurice, Charles-Ephrem None Montreal Press 1919
196840 Villaret, Albert None Deutsches Wochenschach 1919
21487 Weenink, Henri Gerard Maria None Good Companions (April) 1919
148146 Boros, Sandor None Daily Telegraph 1920
173988 Bottacchi, Antonio None L'Illustrazione Italiana 1920
198412 Dehler, Otto Georg Edgar None Bekes 1920
145225 Funk, Henry E None Australasian (The) 1920
217617 Greig, EA None British Chess Magazine 1920
198169 Guidelli, Giorgio None Hampshire Telegraph and Post 1920
146413 Kemp, Charles Edward None Manchester City News 1920
198392 Madsen, Arthur Valdemar None Hvar a Dag 1920
101159 Niemeijer, Meindert None Good Companions 1920
75889 Owen, Rev Wilfred T None The Tablet 1920
198315 Reshevsky, Samual Herman None American Chess Bulletin 1920
109336 Scheel, Johan None Tidens Tegn 1920
198234 Vinken, J 2nd Prize Nieuwe Haarlemsche Courant 1920
198114 Wastl, Rudolf None Neuwieder Zeitung 1920
148063 Anonymous None Manchester Weekly Times 1921
145656 Bridgwater, Ralph Herbert None Birmingham Post 1921
100866 Carpenter, George Edward None Good Companions 1921
195752 Cauveren, Jonas Ephraim None Haagsche Post 1921
149379 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1921
75979 Flynn, Father P None The Tablet 1921
198648 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Tygodnik Illustrowany 1921
73187 Hume, George None Chess Amateur (The) 1921
198649 Kraemer, Adolf Herrmann Rudolf Ferdinand None Deutsche Tageszeitung 1921
21885 Larsen, Karl Adolf Koefoed None Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snallposten 1921
175709 Link, Otto None Vidi vici auf dem Schachbrett 1921
198642 Link, Otto None Vidi vici auf dem Schachbrett 1921
92286 Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R None Schweizerische Schach. 1921
198768 Rottigni, GE None L'Alfiere di Re 1921
198900 Vesz, Tibor None Bekes 1921
202301 de Barbieri, Vittorio Comm. Il Secolo 1921-1923
59337 Ellerman, Arnoldo 1st Prize Brisbane Courier 1922
76021 Flynn, Father P None The Tablet 1922
201425 Grabowski, Kazimierz None Teplitz-Schonauer Anzeiger 1922
21927 Jakab, Arpad 3rd HM. Good Companions 1922
65303 Jakab, Arpad None Good Companions (April) 1922
21976 Ludanyi, Antal None The Field 1922
258923 Melvin, Herbert A ('Hamel' or Zaak, HA) None Western Morning News 1922
165089 Prytz, Rudolf None Skakbladet 1922
201343 Schaale, R None Dresdner Anzeiger 1922
259565 Somma, Francesco None Teplitz-Chemnitzer Anzeiger 1922
201596 Stepanek, B None Studentsky casopis 1922
201576 Votruba, Otakar None Ceskoslovenska republika 1922
21961 van Eelde, Antonie Clarus Johannes None Hull Times 1922
195293 Brummelman, Derk Hendrikus (AKA Bruma, DH) None Haagsche Courant 1923
56686 Cavrel, Edouard None Bulletin de la FFE 1923
37981 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1923
149370 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Heilbronner Generalanzeiger 1923
149372 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Hausschatz 1923
92257 Dehler, Otto Georg Edgar None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1923
93158 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None Tidskrift for Schack 1923
56682 Goetz, A None Bulletin de la FFE 1923
202241 Henke, Walter None Dresdner Anzeiger 1923
202419 Henke, Walter None Dresdner Anzeiger 1923
202606 Henke, Walter None Dresdner Anzeiger 1923
202250 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None Chess Amateur (The) 1923
185898 Kraemer, Adolf Herrmann Rudolf Ferdinand None Basler Nachrichten 1923
21999 Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur L None De Tribune 1923
22033 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Magdeburger Zeitung 1923
202649 Langstaff, William A None Chess Amateur (The) 1923
56675 Legentil, Georges None Bulletin de la FFE 1923
140802 Letzen, Greta None Svenska Dagbladet 1923
202552 Morgner, Willy None Gelsenkirchener allgemeine Zeitung 1923
202255 Renaud, Georges None Chess Amateur (The) 1923
160177 Rutberg, Nils None Tidskrift for Schack 1923
160617 Schmittfull, A 1st HM. Feuille d'Avis de Lausanne 1923
75104 Schumer, Jacob None Weekly Westminster 1923
104583 Simkhovich, Froim Markovich None Soroca Ty. 1923
28734 St Maurice, Charles-Ephrem None La Patrie 1923
28904 St Maurice, Charles-Ephrem None La Presse 1923
202247 Weiss, Berthold None Heilbronner Generalanzeiger 1923
47737 Beck, Gyula None Western Morning News 1924
259534 Bonavia-Hunt, Rev Noel Aubrey None Western Morning News 1924
71344 Boros, Sandor None Nepszava 1924
150335 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None Pittsburgh Sun 1924
149207 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1924
259330 Delpy, Egbert None Western Morning News 1924
22068 Gabler, Armin None Chemnitzer Tageblatt 1924
22054 Guidelli, Giorgio None L'Alfiere di Re 1924
203312 Guidelli, Giorgio None L'Alfiere di Re 1924
203643 Henke, Walter None Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1924
22080 Lester, William Edward None Empire Review 1924
203308 Lobel, Emil 2nd HM. Pfalzische Ty. 1924
178323 Michelsen, Olav None Morgenbladet 1924
22075 Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R None Chess Amateur (The) 1924
203496 Ochsendorf, K None Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1924
22076 Onitiu, Valerian None Chess Amateur (The) 1924
119959 Palatz, Franz Ferdinand Ludwig None Chess Amateur (The) 1924
22122 Pauly, Wolfgang None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1924
203397 Prokes, Ladislav None Studentsky casopis 1924
203462 Weisz, Odon None Nepszava 1924
203213 Westarp, Anton None Beckumer Zeitung 1924
157400 Winter-Wood, Edward John None L'Echiquier 1924
205509 Beck, Gyula None Source? 1925
206712 Beck, Gyula None Nepszava 1925
205572 Berhausen, Fritz None Deutsche Schachblatter 1925
669 Bonner Feast, Frederick None British Chess Magazine 1925
206456 Boros, Sandor HM. Karlovac Ty. 1925
173606 Boros, Sandor 2nd Prize Arbeiter Schach Internationale 1925
173616 Boros, Sandor None Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1925
205801 Carlstrom, G None Schackvarlden 1925
206715 Csontos, Jeno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1925
149164 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1925
205518 Demasure, Armand None L'Echiquier 1925
56805 Durebert, ? None Bulletin de la FFE 1925
206388 Ellerman, Arnoldo Comm. Guidelli MT (L'Alfiere di Re) 1925
139914 Fiocati, Francisco None La Strategie 1925
205554 Fuhrer, Viktor None Arbeiter Schachzeitung (Wien) 1925
129887 Gavrilov, Constantin Grigorievich None Revista de Sah 1925
206553 Gross, Otto None Wiener Schachzeitung 1925
206673 Harcz, Karoly None Magyar Sakkvilag 1925
206705 Harder, Karl None Frankische Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1925
206283 Henke, Karl None Funkschach 1925
99664 Hoffenreich, Sandor None Magyar Sakkvilag 1925
205551 Ianovcic, Anatole Felix None Revista de Sah 1925
206296 Jakubzik, Alfred None Funkschach 1925
17152 Kalina, Vasily Emanuilovich None 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1925
99977 Katko, Imre None Magyar Sakkvilag 1925
205557 Lazard, Frederic None La Strategie 1925
206575 Lohndorf, Carl None Funkschach 1925
206310 Mari, Alberto None L'Illustrazione Italiana 1925
142069 Martin, Philip None Illustrated London News 1925
121484 Moller, Ferdinand Friedrich None Basler Nachrichten 1925
206473 Nanning, Willem None De Maasbode 1925
206593 Ovchinnikov, Valentin N None 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1925
205508 Palitzsch, Friedrich Martin None Schackvarlden 1925
205688 Schluter, Walter Hermann Karl None Aftonbladet 1925
206740 Schneider, Stefan None Reichspost 1925
17177 Schonberger, Tibor None Chemnitzer Wochenschach (Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz) 1925
205541 Schonberger, Tibor None L'Echiquier Marseillais 1925
205495 Schonberger, Tibor None L'Echiquier Marseillais 1925
205535 Schonberger, Tibor None L'Echiquier Marseillais 1925
206689 Seyfert, B None Bitterfelder Anzeiger 1925
206599 Sonnenfeld, Pal None Nepszava 1925
205689 Steding, H None Funkschach 1925
92914 Svedberg, John Arvid None Schackvarlden 1925
206525 Szasz, Lajos None Uj Nemezdek 1925
157241 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1925
206746 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Eskilstuna Kuriren 1925
205516 Ullrich, Ewald None Dresdner Anzeiger 1925
77909 Zalkind, Lazar Borissovich 4th Prize 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1925
77968 Zalkind, Lazar Borissovich None Shakhmaty 1925
17214 Schonberger, Tibor 1st Prize Le Soleil de Marseille TT 1925-1926
17215 von Wardener, Friedrich Freiherr 2nd Prize Le Soleil de Marseille TT 1925-1926
6069 Alexander, Frederick Forrest Lawrie None The Problemist 1926
147569 Alexander, Frederick Forrest Lawrie None Bristol Times and Mirror 1926
227446 Balik, Josef None Prachensky kraj 1926
227651 Ballo, Gyorgy None Nepszava 1926
173590 Boros, Sandor None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
173745 Boros, Sandor HM. Neue Leipziger Zeitung 1926
23431 Boros, Sandor & Lazard, Frederic None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227453 Brixi, Heinz None Das Ratsel 1926
5988 Brunner, Erich Anselm Sp. Prize Chemnitzer Wochenschach (Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz) 1926
174121 Buchner, Richard None Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1926
267576 Ceriani, Luigi None Chemnitzer Tageblatt 1926
227883 Cristoffanini, Guido & Pasella, Alfonso None Revista de Sah 1926
223475 Dahl, Hans None Funkschach 1926
229045 Dohrn-Luttgens, Julius 8th HM. 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1926
276561 Easter, Norris None Western Morning News 1926
227718 Ferenczi, Istvan None Nepszava 1926
143902 Filaretov, Sergei P None L'Echiquier 1926
223472 Folkmann, Martin None Funkschach 1926
5995 Fuchs, Georges Matthieu None Chess Amateur (The) 1926
213825 Hane, Johannes None Funkschach 1926
227725 Hansen, Borge None Illustrated Family Journal 1926
99603 Harcz, Karoly None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227834 Harcz, Karoly None Uj Nemezdek 1926
227504 Harder, Karl None Volk und Zeit 1926
223479 Henning, Hans None Funkschach 1926
227471 Hultberg, Gustav Herbert None Schackvarlden 1926
223473 Keirans, Peteris None Funkschach 1926
227885 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Revista Romana de Sah 1926
6076 Langstaff, William A None The Problemist 1926
227644 Langweil, Walter None Sachovy Svet 1926
227921 Langweil, Walter None Sudetendeutsche Schachblatter 1926
227757 Lazard, Frederic None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227679 Lazard, Frederic None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
108837 Legentil, Georges None Journal de Rouen 1926
108846 Legentil, Georges None Journal de Rouen 1926
227663 Leopold, Dr Rudolf L None Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz 1926
146824 Levman, Semyon Semyonovich 4th Prize L'Italia Scacchistica 1926
227672 Lies, Heinz None Arbeiter Shachzeitung (Chemnitz) 1926
76207 Lupton, James Money-Kyrle None The Tablet 1926
141436 Midwinter, B None The Referee 1926
222235 Mumme, W None Funkschach 1926
227673 Neuhaus, Herbert None Arbeiter Shachzeitung (Chemnitz) 1926
64275 Nield, Joshua None Bolton Football and Field 1926
142031 Nield, Joshua None Bolton Football and Field 1926
156497 Packer, GFH None Grantham Journal 1926
227463 Pape, Edouard None L'Echiquier Marseillais 1926
227476 Persson, Ragnar None Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snallposten 1926
227759 Pikler, Robert None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227459 Roscher, Willy None Der Hammer 1926
227462 Roscher, Willy None Frankische Tagespost 1926
223485 Rosenkilde, D Harry None Funkschach 1926
227728 Schiffert, Gyorgy None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227692 Schiffert, Gyorgy None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227487 Schlarko, Iosif None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
22387 Schonberger, Tibor & Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227674 Schulz, Ernst None Arbeiter Shachzeitung (Chemnitz) 1926
52922 Sola, Pentti Olavi None Suomen Shakki 1926
227722 Sonnenfeld, Pal None Nepszava 1926
223474 Springer, Franz None Funkschach 1926
17254 Stocchi, Ottavio None L'Avvenire d'Italia 1926
203835 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1926
227628 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz 1926
227449 Traxler, Karel Peter None Prachensky kraj 1926
227676 Wortmann, H None Arbeiter Shachzeitung (Chemnitz) 1926
227488 de Jong, Leonard Nicholaas None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1926
163326 von Holzhausen, Walther Freiherr None Hamburger Nachrichten 1926
32849 von Szasz, Lajos None Ujsag 1926
231095 Ballo, Gyorgy & Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1927
44072 Beecken, H None Brisbane Referee 1927
174149 Buchner, Richard None Dresdner Volkszeitung 1927
63888 Buchwald, Julius Comm. Midweek Sports Referee 1927
76322 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1927
231074 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None Asymmetry 1927
231658 Doglioni, Ferenc None Zaszlonk 1927
231389 Dulcsan, Geza None Nepszava 1927
22404 Euwe, Max None Kikeriki 1927
278112 Fuchs, Georges Matthieu None Western Morning News 1927
102146 Giobel, Bengt Rudolf None Svenska Dagbladet 1927
231145 Giobel, Bengt Rudolf None Aftonbladet 1927
34440 Giobel, Bengt Rudolf None Tidskrift for Schack 1927
76387 Gunning, Rev P None The Tablet 1927
151482 Guyter, JK HM. The Referee 1927
6167 Kainer, Cenek None Prager Presse 1927
216435 Kalina, Vasily Emanuilovich None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1927
102929 Kraemer, Wilhelm None Pittsburgh Sunday Post 1927
231092 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Falkirk Herald 1927
231601 Larsson, Bror None Aftonbladet 1927
231086 Lebedev, Viacheslav Aleksandr None Neue Leipziger Zeitung 1927
108845 Legentil, Georges None Journal de Rouen 1927
120642 Legentil, Georges None Le Havre Eclair 1927
6185 Lindgren, Frithiof None Svenska Dagbladet 1927
68438 Lo Kam Woon None Singapore Free Press 1927
231209 Lohk, Hans Erik None Postimees 1927
231267 Loveiko, Franz Kazimirovic 3rd HM. Zadachi i Etyudi 1927
231268 Loveiko, Franz Kazimirovic 4th HM. Zadachi i Etyudi 1927
250141 Loveiko, Franz Kazimirovic 4th Prize Shakhmatny Listok 1927
31078 Mansfield, Comins None The Problemist 1927
278599 Mortimer, Ernest Clement None Western Morning News 1927
231243 Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R None Revista de Sah 1927
77239 Pape, Edouard None L'Echiquier Marseillais 1927
231390 Pikler, Robert None Pesti Naplo 1927
231529 Pikler, Robert None Magyar Sakkvilag 1927
23345 Posessor, V None Protetarskaya pravda 1927
231505 Prokes, Ladislav None Jas 1927
151484 Ravizza, A None The Referee 1927
160175 Rohr, Hugo None La Strategie 1927
231534 Schiffert, Gyorgy None Magyar Sakkvilag 1927
28736 St Maurice, Ephrem None La Presse 1927
231572 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Eskilstuna Kuriren 1927
231573 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Eskilstuna Kuriren 1927
231593 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snallposten 1927
231625 Trugly, Pal None Zaszlonk 1927
231085 Vandenbussche, O None Le Grognard 1927
231139 Werle, Allan Theodor None Hvar a Dag 1927
105663 Anonymous None Vita Postelegrafonica 1927-1929
80835 Akerblom, Johan Axel None Sodra Delarnes Tidning 1928
144915 Barry, John Finan None Daily Telegraph 1928
267493 Ceriani, Luigi None L'Echiquier 1928
89799 Fayek Beni, HT None Die Schwalbe 1928
155733 Giobel, Bengt Rudolf None Aftonbladet 1928
60143 Grunfeld, Max Highly Comm. Brisbane Courier 1928
108831 Legentil, Georges None Le Havre Eclair 1928
108835 Legentil, Georges None Le Havre Eclair 1928
32391 Lodewijk, E None De Problemist 1928
47557 Matthews, R None Falkirk Herald 1928
227261 May, G & May, Luigi None Die Schwalbe 1928
28877 McTavish, Duncan None Manitoba Free Press 1928
6310 Naidin, VS 4th Prize Rezetsj 1928
58111 Paros, Gyorgy 2nd HM. Magyar Sakkvilag 1928
6267 Pikler, Robert None Die Schwalbe 1928
178322 Restad, Birger None Morgenbladet 1928
24909 Schiffert, Gyorgy None Uj Nemezdek 1928
6233 Schiffmann, Israel Abraham Sp. Prize Chess Amateur (The) 1928
184466 Stubbs, Arthur Goodwin None The Observer 1928
241772 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1928
152654 Thain, JO None The Referee 1928
6333 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik Sp. Prize Svenska Dagbladet 1928
220395 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Die Schwalbe 1928
147140 Wernicke, Adolf 1st Prize Deutsche Arbeiter Schachklub Kreis 1928
220699 Zepler, Erich Ernest None Die Schwalbe 1928
184363 de Szasz, L None The Observer 1928
81448 Akerblom, Johan Axel & Boswell, Edward None Svenska Dagbladet 1929
129812 Bostrom, Ernst None Svedsky svaz 1929
76425 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1929
95754 Ceriani, Luigi None L'Italia Scacchistica 1929
93154 Cimburek, Ladislav None Schackvarlden 1929
99607 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None Magyar Sakkvilag 1929
149134 Dehler, Ernst Georg None Munchner Post 1929
60792 Fredrikson, EG None Schackvarlden 1929
6487 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) None Vecherni Moskva 1929
38283 Hermanson, Halvar None Svenska Dagbladet 1929
269209 Kalinin, Aleksandr Konstantinovich None Leninskie Iskra 1929
54276 Kamstra, Hendrik Hermanus None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1929
46961 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None Le Salut Public 1929
23348 Kreinin, SL None Luganskaya Pravda 1929
71199 Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur L None Krasnaya gazeta 1929
76417 Lakeland, Rev T None The Tablet 1929
103272 Madsen, Arthur Valdemar None Nationaltidende 1929
137402 May, G & May, Luigi None Die Schwalbe 1929
6393 Nemo, Ottmar (Weiss, Ottmar) None Die Schwalbe 1929
6383 O'Sylva, D None Chess Amateur (The) 1929
120000 Prokes, Ladislav None Sokolske besedy 1929
180123 Rduch, Frantisek None Die Schwalbe 1929
137506 Renaud, Georges None La Vie Rennaise 1929
17280 Stocchi, Ottavio None L'Italia Scacchistica 1929
119994 Zastrow, Bruno None Ratselwoche 1929
110025 Stocchi, Ottavio None Il Littorale 1929-1931
121633 Stocchi, Ottavio None Il Littorale 1929-1931
157891 Adolfs, E None Tijd En Amstelbold 1930
185028 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Observer 1930
185046 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Observer 1930
43745 Baev, Georgy S & Loshinski, Lev Ilich None De Problemist 1930
149823 Buchner, Richard None Promadas 1930
174194 Buchner, Richard None Promadas 1930
76431 Flynn, Father P None The Tablet 1930
76437 Flynn, Father P None The Tablet 1930
43872 Gotfryd, J None De Problemist 1930
71669 Gugel, Lev Nikolaevich & Shif, Vladimir Iosifovich None Die Schwalbe 1930
169406 Hawes, Frederick Thomas None Australasian Chess Review 1930
102283 Hermanson, Halvar None Swenska Dagblad 1930
157550 Hermanson, Halvar None Schackvarlden 1930
22762 Kainer, Cenek None Jas 1930
250977 Keirans, Peteris None Die Schwalbe 1930
90303 Keirans, Peteris None Die Schwalbe 1930
253011 Lebedev, Aleksandr N None Die Schwalbe 1930
102122 Marcec, Zvonimir None Obitelj 1930
222749 McHardy, JK None British Chess Magazine 1930
47 Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R None Die Schwalbe 1930
111 Orlimont, PA (= Ernst Krieger) None Source? 1930
117947 Paros, Gyorgy None Bristol Times and Mirror 1930
77662 Queck, Rudolf None Zwickauer Zeitung 1930
185082 Rains, Cyril George None The Observer 1930
23006 Siers, Theodor None Hannover Courier 1930
147769 Somma, Francesco None L'Italia Scacchistica 1930
60164 Stevenson, Edward 1st HM. Brisbane Courier 1930
241830 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1930
241841 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1930
241842 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1930
23007 Zakhodyakin, Gleb Nikolaevich None Piatidnevka 1930
146925 Anonymous None Revista de Sah 1931
258436 Arguelles Ferrer, Antonio Fernandez & Peris Pardo, None Die Schwalbe 1931
137287 Ellerman, Arnoldo None Dagens Nyheder 1931
88409 Francey, James None The Problemist 1931
71703 Gavrilov, Constantin Grigorievich None Revista Romana de Sah 1931
71670 Gugel, Lev Nikolaevich None Die Schwalbe 1931
56789 Howard, Kenneth Samuel None Marshall Chess Club Solving Ty. 1931
168167 Loshinski, Lev Ilich None Western Morning News 1931
156120 Niemeijer, Meindert Comm. Swiat Szachowy 1931
72551 Pape, Edouard & Segers, Marcel None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1931
87750 Reilly, William Henry None The Problemist 1931
142076 Roschlaub, H 1st Prize Oberfrankische Schachzeitung 1931
144231 Schlegl, Gyorgy None Magyar Sakkvilag 1931
76916 Sola, Pentti Olavi None Die Schwalbe 1931
99641 Bakay, Bela & Feldmann, Tibor (aka Florian, Tibor) None Magyar Sakkvilag 1932
205822 Bohm, Ferenc None Brisbane Courier 1932
270906 Bonner Feast, Frederick None Sunday Referee 1932
48743 Boros, Sandor 1st Prize Brisbane Courier 1932
263748 Boros, Sandor & Fleck, Ferenc None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1932
47143 Buchwald, Julius None Het Schaakleven 1932
156266 Drese, Gerardus Hendrikus 5th HM. Dzien Polski 1932
147143 Fleck, Ferenc None Dzien Polski 1932
190303 Forsberg, Henry Olof Axel None Svenska Dagbladet 1932
143906 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) None Freischach 1932
154518 Hage, Poul None Magasinet 1932
54149 Hannemann, Knud Harald None Skakbladet 1932
152713 Harley, Brian None The Observer 1932
70999 Juricek, Stanislav None Magyar Sakkvilag 1932
71000 Juricek, Stanislav Comm. British Chess Magazine 1932
100030 Kovacs, Nandor & Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R & Oniti None Magyar Sakkvilag 1932
255115 Lehanka, G None Wiener Schachzeitung 1932
146454 Levman, Semyon Semyonovich None Magyar Sakkvilag 1932
146134 Rains, Cyril George None The Observer 1932
272522 Tuhan-Baranowski, Leon (aka Wormatius) None Die Schwalbe 1932
243302 Andersson, Gunnar None Norsk Sjakkblad 1933
274745 Apro, Laszlo None Die Schwalbe 1933
158641 Arguelles Ferrer, Antonio Fernandez None Die Schwalbe 1933
271875 Boswell, Edward 1st Prize Sunday Referee 1933
173968 Bottacchi, Antonio None Falkirk Herald 1933
76533 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1933
186730 Caine, Walter Edmund None The Observer 1933
6742 Daniel, Arthur William 1st Prize Falkirk Herald 1933
256881 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1933
274739 Dischler, Max None Die Schwalbe 1933
150673 Eddy, Edwin John None Morning Post 1933
53018 Erlin, Konrad (AKA Erlinger, Konrad) None The Chess Review 1933
146834 Goldstein, Alexander None Warsaw Problem Society 1933
71660 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) None Source? 1933
206444 Herpai, S Ferenc None Il Problema 1933
686 Jacobs, Walter William None British Chess Magazine 1933
256593 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None British Chess Magazine 1933
6771 Lindner, Laszlo None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
39536 Lindner, Laszlo None Zaszlonk 1933
39540 Lindner, Laszlo None Zaszlonk 1933
39648 Lindner, Laszlo None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
76531 Lupton, James Money-Kyrle None The Tablet 1933
6725 Mari, Alberto None Die Schwalbe 1933
6763 Massmann, Wilhelm Karl Heinrich None Kieler Neueste Nachrichten 1933
146017 Mentasti, Gino None Il Problema 1933
24053 Seneca, Camil None La Strategie 1933
120954 Stocchi, Ottavio None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
241914 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
241954 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
241973 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
241997 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
242001 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1933
271878 Warton, Joseph John & Warton, Thomas Joseph 1st HM. Sunday Referee 1933
37703 Hersom, Donald H Recomm. BCF 013. Ty. 1933-1934
147437 Andersson, Gunnar None Vart Hem 1934
268553 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None British Chess Magazine 1934
6859 Bottacchi, Antonio None Il Problema 1934
6846 Brixi, Heinz None Die Schwalbe 1934
76539 Cafferata, Louis William None The Tablet 1934
53614 Davis, Lynn None The Chess Review 1934
275267 Dobbs, Gilbert S None The Problemist 1934
53495 Dobbs, Gilbert S None The Chess Review 1934
89789 Eichholz, Heinrich None Die Schwalbe 1934
137294 Ellerman, Arnoldo None L'Italia Scacchistica 1934
72021 Feldmann, Tibor (aka Florian, Tibor) Sp. Prize= Ianovcic TT (Revista Romana de Sah) 1934
6919 Gray, Robert 9th Prize The Puzzler 1934
22287 Harcz, Karoly None Magyar Sakkvilag 1934
22386 Harcz, Karoly None Magyar Sakkvilag 1934
152801 Harley, Brian None Morning Post 1934
120970 Hellstrom, Ake None Source? 1934
275172 Hersom, Donald H None The Problemist 1934
53598 Hill, F Arthur None The Chess Review 1934
121553 Kosek, Wojtech None Venkov 1934
117134 Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur L None Krasnaya gazeta 1934
254644 Latzel, Gerhard Paul None Wiener Schachzeitung 1934
6850 Lebedev, Aleksandr N None Els Escacs a Catalunya 1934
39810 Lindner, Laszlo None Excelsior 1934
6854 Mansfield, Comins None Social Chess Quarterly (The) 1934
277141 Mussuri, Petr Stepanovich None Die Schwalbe 1934
263799 Neumann, Itzhak None Tijdschrift vd NSB 1934
255603 Renner, Kurt None Wiener Schachzeitung 1934
165171 Rusek, Jan Andrzej None Wiener Schachzeitung 1934
100034 Stocchi, Ottavio None Magyar Sakkvilag 1934
109519 Thorsson, Allan Birger None Ny Tid 1934
38475 Howard, Kenneth Samuel 8th Comm. BCF 016. Ty. 1934-1935
6874 Mansfield, Comins None La Settimana Enigmistica 1934/I
110802 Bajtay, Jozsef None Nepszava 1935
56474 Barthelemy, Edmond None Miniatures Strategiques 1935
33179 Barthelemy, Edmond None Miniatures Strategiques 1935
41413 Bonivento, Oscar None La Settimana Enigmistica 1935
108210 Bonsirven, Georges None Bulletin de la FFE 1935
138396 Breuer, Joseph Theodor None Rundbrief Schach 1935
6944 Cornell, CFT & Rains, Cyril George None Chess 1935
54278 Franken, Maurits None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1935
152950 Harley, Brian None Social Chess Quarterly (The) 1935
120974 Hellstrom, Ake None Source? 1935
108653 Klein, Desire None Bulletin de la FFE 1935
6999 Kubicek, F None Munchner Schachzeitung 1935
60711 McIntyre, Donald Glenoe None Queenstown Daily Representative 1935
137845 McQueen, Eric Duncan None Melbourne Leader 1935
71089 Sallay, Bela Albert None La Settimana Enigmistica 1935
238295 Segers, Marcel None Skakbladet 1935
238331 Segers, Marcel None Magyar Sakkvilag 1935
41229 Szoghy, Jozsef None Schach-Echo 1935
65189 von Holzhausen, Walther Freiherr None Deutsche Schachblatter 1935
38868 Boros, Sandor 2nd HM. BCF 019. Ty. 1935-1936
77279 Albrecht, Hermann None Neue Leipziger Zeitung 1936
135500 Ancin, Andrej HM. Munkassakk 1936
76553 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1936
175274 Coppens, JP None Limburgs Dagblad 1936
151752 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None Falkirk Herald 1936
108317 Fux, Janusz None Wiadomoscy Szachowy 1936
50914 Howard, Kenneth Samuel None Western Morning News 1936
106920 Hultberg, Gustav Herbert None Fairy Chess Review 1936
103632 Lange, Hans Franz None Mitteldeutsche Nat. Ztg. 1936
11088 Mansfield, Comins None Grantham Journal 1936
11101 Mansfield, Comins None Morning Post 1936
57541 Mott-Smith, Geoffrey None The Chess Review 1936
264631 Pickering, AS None Sunday Referee 1936
37982 Sprenger, Frederick None The Chess Review 1936
62067 Sprenger, Frederick None The Chess Review 1936
242023 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1936
242029 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1936
242041 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1936
242051 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1936
242067 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1936
242073 Szentgyorgy, Erno None Magyar Sakkvilag 1936
72578 van Dijk, Johannes None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1936
24322 van Grieken, JL None Euwe JT 1936
46503 Bajtay, Jozsef None Nepszava 1937
22728 Bermudez, Rafael J None The Chess Review 1937
165415 Cumpe, Josef None Narodni osvobozeni 1937
11242 Fabel, Karl None Der Mitarbeiter 1937
254570 Fedosiev, K None Wiener Schachzeitung 1937
115889 Fleck, Ferenc & Paros, Gyorgy None Zaszlonk 1937
266310 Girling, W None Sunday Referee 1937
245093 Haring, Jacobus None De Maasbode 1937
153191 Harley, Brian None The Observer 1937
121729 Hellstrom, Ake None Source? 1937
139815 Hume, George None The Problemist 1937
273165 Karlsson, Borje None Schackvarlden 1937
139040 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None The Problemist 1937
139043 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None The Problemist 1937
376 Kish, Alexander None The Observer 1937
108823 Lebedev, Aleksandr N None Sahovski Glasnik 1937
11252 Mansfield, Comins None L'Echiquier EP Ty. 1937
63021 Marshall, Burney Means None The Chess Review 1937
266421 McCarthy, EJ None Sunday Referee 1937
55034 Montgomerie, John None The Observer 1937
11235 Mott-Smith, Geoffrey None The Chess Review 1937
38405 Mott-Smith, Geoffrey None The Chess Review 1937
11247 Pituk, Alexander 1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1937
124373 Quenel, Raymond None Courrier Socialiste de St-Ouen 1937
30940 Servais, Albert None Bulletin de l'AJEC 1937
11300 Stocchi, Ottavio None Wiadomoscy Szachowy 1937
120860 Szoghy, Jozsef None Uj Magyarsag 1937
188612 Vinje, Oskar E None The Observer 1937
77280 Albrecht, Hermann None Neue Leipziger Zeitung 1938
59965 Anderson, Gerald Frank None Nottinghamshire Guardian 1938
73860 Anonymous None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1938
267225 Gunning, R None Sunday Referee 1938
74852 Jansen, Kees None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1938
179121 Keirans, Arturs None Arbeidermagasinet 1938
22384 L'Hermet, Johann Georg Rudolf None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1938
140101 Monnier, Charles None L'Echiquier 1938
33184 Ohresser, PH None Bulletin de la FFE 1938
144164 Piper, GH None Western Morning News 1938
11444 Sokolov, GLJ None Xadrez Brasileiro 1938
184414 Teuleup, J None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1938
104624 Tomic, Ziva None Naplo 1938
383 Vinje, Oskar E None The Observer 1938
73702 de Jongh, Theodor None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1938
40540 Thompson, PC Recomm. BCF 028. Ty. 1938-1939
40544 Willems, PJH Recomm. BCF 028. Ty. 1938-1939
239463 Ahues, Herbert Siegfried Oskar None Nepszava 1939
190959 Junks, EAG None The Observer 1939
176055 Kieslinger, Edmund None Schach-Echo 1939
101951 Matthiassen, O None Arbejder Magasinet 1939
11541 Mott-Smith, Geoffrey None The Chess Review 1939
184941 Rappet, Roger None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1939
263960 Taale, Cornelius J 2nd Prize Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1939
11533 Thorpe, B None Chess 1939
121023 Benoit, Marc None La Presse 1940
79523 Caburis, L None Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland 1940
16378 Grewe, Richard & Karge, K & Voigt, Hans None Die Schwalbe 1940
16306 Neuhaus, Carl Eugene None American Chess Bulletin 1940
94875 Rietveld, Johannes Jacob None British Chess Magazine 1940
16449 Speckmann, Werner None Schach-Echo 1940
178127 Speckmann, Werner None Schach-Echo 1940
16468 Stewart, John None Young Scotland 1940
210566 Tuchsen, Joh None Deutsche Schachblatter 1940
16401 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16381 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16382 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16383 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16386 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16387 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16388 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16389 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16392 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16394 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16395 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16403 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16405 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16407 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16408 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16409 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16411 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16417 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16419 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
16424 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Fifty Two-Move Problems 1940
151923 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1941
6930 Ekstrom, Sven Johan Adrian 1st Prize Vart Hem 1941
16598 Hannemann, Knud Harald & Karlsson, Liss & Tuxen, H None Skakbladet 1941
153419 Harley, Brian None The Observer 1941
95242 Juhe, Heinrich None Deutsche Schachblatter 1941
3164 Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur L None Source? 1941
3163 Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur L None Source? 1941
194725 Rains, Cyril George None The Observer 1941
16547 Rudd, Charles Dember None Chess 1941
194727 Stewart, John None The Observer 1941
95783 Stocchi, Ottavio None L'Italia Scacchistica 1941
46372 Suesman, Walter B None Knickerbocker Weekly 1941
16905 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None The Field 1941
16631 Andersen, Idon Bruno Hovedskou None Arbejder-Skak 1942
16741 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa 2nd Comm. The Problemist 1942
214931 Aulina, Joaquin 2nd HM. Manresa Chess Club TT 1942
176024 Bethge, Friedrich None Schach-Echo 1942
718 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1942
152867 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1942
53817 Downer, GR None Chess 1942
275839 Ekstrom, Sven Johan Adrian None Schackvarlden 1942
195836 Harley, Brian None The Observer 1942
16695 Lindgren, Bo Waldemar None Eskilstuna Kuriren 1942
76724 Maas, Johann H None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1942
16680 Mott-Smith, Geoffrey None Chess Correspondent 1942
277901 Ternblad, Helmer Ludvig None Schackvarlden 1942
77034 Wirtanen, Erkki Aukusti None Aveseli 1942
73230 Witte, Bernardus Stephanus None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1942
157524 Zumbroich, Josef None Danziger Neueste Nachrichten 1942
16731 Buglos, Janos 3rd HM. Raketa 1942/I
141041 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Problemist 1943
19270 Bansac, Pierre None Bulletin Cercle de Boug-la-Reine 1943
76677 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1943
16839 Eddy, Edwin John None The Problemist 1943
141029 Fenner, A Jack None The Problemist 1943
74497 Gamage, Frederick Comm. Washington Star 1943
30942 Glasmacher, HC None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1943
110500 Lech, Anton None Raketa 1943
24930 Mansfield, Comins None Decalet 1943
93848 Miltner, Vratislav None Ceske Slovo 1943
117804 Niemeijer, Meindert None Haagsche Post 1943
94523 Plesnivy, Emil None Ceske Slovo 1943
196593 Sumner, Christopher Richard Benson None The Observer 1943
16843 Valve, Leo Erland None Tidskrift for Schack 1943
16914 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None The Field 1943
96980 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Problemas and Puzzles 1943
197450 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Observer 1944
248090 Blikeng, Bjarne None Magasinet for Alle 1944
76735 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1944
170467 Camponovo, Elios None Basler Nachrichten 1944
259253 Camponovo, Elios None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1944
259261 Camponovo, Elios None Die Tat 1944
153263 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1944
74543 Gamage, Frederick 1st Prize Chess Correspondent 1944
197826 Gunn, Robert Ivan None The Observer 1944
124274 Keres, Paul P None Suomen Shakki 1944
259288 Kummer, Konrad None Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1944
76743 Lunn, Arnold None The Tablet 1944
274441 Musante, Horacio Luis None Xadrez Brasileiro 1944
96612 Nield, Joshua None The Chess Problem 1944
94611 Pedersen, Eigil Palle None Magasinet 1944
273567 Scherzmann, W None Die Tat 1944
179106 Storm, Fredrik None Magasinet for Alle 1944
16884 Visserman, Eeltje 1st Prize De Probleemvriend 1944
16898 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16901 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16906 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16912 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16913 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16918 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16935 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16942 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
16947 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None One Hundred Published Problems 1944
64308 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None Problems and Puzzles 1944
80252 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None The Field 1944
47998 Wirtanen, Erkki Aukusti None Var Varld 1944
45402 Holford, JM Recomm. BCF 048. Ty. 1944-1945
169935 Buetner, Ernst None Schweizerische Arbeiter Schach Journal 1945
76804 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1945
188439 Colle, B None To Alain White 1945
76797 Dombey, Father None The Tablet 1945
76800 Dombey, Father None The Tablet 1945
140768 Ellerman, Arnoldo None Problemas 1945
169805 Gebhard, Franz None Stettiner Generalanzeiger 1945
17018 Hassberg, Eric Manfred None New York Post 1945
48298 Hess, Jean-Claude None National-Zeitung 1945
76498 Holladay, Edgar Dinwiddie 2nd Prize Chess Correspondent (Meredith Ty.) 1945
169845 Kijonka, Vilem None Narodni prace 1945
169934 Makihovi, Ilmari None Sosiaalidemokraten 1945
120672 Miltner, Vratislav None Svobodne Slovo 1945
182496 Preiswerk, Walther Edouard None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1945
169941 Robin, Albert None Bulletin de la FFE 1945
188619 Sim, Malcolm None To Alain White 1945
226688 Turner, HW None Sunday Chronicle 1945
64311 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
64315 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96808 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96813 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96815 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96818 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96822 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96826 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96841 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96842 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96849 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96852 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96854 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96857 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96863 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96871 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96874 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96882 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96883 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96887 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96892 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
96893 Wenman, Francis Percival (aka Percy Wenman) None 200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 1945
45476 Bunting, Joe 4th Comm. BCF 051. Ty. 1945-1946
45490 Gevers, Raymond Recomm. BCF 051. Ty. 1945-1946
17020 Hillel, Yezekhiel 1st Prize Palestine Post & Mishmar 1945-1946
93389 Birnov, Zinovy Markovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1946
248105 Blikeng, Bjarne None Sjakk-Liv Festkrift 1946
180080 Bukne, Roald None Sjakk-Liv 1946
76988 Gallery, Terence C None Belfast Newsletter 1946
157162 Haring, Jacobus None Probleemblad 1946
116369 Hildebrand, Alexander None Polistidningen 1946
138212 Janovich, J 3rd Comm. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1946
17317 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None Chess 1946
39186 Kujoth, Richard None Milwaukee Journal 1946
86242 Loshinski, Lev Ilich None Polsky Konkurz 1946
17324 Lundberg, T Comm. Chess Correspondent 1946
17373 Macleod, Norman Alasdair None Glasgow Herald 1946
17319 Mansfield, Comins None Chess 1946
60950 McIntyre, Donald Glenoe None South African Chess Magazine 1946
17414 Seneca, Camil None Match: Paris - Prague 1946
29352 Stocchi, Ottavio 3rd Prize La Marseillaise 1946
104670 Vukovic, Vladan None Glas 1946
22360 Werle, Allan Theodor None Folket 1946
35495 Wirtanen, Erkki Aukusti 1st HM. Lunds Dagblad 1946
49504 Pelle, Charles 3rd Prize Bulletin de l'UPF 1946-1947
66889 Barb, WG None Chess 1947
138080 Birnov, Zinovy Markovich 4th HM. Trud 1947
243461 Buchwald, Julius None Parallele 50 1947
246323 Buchwald, Julius None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
76834 Butwillo, Brother None The Tablet 1947
76886 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1947
76843 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1947
76846 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1947
76887 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1947
76890 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1947
17560 Drese, Gerardus Hendrikus None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
169991 Garaza, Luis Alberto None Enroque!! 1947
17576 Hultberg, Gustav Herbert None Springaren 1947
256429 Kardos, Tivadar None Probleemblad 1947
121454 Koloc, Jan None Ruch 1947
166425 Larsen, Lars Aksglade (= Aksglade, Lars) None Skakbladet 1947
143818 Larsson, Bror 2nd Prize Sjakk-Nytt 1947
78879 Legentil, Georges None Normandie 1947
184413 Mai, Luigi None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1947
48235 Midwinter, B None Star Green 'Un 1947
70678 Oudot, Jean None Le Probleme 1947
120081 Pachman, Vladimir None Ruch 1947
200004 Rains, Cyril George None The Observer 1947
125148 Sobek, Karel None Ruch 1947
22725 Suesman, Walter B None Providence Journal 1947
229637 Thomson, Robert Gavin None Sunday Chronicle 1947
105921 Veders, Visvaldis M None Uzbekistan Federation 1947
75596 Wrobel, Marian None L'Italia Scacchistica 1947
77626 Zickermann, Albert None Hamburger Problem-Nachrichten 1947
248240 de Blasio, Francis JC None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
249052 de Blasio, Francis JC None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
24935 de Blasio, Francis JC None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
249053 de Blasio, Francis JC None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
79539 ten Cate, Pieter None Sjakk-Nytt 1947
29772 Stocchi, Ottavio 4th Prize= Caissa TT 1947-1948
151592 Ahues, Herbert Siegfried Oskar None Revista Romana de Sah 1948
51277 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Sunday Chronicle 1948
185158 Bjorklund, Stip Leopold None Springaren 1948
200685 Boorer, PA None The Observer 1948
2150 Burbach, Johannes Jacob None Jobez Nieuws 1948
17646 Burbach, Johannes Jacob None Irene 1948
428 Chandler, Guy Wills None The Observer 1948
104311 Chicco, Adriano 4th Prize Xeque! 1948
200768 Clark, Cecil Henry Douglas None The Observer 1948
77079 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1948
77081 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1948
77082 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1948
77127 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1948
150450 Dawson, Thomas Rayner None British Chess Magazine 1948
24938 Hartong, Jan 2nd HM. Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1948
179258 Hartong, Jan 4th HM. L'Italia Scacchistica 1948
17657 Hjelle, David None Parallele 50 1948
80825 Holm, Karl Helmer None Springaren 1948
178741 Holm, Karl Helmer None Springaren 1948
185162 Holm, Karl Helmer None Springaren 1948
129842 Janousek, Ladislav None Ruch 1948
104010 Keirans, Arturs 3rd Prize konk. Kom. FKiS 1948
121520 Mach, Julius Zdenek None Ruch 1948
48916 Mata, AS None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1948
87949 Midwinter, B None The Problemist 1948
109067 Nejedlo, Vaclav None Ruch 1948
70690 Oudot, Jean None L'Echiquier de Paris 1948
47739 Pituk, Alexander None Praca 1948
225345 Reiprich, Gejza None Praca 1948
47999 Svoboda, Rudolf None Revista Romana de Sah 1948
54277 Zickermann, Albert None Die Schwalbe 1948
140897 Abragam, David None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1949
90575 Barron, Philip None Die Schwalbe 1949
184310 Boissy, Lucien None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1949
208718 Bruchner, Siegfried None Deutsche Schachblatter 1949
753 Buchwald, Julius None British Chess Magazine 1949
107910 Cieslak, Francizek None Association Polonaise 1949
90714 Fleck, Ferenc None Die Schwalbe 1949
179997 Fossum, Andre Ferdinand None Norsk Vanforetidsskrift 1949
96981 Fuss, Georg None Hamburger Problem-Nachrichten 1949
77191 Gallery, Terence C None The Tablet 1949
205348 Geissler, Emil None Badische Neueste Nachrichten 1949
103986 Hannelius, Jan Ingvar None Suomen Shakki 1949
241404 Hjelle, David None Parallele 50 1949
110797 Kardos, Tivadar None Palestine Post 1949
234135 Keeney, Palmer Gunkel None Chess Life 1949
168165 Loshinski, Lev Ilich 3rd Place 3. sutaz SSSR 1949
22915 Mari, Alberto 5th Prize Lazard MT 1949
17760 Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R 3rd Prize Magyar Sakkelet 1949
52888 Pelle, Charles None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1949
237020 Pituk, Alexander None Szachy 1949
237814 Pituk, Alexander None Arbejder-Skak 1949
93596 Siotis, A None Parallele 50 1949
247699 Stewart, John 5th HM. Stratford Express 1949
132050 Tucker, AJ None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1949
91302 Volkmann, Albert None Die Schwalbe 094. TT 1949
139878 Zabelin, N None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1949
17788 Zakhodyakin, Gleb Nikolaevich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1949
51132 Allison, Christopher John None Manchester Guardian 1950
78403 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Field 1950
114824 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Irish Saturday Night 1950
77331 Barb, WG None The Tablet 1950
87436 Becker, Sidney S None American Chess Problemist 1950
186 Cala, T None L'Italia Scacchistica 1950
178 Chicco, Adriano 2nd Prize El Ajedrez Espanol 1950
77281 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1950
245065 Eerkes, Allard Pieter None De Maasbode 1950
103534 Fagan, AA None Chess Life 1950
86672 Folch Gil, Ramon & Grossi, Damien None Schaakmat 1950
108320 Fux, Janusz None Canadian Chess Championship 1950
184 Hillel, Yezekhiel Comm. Israel Ring Ty. 1950
52980 Hoffmann, Bruno None Schach-Express 1950
88534 Holladay, Edgar Dinwiddie None American Chess Problemist 1950
208458 Kaiser, Gerhard None Deutsche Schachblatter 1950
110539 Kardos, Tivadar None Basha'ar 1950
206 Kardos, Tivadar 2/3 Prize Magyar Sakkvilag 1950
137125 Kniest, Peter None Schachmatt 1950
87604 Latzel, Gerhard Paul None American Chess Problemist 1950
225596 Linder, Jozef 1st Prize Praca 1950
121542 Mikan, Ilja None Straz lidu 1950
54281 Petrovic, Nenad None Sahovski Vestnik 1950
94874 Rasmussen, Knud AK None Magasinet 1950
266333 Rietveld, Johannes Jacob None Probleemblad 1950
264240 Sindler, Ivan None Prace 1950
109413 Sobek, Karel None Straz lidu 1950
53663 Tryssesoone, Louis None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1950
184308 des Marands, Henri None Echec et Mat 1950
276 Fleck, Ferenc 11/12 Place Vier Nationen Ty. 1950-1951
19272 Boissy, Lucien None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1951
40834 Buchwald, Julius 1st Prize Miskolcsi Magasapitok 1951
74153 Buchwald, Julius None Chess 1951
152056 Cabral, Renato None Problem (Zagreb) 1951
207089 Cordier, P None Deutsche Schachblatter 1951
106513 Formanek, Bedrich None Praca 1951
24112 Fulpius, Jaques None Journal de Geneve 1951
17912 Gooderson, Arthur R None The Problemist 1951
157464 Hilton, Charles G None The Problemist 1951
110768 Knoppel, Jan Heribert None Springaren 1951
81274 Lane, JF None The Field 1951
17916 Lipton, Michael None The Problemist 1951
145956 Lipton, Michael None The Problemist 1951
62284 Mari, Alberto None Szachy 1951
17820 Morice, Jean None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1951
120012 Sindler, Ivan None Straz lidu 1951
63961 Stocchi, Ottavio 4th HM. Express Wieczorny 1951
203195 Stuart Green, G None The Observer 1951
53876 Tryssesoone, Louis None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1951
53856 Vandiest, Julien None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1951
124417 Vermet, JJ None Jaarboek 1951
170471 Wermelinger, Charles None Basler Nachrichten 1951
2764 Vakhlakov, Yuri Nikolaevich 1st Prize Shakhmaty v SSSR 1951-1952
51179 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Manchester Guardian 1952
77557 Anonymous None The Tablet 1952
160588 Apro, Laszlo None Il Due Mosse 1952
103536 Fagan, AA None Montreal Gazette 1952
179999 Fossum, Andre Ferdinand None Norsk Vanforetidsskrift 1952
153953 Harley, Brian None The Observer 1952
18015 Hartong, Jan & Nanning, Frederik Willem 1st Prize Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1952
71798 Hilton, Charles G None Chess 1952
241436 Hjelle, David None Arbejder-Skak 1952
262816 Lewandowski, Andrej None Szachy 1952
145962 Lipton, Michael None The Problemist 1952
99272 Loewenton, Leon None Magyar Sakkelet 1952
181200 Lopatinski, Evgeny Prize Fizicheskaya kultura 1952
33182 Martin, Godefroy Jose None Springaren 1952
121481 Matejo, Josef None Svobodne Slovo 1952
93843 Michailov, Misho None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1952
92659 Molnar, Arpad None Tijdschrift 1952
93859 Pesta, Roman None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1952
18039 Reynolds, FM None Time & Tide 1952
227200 Schlatter, Eduard None Appenzeller Zeitung 1952
17981 Stambuk, Sveto None Sahovski Vestnik 1952
64416 Stocchi, Ottavio 2nd Prize Polish Problem Association 1952
140930 Szentmartoni, Laszlo None Magyar Sakkelet 1952
77555 Thompson, JC None The Tablet 1952
273060 Yanovski, U None Probleemblad 1952
108430 Hoek, Willem None BCF 1952-1953
182446 Akerblom, Johan Axel None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1953
81901 Allison, Christopher John None The Field 1953
94792 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Magasinet 1953
51183 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Manchester Guardian 1953
79228 Asplund, Per Ivan Rune None Springaren 1953
275870 Bakker, JP None Probleemblad 1953
176156 Becker, Willy None Schach-Echo 1953
180955 Bedoni, Romeo & Stragiotti, P None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1953
18136 Brotherton, David WA None Time & Tide 1953
18098 Buglos, Janos None Probleemblad 1953
115664 Draiska, Imants None Ukraine Sports Committee 1953
110540 Dzektser, Abram L None Radyanski Sport 1953
65341 Goldschmeding, Cornelis & Moutecidis, Pavlos 2nd HM.= Probleemblad 089. TT 1953
18147 Harley, Brian None Time & Tide 1953
97940 Hermanson, Halvar None Problem (Zagreb) 1953
183303 Hjelle, David None Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 1953
18122 Kipping, Cyril Stanley None The Problemist 1953
163789 Kupper, Josef None Basler Nachrichten 1953
146146 Lipton, Michael None The Problemist 1953
262023 Lipton, Michael None British Chess Magazine 1953
77808 Lunn, Peter None The Tablet 1953
176155 Makuc, Drago None Schach-Echo 1953
102882 Maniak, Adam None Szachy 1953
18125 Mansfield, Comins None The Problemist 1953
18050 Mansfield, Comins HM. American Chess Bulletin 1953
142277 Melvin, Herbert A ('Hamel' or Zaak, HA) None The Problemist 1953
176153 Mottet, Philipp None Schach-Echo 1953
18161 Richenberg, LJ None Time & Tide 1953
140872 Shabalin, Aleksandr Andreevich None Zatejnik 1953
170476 Willmann, Paul None Basler Nachrichten 1953
170474 Winterer, Karl None Basler Nachrichten 1953
38489 Wrobel, Marian 1st Prize Norsk Vanforetidsskrift 1953
149799 Zepler, Erich Ernest None Suddeutsche Schachzeitung 1953
108200 Beszczynski, Jan None Szachy 1954
81191 Casa, Alex 3rd Comm. Probleemblad 1954
18278 Daniel, Arthur William None Time & Tide 1954
18279 Forder, SO None Time & Tide 1954
74082 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Springaren 1954
245105 Haring, Jacobus None De Maasbode 1954
106722 Hilton, Charles G None The Field 1954
176158 Kaul, Karl None Schach-Echo 1954
142699 Krikheli, Iosif Mikhailovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1954
178747 Larsson, Bror None Springaren 1954
18223 Loewenton, Leon & Nestorescu, Virgil 1st HM. L'Italia Scacchistica 1954
49701 Mansfield, Comins None The Observer 1954
53103 Marshall, Burney Means None Chess Life 1954
221366 Maslej, Andrej None Praca Prvotina 1954
120686 Neukomm, Gyula (Julius) R None Express Wieczorny 1954
95741 Puig Ambros, Estanislao None L'Italia Scacchistica 1954
18230 Pustovoi, Boris None Molodoy stalin CC 1954
448 Rice, John Michael None The Observer 1954
176160 Rogoschewski, Adolf None Schach-Echo 1954
269480 Schlatter, Eduard None Die Tat 1954
38490 Sheppard, Charles William None American Chess Bulletin 1954
18204 Speckmann, Werner None Die Schwalbe 1954
121471 Stepan, Ludvik None Svobodne Slovo 1954
207831 Sumner, Christopher Richard Benson None The Observer 1954
93243 Tuxen, Harri Viggo None Skakbladet 1954
204574 Visserman, Eeltje None The Problemist 1954
18264 Willemsens, Luis Cornelis None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1954
106215 Wrobel, Marian None Glos Pracy 1954
110751 Zhukovin, Konstantin None Komsomolets Donbassa 1954
18240 Zlatic, Dr Savo None Problem (Zagreb) 1954
18238 Zlatic, Dr Savo None Problem (Zagreb) 1954
96933 Zlatic, Dr Savo None Problem (Zagreb) 1954
203820 de Blasio, Francis JC None The Problemist 1954
170891 van Dijk, Nils Gustav Gerard None Problemisten 1954
157070 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil None Bilten 1955
266973 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Problemist 1955
145455 Andrews, DP None Evening News 1955
18421 Bartlett, Ira A None Time & Tide 1955
108191 Benoit, Marc None La Presse 1955
247669 Birnov, Zinovy Markovich None Stalingradskaya Pravda 1955
18379 Brotherton, David WA 2nd Prize McWilliam Ty. 1955
18342 Bukne, Roald None Dagbladet 1955
112935 Ceriani, Luigi None 32 Personaggi 1955
53387 Couture, William J None Chess Life 1955
78015 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1955
176162 Erhardt, Friedrich None Schach-Echo 1955
103537 Fagan, AA None Vancouver Province 1955
110709 Gruber, Bratoljub None Source? 1955
110753 Haring, Jacobus 3rd Prize Sportowiec 1955
154127 Harley, Brian None The Observer 1955
18405 Korponai, Jozsef 2nd Place Sztalinvarosi Hirlap 1955
77961 Lipton, Michael None The Tablet 1955
110513 Lokker, Miklosh S None Szovetszkoe Zakarpatyje 1955
23449 Lokker, Miklosh S & Tuseyev, Aleksandr 10th HM. Cuvasijos resp. konkursas 1955
106769 Luke, R None The Field 1955
23542 Mansfield, Comins None The Tablet 1955
51226 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None Manchester Guardian 1955
77962 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None Manchester Guardian 1955
54646 Nestorescu, Virgil 2nd HM. Revista de Sah 1955
178748 Pflughaupt, Wilfried None Springaren 1955
47022 Pniak, Edmund Jan None Trybuna Robotnicza 1955
53893 Richards, Ronald None Chess Life 1955
110635 Rusek, Jan Andrzej None Szachu 1955
214055 Saarenheimo, Eero Johannes None Suomen Shakki 1955
275330 Schlatter, Eduard None Die Tat 1955
58637 Scotti, Louis None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1955
200442 Szoghy, Jozsef 1st HM. Suomen Shakki 1955
106765 Thompson, SJ None The Field 1955
264152 Willemsens, Luis Cornelis None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1955
18326 Wilson, Francis Vaux None American Chess Bulletin 1955
57666 Servais, Albert 2nd Comm. Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1955-1956
82072 Ahues, Herbert Siegfried Oskar None Springaren 1956
114822 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Canadian Chess Chat 1956
132335 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Field 1956
170479 Bitterli, Simon None Basler Nachrichten 1956
78017 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1956
93378 Dzektser, Abram L None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1956
28885 Farebrother, AE None L'Echiquier 1956
18571 Groeneveld, Cornelis None The Problemist 1956
67243 Groeneveld, Cornelis 1st Prize Schach 1956
18547 Gruber, Bratoljub 1st Prize Sahovski Glasnik 1956
271516 Haring, Jacobus None The Problemist 1956
51282 Hatswell, W None Manchester Guardian 1956
178749 Holm, Karl Helmer None Springaren 1956
93933 Jancek, Jan 2/4 HM. Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1956
18502 Latzel, Gerhard Paul 5th HM. Die Schwalbe 1956
54166 MacKay, JC None Chess Life 1956
276539 Morra, Juan Carlos None To Mat 1956
18491 Myllyniemi, Matti Arvo None Dagbladet 1956
102171 Pettersen, Otvind None Svenska Dagbladet 1956
261925 Poulsen, Erik None Problemnoter 1956
54255 Richards, Ronald None Chess Life 1956
161961 Smedley, Don A None Chess 1956
18557 Speckmann, Werner None Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung 1956
18558 Terebesi, Michael None Schweizerische Schach Journal 1956
65835 Visbeen, Frank None Probleemblad 1956
132393 Vukcevich, Milan Radoje None Problem (Zagreb) 1956
54014 Warren, Mrs F None Chess Life 1956
271507 Wigan, TK None The Problemist 1956
102167 Wrobel, Marian Prize Dagbladet 1956
47027 des Marands, Henri None Themes-64 1956
18738 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil 1st Prize Yugoslav Republic Ty. 1957
110724 Aitov, Fatikh Sadikovich None Shakhmaty 1957
64087 Albarda, Johannes None Weenink MT 1957
153757 Andersen, Idon Bruno Hovedskou None Problemnoter 1957
232846 Ellerman, Arnoldo None Il Due Mosse 1957
84223 Garaza, Luis Alberto None The Problemist 1957
277692 Groeneveld, Cornelis None To Mat 1957
272065 Hall, A None The Problemist 1957
179100 Hartong, Jan 3rd Prize Magasinet 1957
18592 Kapralos, Demetrius N None Arbejder-Skak 1957
174690 Liebeck, Professor Hans None Busmen's Chess Review 1957
262110 Lipton, Michael None Correspondence Chess 1957
267378 Milenkovic, Stanko None Politika 1957
78141 Morra, Juan Carlos None The Tablet 1957
242337 Morra, Juan Carlos None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1957
71117 Petersen, Oivind None Dagbladet 1957
78121 Rice, John Michael & Rice, PD None The Tablet 1957
79773 Savournin, Jacques Comm. Sportowiec 1957
185747 Smedley, Don A None Chess 1957
51321 Sumner, Christopher Richard Benson None Manchester Guardian 1957
274774 Sutter, Alfred Ernst None Zurcher Woche 1957
185874 Toma, G None Chess 1957
92671 Voormans, F None Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1957
170480 Winterer, Karl None Basler Nachrichten 1957
18699 Zhukovin, Konstantin None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1957
51007 Aizikowicz, Jakov None The Spectator 1958
157915 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Tubinskaya Pravda 1958
51354 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Manchester Guardian 1958
78215 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Tablet 1958
132783 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Field 1958
78333 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1958
115674 Draiska, Imants 3rd Prize Schach TT 1958
18862 Garai, Toma 3rd Prize To Mat 1958
92295 Hermanson, Halvar None Schach-Echo 1958
51372 Hoole, JR None Manchester Guardian 1958
46964 Iwanow, Eugeniusz None Indian Chess Bulletin 1958
132734 Marysko, Milos None The Field 1958
105209 Morice, Jean None Themes-64 1958
70674 Oudot, Jean Comm. L'Echiquier de France 1958
780 Sedgwick, Stanley None British Chess Magazine 1958
170483 Sutter, Alfred Ernst None Basler Nachrichten 1958
95049 Tura, Waldemar None Tuvinskaya Pravda 1958
18805 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1958
18803 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1958
18804 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1958
58072 van Dijk, Nils Gustav Gerard None Chess Life 1958
18870 van Dooren, Rene None Volksgazet omstr. 1958
103934 Ancin, Andrej None SUV CSZTV 1959
135283 Ancin, Andrej 3rd HM. SUV CSZTV 1959
270436 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Observer 1959
270719 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Observer 1959
261534 Angeli, Herbert None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1959
80753 Asplund, Per Ivan Rune None Schach-Echo 1959
51397 Hulme, R None Manchester Guardian 1959
176168 Khalife, Georges None Schach-Echo 1959
532 Ling, John Francis Comm. The Observer 1959
18948 Mansfield, Comins None Skakbladet 1959
18947 Nestorescu, Virgil 3rd Prize Shakhmaty v SSSR 1959
70734 Overkamp, Petrus 1st Prize Sportowiec Meredith Ty. 1959
238912 Petite, Efren None Arbejder-Skak 1959
178142 Petkov, Petko Andonov None Schach-Echo 1959
18923 Petrovic, Nenad None Magyar Sakkvilag 1959
109174 Pigits, Zigurd None Latvian Championship 1959
234504 Speckmann, Werner None Il Due Mosse 1959
234505 Speckmann, Werner None Il Due Mosse 1959
118733 Stepanov, Petr Aleksandrovich None Krasnoe Znamya 1959
234055 Szugyi, Gyula None Il Due Mosse 1959
78395 Turke, SE None The Tablet 1959
186656 Allison, Christopher John None Chess 1960
79260 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Tuvinskaya Pravda 1960
271268 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Observer 1960
133049 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Field 1960
186726 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None Chess 1960
79327 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None Sovietskaya Kuban 1960
79328 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None Sovietskaya Kuban 1960
276364 Bartolovic, Hrvoje 3rd HM. To Mat 1960
265158 Brogi, Giuseppe 2nd Prize Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1960
77680 Caresmel, Andre None Le Probleme 1960
110520 Dimitrov, Nikolai None Shakhmatna misl 1960
178750 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Springaren 1960
186697 Harrison, G None Chess 1960
103641 Iwanow, Eugeniusz & Limbach, Saturnin None Szachow 1960
9870 Kardos, Tivadar None Europe Echecs 1960
9835 Kochanowski, Jan None American Chess Bulletin 1960
273099 Lawton, Howard None Liverpool and Merseyside Illustrated 1960
22176 Lipton, Michael 2nd Comm. Problemnoter 1960
243087 Livshits, Eduard Yakovlevich None Osada tschernovo korolya 1960
93232 Popov, Georgy Aleksandrov None Arbejder-Skak 1960
276868 Prestigiacomo, Giovanni 3rd Comm. To Mat 1960
78945 Rice, John Michael None The Tablet 1960
52594 Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander None Schach Ecke 1960
52598 Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander None O Globo 1960
176169 Stahl, Hubert None Schach-Echo 1960
84591 Szwedowski, Leopold Mieczyslaw None The Hindu 1960
58744 Taffs, Anthony John None Chess Life 1960
58714 Touw Hian Bwee None Chess Life 1960
191602 Tura, Waldemar None Szachy 1960
176171 Zander, Heinz None Schach-Echo 1960
135730 Ancin, Andrej None Hlas l'udu 1961
133463 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Field 1961
79928 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None Sovietskaya Kuban 1961
80034 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None Sovietskaya Kuban 1961
38153 Bakcsi, Gyorgy & Dombrovskis, Alfreds A & Paros, G 2nd Prize Moscow Ty. 1961
10057 Bakcsi, Gyorgy & Molnar, Arpad None Skakbladet 1961
46637 Barda, Olaf Martinius (AKA OM Olsen) None Dagbladet 1961
51485 Brotherton, David WA None The Guardian 1961
79021 Davey, David Murray & Reeves, Alfred Christopher None The Tablet 1961
157661 Dikusarov, Andrey Nikolayovich None Sowetski woin 1961
10015 Gulaku, L None Problem (Zagreb) 1961
51480 Holdsworth, J None The Guardian 1961
92272 Kardos, Tivadar 1st Prize Schach 1961
267385 Moder, J None Politika 1961
73436 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None The Field 1961
133540 Rice, John Michael None The Field 1961
79795 Savournin, Jacques Comm. Wrobel MT 1961
86141 Speckmann, Werner None Die Schwalbe 1961
84596 Szwedowski, Leopold Mieczyslaw None Le Probleme 1961
93275 Tuxen, Harri Viggo None Skakbladet 1961
93276 Tuxen, Harri Viggo None Skakbladet 1961
80435 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Evening News 1962
80735 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Vecherni Novosti 1962
79183 Andrade, Barry Jack da Costa None The Tablet 1962
80742 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None Sovietskaya Kuban 1962
71219 Brabec, Juraj 3/4 Prize Il Due Mosse 17. TT 1962
27770 Dombrovskis, Alfreds A None Correspondence Chess 1962
134223 Gafarov, Marsil 1st Prize Sverdlovsk Ty. 1962
176177 Hagemann, Wilhelm None Schach-Echo 1962
239837 Hermanson, Halvar None Themes-64 1962
10118 Kardos, Tivadar None Die Schwalbe 1962
544 Lertoria, Ernest None The Observer 1962
176172 Lindemann, Gerhard None Schach-Echo 1962
79125 Lipton, Michael None The Tablet 1962
546 Macleod, Norman Alasdair None The Observer 1962
22153 Macleod, Norman Alasdair 5th HM. BCPS Ring Ty. 1962
10203 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None The Tablet 1962
79109 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None The Tablet 1962
138156 Nesic, Milivoj S None Politika 1962
133946 Parthasarathy, Dr Mukkur None The Field 1962
87928 Petkov, Petko Andonov None Problemista 1962
133823 Russ, Colin Albert Harry None The Field 1962
10155 Speckmann, Werner None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1962
22411 Strydom, Jan None The Citizen 1962
66164 Tura, Waldemar 1st HM. Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1962
136226 Barnes, Barry Peter Comm. BCF 101. Ty. 1962-1963
136223 Larsen, Lars Aksglade (= Aksglade, Lars) 2nd HM. BCF 101. Ty. 1962-1963
77258 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil None Vecherni Novosti 1963
133818 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil None Politika 1963
80927 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Nachodninski Raboci 1963
133964 Brotherton, David WA None The Field 1963
107876 Carvajal, Juan None El Ajedrez Espanol 1963
142750 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Springaren 1963
10259 Goldschmeding, Cornelis 2nd Prize Europe Echecs 1963
79282 Leaver, Rev DC None The Tablet 1963
121400 Mikan, Ilja None Pionyrske Noviny 1963
79275 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None The Tablet 1963
137938 Moutecidis, Pavlos Prize De Waarheid 1963
98485 Petkov, Petko Andonov None Problemas 1963
22157 Prikril, Mato None Bilten 1963
102534 Saferis, AM None Europe Echecs 1963
10253 Schneider, Michael None Die Schwalbe 143. TT 1963
70976 Speckmann, Werner None FIDE Review 1963
90260 Staudte, Hans Hilmar None Die Schwalbe 1963
51544 Tolstoy, Stanislav Maksimovic None The Guardian 1963
22159 Tuxen, Harri Viggo None Skakbladet 1963
93278 Tuxen, Harri Viggo None Skakbladet 1963
23456 Valois, Paul Stedman 3rd Prize McWilliam Ty. 1963
107319 Zilahi, Zoltan None Smer 1963
136483 Morra, Juan Carlos 1st HM. BCF 104. Ty. 1963-1964
97192 Savournin, Jacques Comm. Problem TT 1963-1964
158615 Alaikov, Venelin None Shakhmatna misl 1964
80929 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None De Waarheid 1964
51550 Barnes, Barry Peter None The Guardian 1964
2154 Cabrera, Darwin None Chess 1964
56116 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich & Loshinski, Lev Ilich 1st Prize Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden 1964
165411 Cubat, Aurel None Revista Romana de Sah 1964
79357 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1964
178755 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Springaren 1964
10446 Gafarov, Marsil & Kopnin, Aleksey Grigorevich 1st Prize Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1964
91818 Kauweeb, H None Belga Sakkszovetseg 1964
132484 Koltanowski, George None San Francisco Chronicle 1964
110698 Konikowski, Jerzy 1st HM. Chervoni Girnik 1964
558 Ling, John Francis None The Observer 1964
110300 Mlynka, Karol None Lud 1964
138167 Nesic, Milivoj S None Politika 1964
23708 Pustovoi, Boris None Molodoi sibirjak 1964
102513 Saferis, AM None Europe Echecs 1964
90326 Schneider, Michael None Die Schwalbe 1964
261519 Seneca, Camil None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1964
10421 Sja'rani, H None Probleemblad 1964
230759 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1964
219118 Steudel, Friedrich Theodor None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1964
87373 Svetec, Srdan None Problemista 1964
165241 Zakhodyakin, Gleb Nikolaevich None Vecherni Praha 1964
104707 Riczu, Lajos None Dunaujvarosi TS 1964-1965
10574 Axt, Hermann (Hemmo) None Wormser Zeitung 1965
93179 Balslev, Ole None Skakbladet 1965
79396 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1965
79462 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1965
79469 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1965
79474 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1965
79476 Davey, David Murray None The Tablet 1965
86878 Gerasimenko, Nikolai Mikhailovich None Problemista 1965
157484 Godal, Ivar None Problemisten 1965
178096 Godal, Ivar None Postsjakk 1965
107154 Kardos, Tivadar None De Waarheid 1965
110504 Kardos, Tivadar None Pajtas 1965
10520 Mihajloski, Zlatko & Miloseski, Bosko None Politika 1965
51583 Miller, Andrew C None The Guardian 1965
170111 Ott, Roland None Tages-Anzeiger 1965
85958 Speckmann, Werner None Post und Sport 1965
96740 Tazberik, Jan 1st Prize Problemas 1965
63718 Tikkanen, Tapani 3rd HM. Springaren 1965
70665 Valuska, Jan 1st Prize Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1965
109764 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Shakhmatna misl 1965
80139 Zappas, Byron None Probleme 1965
137521 Parthasarathy, Dr Mukkur 3rd Prize BCF 110. Ty. 1965-1966
114269 Albisoru, Constantin None Boletim da UBP 1966
159879 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Die Schwalbe 1966
81245 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich & Podushkin, Sergey None The Field 1966
198473 Bakke, Nils Adrian None Stella Polaris 1966
56395 Brogi, Giuseppe None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1966
134763 Brotherton, David WA None The Field 1966
107158 Buchwald, Julius None De Waarheid 1966
138662 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich 1st HM. Ryazansky Ty. 1966
79551 Davidiuk, Stepan None Sarya 1966
254511 Haring, Jacobus None Die Schwalbe 1966
110521 Kardos, Tivadar None Mutato 1966
51589 Lawson, M None The Guardian 1966
87621 Lokker, Miklosh S None Problemista 1966
10666 Mansfield, Comins None The Problemist 1966
176183 Nielsen, Johannes None Schach-Echo 1966
22919 Pustovoi, Boris None Molodoi sibirjak 1966
40418 Rubens, Nathan None The Problemist 1966
198484 Speckmann, Werner None Stella Polaris 1966
87375 Svetec, Srdan None Problemista 1966
10650 Wennick, Einar 2nd Place Skakbladet 1966
10621 Zakhodyakin, Gleb Nikolaevich Sp. Prize Molodoi Leninets 1966
153998 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich 1/2 HM. Leninsky Put 1966-1967
10625 Konikowski, Jerzy 10th Prize Molodoi Leninets 1966-1969
79830 Ahlheim, Karl-Heinz None Themes-64 1967
46746 Backe, Odd Erik None Leninska molodi 1967
78601 Backe, Odd Erik None Leninska molodi 1967
176185 Betzen, Wolfgang None Schach-Echo 1967
176186 Betzen, Wolfgang None Schach-Echo 1967
10728 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich Sp. HM. Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1967
593 Ellerman, Arnoldo None The Observer 1967
139959 Feenstra Kuiper, Pieter None Hoekstenen 1967
10744 Fenner, A Jack None The Problemist 1967
210253 Hoeg, Nils None Land og Folk 1967
10720 Hoffmann, Fritz None Schach 1967
66760 Hoffmann, Martin Wolfgang None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1967
87932 Kardos, Tivadar None Problemista 1967
45874 Ladeira Filho, JC None Boletim da UBP 1967
120861 Lokker, Miklosh S None Karpati Igaz Szo 1967
106259 Lokker, Miklosh S None Karacsonyi lap 1967
107155 Lokker, Miklosh S None De Waarheid 1967
107156 Lokker, Miklosh S None De Waarheid 1967
108912 Lokker, Miklosh S None Boletim da UBP 1967
36167 Myllyniemi, Matti Arvo 2nd Prize Borsodi Vegyesz 1967
10704 Pavlenko, Viktor Grigorovich 2nd Prize Molodoi Leninets 1967
80515 Poulsen, Erik None Skakbladet 1967
118247 Pypa, Volodimir Iosifovich None Industrialnoje Zaporozie 1967
118248 Pypa, Volodimir Iosifovich None Industrialnoje Zaporozie 1967
79801 Schonberger, Tibor None Diagramme und Figuren 1967
10715 Speckmann, Werner None Problem (Zagreb) 1967
10738 Speckmann, Werner Comm. Stella Polaris 1967
213018 Svetec, Srdan None Stella Polaris 1967
158358 Ahlberg, Ragnar None Tidskrift for Schack 1968
52115 Atanasievic, Aleksandar None Cik 1968
52118 Atanasievic, Aleksandar None Cik 1968
150826 Azhusin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich None Problem (Zagreb) 1968
158191 Back, Par-Erik None Leninska molodi 1968
107680 Balslev, Ole None Stella Polaris 1968
47573 Borodatov, Leonid None Krymskaya pravda 1968
217868 Burchard, Friedrich None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1968
10797 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich Prize Problemist Dalnego Vostoka 1968
10813 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None The Problemist 1968
99651 Cseh, Miklos None Magyar Sakkszovetseg 1968
176189 Cullmann, Kurt None Schach-Echo 1968
83789 Ellerman, Arnoldo None Problemas 1968
69344 Farber, Jon M None Chess Life 1968
42646 Formanek, Bedrich Sp. Prize Pravda 1968
47253 Fulpius, Jaques None Tribune de Geneve 1968
69347 Hesse, Fred P None Chess Life 1968
274225 Hoffmann, Martin Wolfgang None Zurcher Woche 1968
249379 Kardos, Tivadar & Lokker, Miklosh S None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1968
212400 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1968
93816 Kovac, Milan None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1968
22528 Kovalenko, Vitaly Semenovich None Karpati Igaz Szo 1968
239596 Maleika, Gerhard None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1968
148184 Nasheev, N None Novi Temi 1968
38493 Riczu, Lajos 3rd HM. Sahovski Glasnik 1968
85855 Speckmann, Werner None Karpati Igaz Szo 1968
231027 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1968
140854 Stosic, Miroslav None Tovaris 1968
210744 Wolfenter, Friedrich None Deutsche Schachblatter 1968
60813 van Dijk, Nils Gustav Gerard None Stella Polaris 1968
10796 ten Cate, Pieter 2nd Comm. Problem TT 1968-1969
79833 Ahlheim, Karl-Heinz None Die Schwalbe 1969
135946 Ancin, Andrej None Vychodoslovenske noviny 1969
96254 Ariakov, VM None Problemas 1969
212844 Bilfinger, Carl None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1969
137631 Gandy, Jean-Claude None Themes-64 1969
249763 Hannelius, Jan Ingvar None Stella Polaris 1969
10897 Hartong, Jan 1st Prize Schakend Nederland 1969
37439 Hoffmann, Martin Wolfgang None Tages-Anzeiger 1969
48043 Ivanov, E None De Waarheid 1969
23548 Ivanovsky, Nikolai Aleksandrovich None Mat 1969
75922 Joffart, Daniel Prize Probleme-Supplement 1969
176192 Kalgin, Mikhail None Schach-Echo 1969
110555 Kardos, Tivadar None Karpati Igaz Szo 1969
180227 Lider, Valentin Viktorovich None Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of USSR 1969
228159 Lokker, Miklosh S None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1969
249380 Lokker, Miklosh S None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1969
10900 Lokker, Miklosh S & Sidorenko, A Peter None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1969
158943 Markovic, Mirko B None Vecherni Novosti 1969
10875 Mees, Wouter Jacob Gregorius 4th HM. Probleemblad 1969
74708 Mladenovic, Slobodan None Cik 1969
233245 Muller, Dieter None Freie Presse 1969
117797 Niemeijer, Meindert None Inspanning en Ontspanning 1969
121095 Niemeijer, Meindert None Inspanning en Ontspanning 1969
121096 Niemeijer, Meindert None Inspanning en Ontspanning 1969
120241 Paalanen, Erkki None De Waarheid 1969
96988 Podushkin, Sergey None Problem (Zagreb) 1969
104712 Riczu, Lajos None Banyai MT 1969
10890 Speckmann, Werner None Problemas 1969
231028 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1969
231029 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1969
87256 Tkachenko, Sergiy Ivanovich None Serp i molot 1969
162610 Unho, Pekka None Die Schwalbe 1969
52597 Valladao Monteiro da Silveira, Joaquim None O Globo 1969
176191 Winterer, Max None Schach-Echo 1969
139126 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) 4th HM. BCF 122. Ty. 1969-1970
37468 Skogsenden, Karl 1st HM. BCF 122. Ty. 1969-1970
171998 Apro, Laszlo None Gazeta Czestochowska 1970
172008 Apro, Laszlo 1st Prize Magyar Sakkelet 1970
114862 Archakov, Vladimir Mikhailovich None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1970
80041 Azhusin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich None Prapor peremogi 1970
164254 Barnes, Barry Peter None Die Schwalbe 1970
162990 Bilfinger, Carl None Kolnische Rundschau 1970
206203 Biscan, Dragutin None Il Problema 1970
107887 Castellari, Umberto None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1970
79544 Dasni, Shamil Ade None Ria Taze 1970
38294 Janevski, Zivko None Problem (Zagreb) 1970
116895 Kardos, Tivadar None Pajtas 1970
24216 Klasinc, Marko 1st Prize Delo in Tovaris 1970
59951 Krishnamurthy, Thiruvannam S & Narayanan, Chithath 3rd Prize The Problemist 1970
11610 Lokker, Miklosh S None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1970
108913 Lokker, Miklosh S 2nd HM. Szachy 1970
59736 Malafienko, Nikolai 2nd Prize Zaporozskaya Pravda 1970
164270 Maleika, Gerhard None Die Schwalbe 1970
238658 Mink, Christoph None Die Schwalbe 1970
227985 Pieper, Peter 2nd HM. Kieler Schachgesellschaft 1970
86811 Pilchenko, Viacheslav Karlovich None Molot 1970
234085 Poluschkin, B None Chess Life 1970
260958 Savournin, Jacques None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1970
54620 Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander Comm. Valadao Monteiro Ty. 1970
85817 Speckmann, Werner None Problem (Zagreb) 1970
232186 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1970
249871 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1970
165141 Stambuk, Sveto None Die Schwalbe 1970
22391 Svyatov, Gennadi None Molot 1970
123031 Szekely, Sandor None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1970
59956 Vladimirov, Viacheslav Semenovich 1st HM. Szachy 1970
140898 Abramenko, GS None Kennst du die Bibel? 1971
140913 Albisoru, Constantin None Scacco! 1971
142878 Baudoin, Jean-Francois Comm. La Cle 05. Beginners' Ty. 1971
158981 Djurasevic, Branislav None Illustrovana Politika 1971
45501 Haymann, Jean None Al Hamishmar 1971
116893 Kardos, Tivadar None Feledvanykedvelok Lapja 1971
11706 Kardos, Tivadar None Feledvanykedvelok Lapja 1971
116896 Kardos, Tivadar None Feledvanykedvelok Lapja 1971
11684 Kisis, Imants J 1st Prize 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1971
211429 Koltanowski, George None Land og Folk 1971
11729 Maistrenko, Nikolai Terentevich & Shvetsov, Vladim 2nd HM. Molot 1971
44886 Mansfield, Comins None Probleemblad 1971
11738 Marandiuk, Mikhail Nazarovich 1st Prize Platov MT 1971
170487 Massmann, Wilhelm Karl Heinrich None Basler Nachrichten 1971
170488 Massmann, Wilhelm Karl Heinrich None Basler Nachrichten 1971
120001 Nielsen, Kristian None Hamar Arbeiderbladet 1971
23549 Piatesi, Antonio None L'Italia Scacchistica 1971
51744 Postma, Bernardus Comm. Problemas 1971
23016 Speckmann, Werner None Vecherni Novosti 1971
11700 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1971
11701 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1971
176195 Speckmann, Werner None Schach-Echo 1971
234559 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1971
249383 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1971
11710 Talaber, Laszlo None Feledvanykedvelok Lapja 1971
98920 Torngren, Pehr Hendrik None Problemkavalkad 1971
11725 Veders, Visvaldis M None Mini-Matt 1971
11730 Vladimirov, Viacheslav Semenovich 2nd HM. Molot 1971
176343 Vukcevich, Milan Radoje None Schach-Echo 1971
11699 ellinghoven, bernd None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1971
201747 ten Cate, Pieter None Stern 1971
23360 Nemcek, Milan 5th Prize Pravda 1971-1972
132863 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Politika 1972
171249 Archakov, Vladimir Mikhailovich & Lobsenko, Viache None Die Schwalbe 1972
81326 Azhusin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich None Radianske slovo 1972
39223 Barclay, William A & Sweeney, Thomas B None Beauty is Where You Find it 1972
244117 Benedek, Attila None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1972
28886 Benoit, Marc None Vancouver Province 1972
87478 Bogdanov, Evgeny Mikhailovich & Chernyavsky, Mykol None Problemista 1972
11794 Fischer, Franz None Die Schwalbe 1972
238124 Hermanson, Halvar None Schach 1972
189387 Hoffmann, Martin Wolfgang None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1972
261008 Johandl, Alois None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1972
176523 Junker, Karl None Schach-Echo 1972
273304 Kovacevic, Marjan None Mat 1972
11829 Kovacevic, Marjan 4th HM. Mat 1972
273849 Kovacevic, Marjan None Mat 1972
11855 Lokker, Miklosh S None Shakhmaty 1972
11858 Lokker, Miklosh S None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1972
11856 Maksimovskikh, Aleksandr None Shakhmaty 1972
229327 Matthaus, Hans Georg Comm. Deutsche Schachzeitung 1972
142465 Melvin, Herbert A ('Hamel' or Zaak, HA) None The Problemist 1972
176341 Myllyniemi, Matti Arvo None Schach-Echo 1972
65343 Pilipenko, Viktor 2nd HM. Prapor peremogi 1972
213411 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1972
38982 Shapovalov, Evgeny Ivanovich None Shakhmaty (Riga) 1972
85798 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1972
249386 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1972
11799 Talaber, Laszlo None Feledvanykedvelok Lapja 1972
61065 Tikkanen, Tapani 1st Prize Stella Polaris 1972
86153 Vladimirov, Evgeny None Problemas 1972
11832 ten Cate, Pieter None Nederland in Miniatuur 1972
3195 van Dijk, Nils Gustav Gerard None Source? 1972
161746 Aizikowicz, Jakov None San Francisco Chronicle 1973
161747 Aizikowicz, Jakov None Shahmat 1973
278607 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Stella Polaris 1973
157948 Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1973
87390 Belchikov, Nikolai Ivanovich & Vovnejko, Viktor Iv None Radianske slovo 1973
74724 Benko, Pal Charles 3rd HM. Magyar Sakkelet 1973
274378 Cheylan, Yves & Michel, Francois None Mat 1973
214060 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1973
214870 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1973
216845 Krumm, Hans Christoph Heinz Otto None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1973
22925 Labai, Zoltan None Hlas l'udu 1973
145516 Lepage, Roger None L'Italia Scacchistica 1973
180228 Lider, Valentin Viktorovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1973
163526 Lukyanov, V? & Nagnibida, Mykola Ivanovich None Novi Temi 1973
85101 Makaronets, Leonid 4th Prize Breyer MT 1973
87634 Malikov, Mihail None Buletin Problemistic 1973
103190 Marysko, Milos None Revista Romana de Sah 1973
229328 Matthaus, Hans Georg None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1973
12002 Mitchell, H None The Problemist 1973
110310 Mlynka, Karol None Breyer MT 1973
46748 Myhre, Gunnar Frode None Verdens Gang 1973
96597 Myhre, Gunnar Frode None Problemas 1973
87742 Racz, Erich None Buletin Problemistic 1973
230406 Riczu, Lajos None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1973
103763 Shakhnazaryan, Albert Serapionovic None Flag Rodini 1973
11951 Shitov, Aleksei Petrovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1973
24569 Siklosi, Miklos None Fakly a Klub musortuzet 1973
85848 Speckmann, Werner None Die Schwalbe 1973
87870 Udartsev, Valentin Filipovich None Buletin Problemistic 1973
141106 Vakhlakov, Yuri Nikolaevich 3rd Prize Shakhmaty 1973
161748 Aizikowicz, Jakov None Shahmat 1974
157911 Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli None Buletin Problemistic 1974
28887 Benoit, Marc None Problemas 1974
148465 Boy, Claude None diagrammes 1974
149816 Buchbinder, Grigory J None Revista Romana de Sah 1974
268318 Cristoffanini, Guido None Scacco! 1974
48044 Giegold, Fritz Emil None Zeit-Magazin 1974
139851 Grinchenko, Dmitry None Probleemblad 1974
23550 Harth, Arthur R None Chess Life & Review 1974
138916 Hermanson, Halvar None Probleemblad 1974
139711 Hoek, Willem None Probleemblad 1974
260991 Juhe, Heinrich None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1974
12062 Kanonik, Dimitry Kirillovich 1st Prize Lokker MT 1974
99698 Labai, Zoltan None Magyar Sakkelet 1974
268232 Lider, Valentin Viktorovich None Het Parool 1974
228782 Lokker, Miklosh S None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1974
142144 Maleika, Gerhard None Die Schwalbe 1974
99693 Molnar, Arpad None Magyar Sakkelet 1974
138922 Petite, Efren None Probleemblad 1974
163831 Piatesi, Antonio None Novi Temi 1974
219853 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1974
219854 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1974
219856 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1974
197418 Roche, Jean None diagrammes 1974
12060 Speckmann, Werner None L'Italia Scacchistica 1974
12063 Zakhodyakin, Gleb Nikolaevich HM. Lokker MT 1974
71015 Lebedkin, Elisey K 3rd HM. Ceramica di Imola TT 1974-1975
96673 Riczu, Lajos None Problem (Zagreb) 1974-1976
243265 Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli 2nd Prize= Source? 1975
103868 Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1975
63530 Archakov, Vladimir Mikhailovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1975
35378 Baier, Roland None Basler Nachrichten 1975
170500 Baier, Roland None Basler Nachrichten 1975
35807 Baumann, Hannes None Tages-Anzeiger 1975
110581 Beloborodov, Vladimir None Shakhmatna misl 1975
233383 Benko, Pal Charles None Chess Life & Review 1975
42748 Boyer, Jean-Pierre None diagrammes 1975
207690 Dudrin, Viktor None Die Schwalbe 1975
12158 Fleck, Ferenc 1st Prize Pedagogusok Lapja 1975
140216 Gaidukov, P None Probleemblad 1975
25708 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) None Schach 1975
108396 Harth, Arthur R None Northwest Chess 1975
163887 Kakovin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich None Novi Temi 1975
71066 Kalandadze, Velimir 4th Prize Ellerman MT 1975
216695 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1975
45710 Lobusov, Andrey Jakovlevic None Bulletin 1975
239258 Makaronets, Leonid None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1975
140171 Mihalek, Frederick M None Probleemblad 1975
86898 Parkhomenko, Nikolai A None Problemas 1975
214872 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1975
214873 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1975
215144 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1975
22216 Schmidt, Leif Carl None Tidskrift for Schack 1975
95037 Shakhnazaryan, Albert Serapionovic None Krimskaya Pravda 1975
99713 Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander None Magyar Sakkelet 1975
102478 Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander None Europe Echecs 1975
249874 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1975
232347 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1975
232357 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1975
232358 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1975
234529 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1975
249395 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1975
84623 Szwedowski, Leopold Mieczyslaw None De Waarheid 1975
176352 Zuk, Henryk None Schach-Echo 1975
12135 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1975
12137 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1975
12143 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1975
12144 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1975
140233 van Gool, Johann Christoffel 1st Prize 05. Kwik-Toernooi 1975
12249 Chernyavsky, Mykola Vasilovich 1/2 Prize Zvezda 1976
12218 Driver, John Edward None Pick of the Best Chess Problems 1976
86877 Gerasimenko, Nikolai Mikhailovich None The Problemist 1976
232752 Harder, Karl None Freie Presse 1976
136856 Hronec, Jaroslav None Asder 1976
212395 Hultberg, Gustav Herbert None Land og Folk 1976
177533 Jonsson, Christer None Postsjakk 1976
218807 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1976
267713 Koder, Gabor None diagrammes 1976
263410 Lipton, Michael None The Problemist 1976
63654 Macleod, Norman Alasdair None Schach-Echo 1976
55675 Mansfield, Comins 4th Comm. Guanabara Chess Club 1976
230408 Riczu, Lajos None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1976
140419 Rizzetti, Dante Hugo None Probleemblad 1976
95155 Rumyantsev, Sergei Yuryewitch None Omskaya Pravda 1976
12251 Shedey, Sergey Oleksandrovich HM. Zvezda 1976
100302 Shedey, Sergey Oleksandrovich None Suomen Shakki 1976
176200 Vincze, Stefan None Schach-Echo 1976
140414 de Jongh, WJ None Probleemblad 1976
12216 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1976
141089 van Woerden, Jan None Probleemblad 1976
12333 Petrovic, Nenad 9th Place Match: USSR - Yugoslavia 1976-1977
79330 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1977
12313 Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich None Shakhmaty 1977
204611 Aschemann, Ralf None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1977
261158 Bartolovic, Hrvoje 4th HM. Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1977
99755 Bartolovic, Hrvoje None Magyar Sakkszovetseg 1977
261633 Baumann, Hannes None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1977
67154 Bernard, Edmond None Themes-64 1977
79546 Davidenko, Fedor Vasilevich None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1977
148126 Goumondy, Claude 5th HM. Mat 1977
147375 Grevlund, Per None Thema Danicum 1977
194445 Helweg, Steffen ('Cyrano') None Chess Tattoo Finale 1977
121473 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1977
219221 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1977
219432 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1977
219433 Kashcheev, Niktopolion Pavlovich None Land og Folk 1977
262772 Konikowski, Jerzy None Szachy 1977
104372 Kubicek, James Lawrence None Northwest Chess 1977
12315 Kwiatkowski, Vitaly I None Shakhmaty 1977
103646 Lukyanov, Valentin Volodimirovich None Suomen Shakki 1977
249875 McIntyre, Donald Glenoe None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1977
125370 Mirri, Giorgio None Source? 1977
12254 Morice, Jean None 24 Heures de Lausanne 1977
173176 Morse, Christopher Jeremy None Problem Observer 1977
85747 Speckmann, Werner None Berliner Morgenpost 1977
12261 Varga, Josip None Die Schwalbe 1977
213698 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Land og Folk 1977
214079 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Land og Folk 1977
214080 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Land og Folk 1977
105410 Zappas, Byron None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1977
205838 Zuncke, Klaus-Peter None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1977
12287 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1977
12288 van Craenenbroeck, Pierre None Pops 1977
12404 Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli & Vahidov, Medzh Sp. HM. Vilna Ukraina 1978
172085 Apro, Laszlo None British Chess Magazine 1978
268241 Boyer, Jean-Pierre None KeyStip 20. Ty. 1978
209843 Cocozza, Mario None Land og Folk 1978
12379 Dasni, Shamil Ade None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1978
205193 Dietrich, Georg None Badische Neueste Nachrichten 1978
99768 Kardos, Tivadar HM. Magyar Sakkelet 1978
212984 Krikheli, Iosif Mikhailovich Sp. Prize Mat 1978
108713 Kruk, Henryk None Szachy 1978
210258 Mehner, Heinrich None Badische Neueste Nachrichten 1978
233403 Moore, Robert Clyde None Chess Life & Review 1978
273528 Sambuu, Sukhebaatarin None diagrammes 1978
85756 Speckmann, Werner None Land og Folk 1978
232371 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1978
12363 Szabo, Laszlo 2nd HM. Magyar Sakkszovetseg 1978
159595 Tomson, Brian Comm. Problem Observer 1978
99761 Touw Hian Bwee None Magyar Sakkelet 1978
12355 Umnov, German 3rd Prize Il Duale 1978
266203 den Broeder, G None Schakend Nederland 1978
12368 di Vincenzi, Renato None Unpublished 1978
164804 van Engelen, Adrianus Cornelis None Probleemblad 1978
120872 Szoghy, Jozsef None Il Duale 1978-1981
12465 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil None The Problemist 1979
247915 Blikeng, Bjarne None Thema Danicum 1979
28892 Braithwaite, Kenneth Holmes None Le Droit 1979
140990 Chebanov, Nikolai V None Hlas l'udu 1979
42551 Cheron, Andre None Journal de Geneve 1979
12422 Dasni, Shamil Ade & Speckmann, Werner None Die Schwalbe 1979
242864 Degener, Udo None Themes-64 1979
12423 Dittrich, Stefan None Die Schwalbe 1979
178032 Donk, PP None Probleemblad 1979
167090 Gavriliv, Evgeni M Sp. Comm. Dieprovsky Metallurg 1979
25711 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) 1st Prize Source? 1979
213659 Kichigin, Viktor Vladimirovich None Land og Folk 1979
179730 Kopnin, Aleksey Grigorevich & Popkov, Nikolai Niko Sp. Prize Magyar Sakkelet 1979
262774 Kruk, Henryk None Szachy 1979
80241 Labai, Zoltan 1st Prize Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1979
203833 Labai, Zoltan None Pravda 1979
176630 List, Reto None Schach-Echo 1979
12478 Manolescu, Mircea Mihai 1/2 Prize Tribuna Sibiului 1979
12413 Meinking, Daniel None Chess Life 1979
276390 Michel, Francois & Monreal, Pierre None diagrammes 1979
164570 Mityushin, Anatoly & Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich None Novi Temi 1979
42619 Morisset, Jean-Marie None Europe Echecs 1979
195276 Nemeth, Gyula None Probleemblad 1979
99348 Persa, Istvan None Magyar Sakkelet 1979
168432 Petite, Efren 2nd Prize Problemas 1979
42660 Pilchenko, Viacheslav Karlovich & Shavirin, Valery 2nd HM. 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1979
274130 Ravichandran, MS & Sekar, MSC None diagrammes 1979
215662 Riczu, Lajos None Land og Folk 1979
267398 Ruisendaal, G None Schakend Nederland 1979
109318 Sardella, Giuseppe None Ferrari MT (Sinfonie Scacchistiche) 1979
178019 Smits, Gerhardus Johannes Gerard None Probleemblad 1979
85753 Speckmann, Werner None Die Schwalbe 1979
85794 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1979
232378 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1979
233554 Viksna, Kristaps None Freie Presse 1979
215664 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Land og Folk 1979
215835 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Land og Folk 1979
219864 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Land og Folk 1979
75385 Zappas, Byron None Probleemblad 1979
184335 Hernitz, Zvonimir 1/2 HM. The Problemist Minimal Ty. 1979-1980
22534 Krizovensky, Marian 2nd Prize Tungsram Cup 1979-1980
15149 Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli & Vahidov, Medzh None Sachsische Zeitung 1980
15166 Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli & Vahidov, Medzh None Student 1980
79259 Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli & Vahidov, Medzh None L'Italia Scacchistica 1980
159498 Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich None Hlas l'udu 1980
171275 Archakov, Vladimir Mikhailovich & Kucheruk, V 3rd Prize Tumenskaya Pravda 1980
68093 Axt, Hermann (Hemmo) & Ernstberger, Walter 2nd HM. Magyar Sakkelet 1980
260700 Barbieri, L None L'Italia Scacchistica 1980
22331 Bonivento, Oscar & Shanshin, Valery Yurevich None Ferrari MT (Sinfonie Scacchistiche) 1980
24218 Fink, Adolf Jay None Chess Life 1980
24963 Fulpius, Jaques None Journal de Geneve 1980
69687 Fulpius, Jaques None Journal de Geneve 1980
29055 Godbout, Alain J None Le Droit 1980
104340 Haralovic, Mato None Canadian Chess Chat 1980
182461 Haring, Jacobus None The Problemist 1980
242256 Kisis, Imants J None Shakhmaty (Riga) 1980
15124 Kluver, Hans Wilhelm None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
277260 Kopaev, Viacheslav Georgievich None diagrammes 1980
51823 Korponai, Jozsef None Problem (Zagreb) 1980
108705 Kozlowski, Leszek None Szachy 1980
117199 Kuligin, Nikolai Volodimirovich None Pfeiffer MT 1980
243248 Larsen, Lars Aksglade (= Aksglade, Lars) None Tidskrift for Schack 1980
267911 Lider, Valentin Viktorovich None Mat 1980
67603 List, Reto None Ferrari MT (Sinfonie Scacchistiche) 1980
144693 Madsen, Arthur Valdemar None Skakbladet 1980
15125 Maleika, Gerhard None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
15195 McDowell, Michael 1st HM. BCPS U-21 Ty. 1980
108954 Miltner, Vratislav None Zemedelske noviny 1980
275094 Notaro, Rosario None Mat 1980
15165 Orlik, Peter None stern 1980
96641 Popovski, Aleksandr None Problemas 1980
91448 Prins, Hendrik & Scheur, Dirk None Probleemblad 1980
121122 Rusek, Jan Andrzej None Szachy 1980
51824 Sallay, Bela Albert HM. Magyar Sakkszovetseg 1980
99808 Schiffert, Gyorgy None Magyar Sakkelet 1980
230756 Seehofer, Wilfried None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
22533 Siotis, Nikos None The Problemist 1980
15129 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
232380 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
272311 Svetec, Srdan None Mat 1980
182465 Vukcevich, Milan Radoje None The Problemist 1980
164997 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Novi Temi 1980
183968 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Suomen Shakki 1980
138402 Zuncke, Klaus-Peter None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
138406 Zuncke, Klaus-Peter None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
138407 Zuncke, Klaus-Peter None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
249539 Zuncke, Klaus-Peter None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1980
197774 van Engelen, Adrianus Cornelis None Probleemblad 1980
216407 van Sinttruijen, JJ None Probleemblad 1980
15288 Rudenko, Valentin Fedorovich 6th Place 02. WCCT 1980-1983
15265 Zappas, Byron 1/2 Place 02. WCCT 1980-1983
140870 Svetec, Srdan None Liga Problemista 1980/2
140936 Tomasevic, Milos None Liga Problemista 1980/I
276509 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Mat 1981
79267 Andrievski, Y None Rabotschi krai 1981
277909 Arhoul, MJB None diagrammes 1981
115206 Bogdanov, Evgeny Mikhailovich None Canadian Chess Chat 1981
276259 Bogdanov, Evgeny Mikhailovich None Mat 1981
138100 Bordoni, Giovanni None Due Alfieri 1981
64542 Caillaud, Michel 2/3 Prize Themes-64 1981
84168 Cheylan, Yves None Canadian Chess Chat 1981
235503 Dikusarov, Andrey Nikolayovich None 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1981
237769 Erokhin, Vladimir Alekseevich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1981
15202 Ferguson, M None Chess Life 1981
15218 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Expressen 1981
225995 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1981
68835 Gavriliv, Evgeni M & Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich 1st Prize Mongolia 1981
15204 Gockel, Hubert None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1981
238769 Janevski, Zivko None Mat 1981
243796 Jonsson, Christer None Tidskrift for Schack 1981
15222 Kapros, Jorge Marcelo None Il Duale 1981
117097 Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur L None Vecherni Leningrad 1981
276498 Kuligin, Nikolai Volodimirovich None Mat 1981
160892 Leiss, Hans-Dieter None Die Schwalbe 1981
197724 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1981
45888 Lubton, Yehuda None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1981
56079 Mansfield, Comins None Probleemblad 1981
15242 Mihajloski, Zlatko & Miloseski, Bosko None Rochade 1981
104401 Mladenovic, Miodrag None Yugoslav Championship QCT 1981
243086 Smullyan, Raymond Merrill None The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Nights 1981
15208 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1981
15209 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1981
15233 Speckmann, Werner None Miniature Chess Problems from Many Countries 1981
86076 Speckmann, Werner None Canadian Chess Chat 1981
68102 Sukhitashvili, Sergey Nikolaevich None Schach-Echo 1981
15255 Sushkov, Yuri Akimovich None Sovietskaya U 1981
192741 Taffs, Anthony John None The Problemist 1981
40377 Werle, Allan Theodor None Springaren 1981
95071 Yachnik, A None Cherkasskaya Pravda 1981
49954 Savournin, Jacques 3rd HM. Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1981-1982
136399 Cvejic, Bogdan None Liga Problemista 1981/5
150698 Ahlheim, Karl-Heinz None Die Schwalbe 1982
15365 Akchurin, Mikhail Sp. HM. Vecherni Kharkov 1982
79254 Alekseev, Yuri Mikhailovich None Sahs 1982
154638 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Vecherni Kharkov 1982
160095 Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich None Die Schwalbe 1982
86961 Benko, Pal Charles None Magyar Sakkelet 1982
255035 Borovik, Boris V None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1982
96299 Braithwaite, Kenneth Holmes None US Problem Bulletin 1982
200090 Braithwaite, Kenneth Holmes None The Problemist 1982
64282 Chernyavsky, Mykola Vasilovich & Shedey, Sergey Ol 3rd Place USSR Championship 1982
99841 Erokhin, Vladimir Alekseevich None Magyar Sakkelet 1982
15299 Fleck, Ferenc Comm. Apro JT 1982
222223 Hannelius, Jan Ingvar None Suomen Shakki 1982
15317 Haralovic, Mato None Mat 1982
87540 Hillel, Yezekhiel None The Problemist 1982
170153 Hoffmann, Martin Wolfgang None Tages-Anzeiger 1982
187165 Kallio, Timo None Suomen Shakki 1982
261278 Kapros, Jorge Marcelo None Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1982
108720 Kruk, Henryk None Canadian Chess Chat 1982
278785 Kuligin, Nikolai Volodimirovich None Mat 1982
110181 Labai, Zoltan None Pedagogusok Lapja 1982
198067 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1982
178604 Marysko, Milos None Boletim da UBP 1982
15360 Mironov, Aleksey Fedorovich 3rd Prize Vecherni Kharkov 1982
858 Montgomerie, M None British Chess Magazine 1982
200088 Niemeijer, Meindert None The Problemist 1982
251809 Ouellet, Charles None Probleemblad 1982
245980 Pankratiev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich None Shakhmatna misl 1982
239999 Petite, Efren None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1982
64438 Prins, Hendrik 1st HM. Varsovie JT 1982
109472 Sabol, Frantisek None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1982
187541 Salmio, Seppo None Suomen Shakki 1982
15364 Samilo, Volodimir Grigorovich HM. Vecherni Kharkov 1982
15345 Shuryakov, Aleksandr None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1982
24121 Siotis, Nikos None Canadian Chess Chat 1982
232389 Speckmann, Werner None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1982
47809 Tryssesoone, Louis None Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 1982
43244 Vandemeulebroucke, Ignaas None Schaak-Schild 1982
177917 Zigalov, Aleksandr None Sahs (Latvia) 1982
56128 Mansfield, Comins Comm. The Problemist 1982/II
150367 Agostini, Valerio 2nd HM. L'Italia Scacchistica 1983
172205 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None 200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 1983
81456 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None 200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 1983
133370 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None 200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 1983
133802 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None 200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 1983
134461 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None 200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 1983
157315 Andreev, Aleksandr Grigorevich None 200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 1983
80743 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Novgorodskaya pravda 1983
80039 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Novgorodskaya pravda 1983
176397 Binder, Friedrich None Schach-Echo 1983
133137 Boyer, Jean-Pierre None Europe Echecs 1983
133136 Boyer, Jean-Pierre & di Scala, Pascal None Vitatop 1983
107076 Burbach, Johannes Jacob None Wenigsteiner Jahrespreis 1983
147235 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich & Melnichenko, Viktor None Canadian Chess Chat 1983
259452 Cheylan, Yves None Die Schwalbe 1983
30238 Colonelli, Hercules None Boletim da UBP 1983
250352 Dittrich, Stefan & Muller, Dieter None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1983
147222 Dolginovich, Nikolai Osipovich None Canadian Chess Chat 1983
255826 Erokhin, Vladimir Alekseevich 2/3 Comm. Buletin Problemistic 1983
234845 Groeneveld, Cornelis None Freie Presse 1983
243958 Gvozdjak, Peter None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1983
15422 Hernitz, Zvonimir None The Problemist 1983
138413 Hernitz, Zvonimir None Die Schwalbe 1983
64905 Hoffmann, Martin Wolfgang None Tages-Anzeiger 1983
103605 Janevski, Zivko None Match: Macedonia - Serbia 1983
249541 Junker, Karl None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1983
252991 Kopaev, Viacheslav Georgievich & Lobusov, Andrey J None Probleemblad 1983
146803 Kozhakin, Vladimir Vladimirovich None Canadian Chess Chat 1983
29882 Kutukov, Yuri A None Hlas l'udu 1983
108746 Labai, Zoltan 3rd Comm. Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1983
190869 Lindstrom, Ismo 1st Prize Pohjonen JT 1983
56131 Mansfield, Comins None Suomen Shakki 1983
108955 Miltner, Vratislav None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1983
190262 Muha, Boris None Suomen Shakki 1983
24220 Poire, AR None Chess Life 1983
109272 Rusenescu, Eugen 1st Comm. Revista Romana de Sah 1983
256449 Rychkov, Vladimir Nikolaevich None Buletin Problemistic 1983
147818 Schmitt, Olivier None Var Martin 1983
85793 Speckmann, Werner None Rochade 1983
99422 Szita, Robert None Magyar Sakkelet 1983
110601 Szoghy, Jozsef None A Feladvany 1983
147238 Tolstoy, Stanislav Maksimovic None Canadian Chess Chat 1983
252994 Tryssesoone, Louis None Probleemblad 1983
24969 Valuska, Jan 7th HM. UV CSTV 1983
146798 Vigh-Tarsonyi, L None Canadian Chess Chat 1983
15389 Voinov, Vsevolod A 2nd HM. Magadansky Komsomolets 1983
254555 Willmott, Arthur None Probleemblad 1983
147379 Willmott, Arthur None Chess in Australia 1983
37900 Zalokotsky, Roman Fedorovich (aka Fedorovich, Roma None Due Alfieri 1983
265956 van Lisdonk, L None Schakend Nederland 1983
22540 Muller, Dieter 1st HM. RDA Championship 1983-1984
15423 Lewis, Robert Tony 4th Comm. The Problemist 1983/II
153252 Amirov, Talip Khasanovich None Mat 1984
78584 Babic, Ninoslav None Sahovska Kompozicia 1984
122523 Berg, Wolfgang None Sachsische Zeitung 1984
147322 Bogdanov, Evgeny Mikhailovich None Canadian Chess Chat 1984
238044 Bogdanov, Evgeny Mikhailovich None Mat 1984
3211 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None Uchitelskaya gazeta 1984
208464 Dischler, Max None Badische Neueste Nachrichten 1984
44796 Dittrich, Stefan None Tribune de Geneve 1984
133175 Dragoescu, Radu None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1984
178764 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Springaren 1984
22548 Gamza, Grigory Stepanovich 1st Place Match: Novosibirsk - Volgograd 1984
255001 Gockel, Hubert None Probleemblad 1984
255671 Golubenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich None Probleemblad 1984
125602 Groeneveld, Cornelis None Boletim da UBP 1984
193303 Gronroos, Mikael None Suomen Shakki 1984
227343 Grupen, Claus None Kieler Schachgesellschaft 1984
243961 Gvozdjak, Peter None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1984
207439 Haring, Jacobus None The Problemist 1984
226975 Holladay, Edgar Dinwiddie None US Problem Bulletin 1984
178763 Hultberg, Gustav Herbert None Springaren 1984
205598 Janevski, Zivko None The Problemist 1984
157602 Kozhakin, Vladimir Vladimirovich None Die Schwalbe 1984
192835 Lamba, Stelian None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1984
173784 Larrain, Santiago None Boletim da UBP 1984
196346 Lewis, Robert Tony None Suomen Shakki 1984
209315 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1984
209319 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1984
209320 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1984
177893 Lukyanov, Valentin Volodimirovich 2nd HM. Sahs (Latvia) 1984
255050 Mucha, Boris I None Probleemblad 1984
255843 Mucha, Boris I None Skakbladet 1984
173790 Mucha, Boris I None Boletim da UBP 1984
252909 Myllyniemi, Matti Arvo 4th HM. Schach 1984
103740 Rumyantsev, Sergei Yuryewitch None 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1984
15501 Saunders, Denis M None The Problemist 1984
233481 Schreckenbach, Michael None Freie Presse 1984
29361 Shire, David J None Sachsische Zeitung 1984
261137 Tikkanen, Tapani 1st HM. Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1984
170110 Uberwasser, Adrian None Tages-Anzeiger 1984
173571 Udartsev, Valentin Filipovich None Boletim da UBP 1984
173782 Udartsev, Valentin Filipovich None Boletim da UBP 1984
95064 Vishkov, Anatoly Ivanovich None Volgogradskaya Pravda 1984
77518 Zvetkov, Javor None Shakhmatna misl 1984
173929 Dragoescu, Radu Comm. Boletim da UBP 1984-1985
81578 Macleod, Norman Alasdair 1st Comm. The Problemist 1984/II
90528 Ahlheim, Karl-Heinz None Die Schwalbe 1985
159020 Aksanov, T None Raketa 1985
171294 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Za Ogneypori 1985
132928 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Novgorodskaya pravda 1985
132930 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Novgorodskaya pravda 1985
52119 Atanasievic, Aleksandar None Probleemblad 1985
78598 Backe, Espen None The Problemist 1985
233725 Berg, Wolfgang & Degenkolbe, Mirko None Freie Presse 1985
249020 Blikeng, Bjarne None Thema Danicum 1985
83835 Degener, Udo None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1985
241374 Gavrilov, Constantin Grigorievich None Shakhmaty v SSSR 1985
249546 Geissler, Norbert None Deutsche Schachzeitung 1985
108165 Goldstein, Alexander None Chess Life & Review 1985
24570 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) None Izbrannie Kompozitsi 1985
177804 Kisis, Imants J None Sahs (Latvia) 1985
240673 Larsen, Lars Aksglade (= Aksglade, Lars) None Thema Danicum 1985
95386 Linss, Torsten None Berliner Zeitung 1985
173891 Lubton, Yehuda None Boletim da UBP 1985
174100 Machler, Emil 1st Comm. Berlingozzo-Coutinho Festival 1985
152605 Mariani, Stefano None L'Italia Scacchistica 1985
210889 Mariz Garcia, J None The Problemist 1985
233402 McDowell, Michael None Chess Life 1985
154478 McWilliam, Robert C Comm. The Problemist 1985
158608 McWilliam, Robert C None Bournemouth Evening Echo 1985
267750 Mucha, Boris I None Probleemblad 1985
196626 Muha, Boris None Suomen Shakki 1985
271334 Muller, Dieter 1st Prize Buletin Problemistic TT 1985
233321 Neyndorff, Luke None Chess Life 1985
268198 Ouellet, Charles None Probleemblad 1985
233743 Pankratiev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich None Freie Presse 1985
177792 Parfirev, Viktor B None Sahs (Latvia) 1985
262360 Quijano, A None Europe Echecs 1985
35207 Seider, Shlomo None Israel Ring Ty. 1985
210891 Smook, Roger W None The Problemist 1985
118735 Stepanov, Petr Aleksandrovich None Na Smenu! 1985
267752 Strzala, Kazimierz None Probleemblad 1985
80076 Touw Hian Bwee 2nd HM. Schweizer Schach-Magazin 1985
15517 Veselenchuk, Semen Ivanovich None 64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1985
174095 Zarur, Almiro Elias 2nd HM. Berlingozzo-Coutinho Festival 1985
272019 van Lisdonk, L None Schakend Nederland 1985
3214 Osipov, G 3rd HM. Shakhmatnogo Kliga 1985-1986
157611 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Krasnaya iskra 1986
157942 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Krasnaya iskra 1986
158422 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Sa ogneupory 1986
158425 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Sa ogneupory 1986
177979 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None Sahs (Latvia) 1986
197675 Chobanyan, Shamil None Suomen Shakki 1986
196242 Dimants, Eduards None Sachova skladba 1986
133177 Dragoescu, Radu 4th HM. Themes-64 1986
212383 Eyjolfsson, Eyjolfur None The Problemist 1986
15659 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Springaren 1986
196244 Gasparovic, Jan None Sachova skladba 1986
198447 Gronroos, Mikael None Suomen Shakki 1986
15647 Gross, Erwin None Schach-Echo 1986
243965 Gvozdjak, Peter None Pravda 1986
211345 Inostroza, Sergio None The Problemist 1986
211346 Inostroza, Sergio None The Problemist 1986
108624 Kiss, Ivan None Gyorsszer 1986
195984 Kuzmichev, Vladimir Viktorovich None Sachova skladba 1986
211396 Larrain, Santiago None The Problemist 1986
15624 Lincoln, Robert A None Newark Star-Ledger 1986
212384 Love, Stephen None The Problemist 1986
211351 Mariz Garcia, J None The Problemist 1986
145177 McDowell, Michael None Ideal-Mate Review 1986
1144 McWilliam, Robert C None Problem Observer 1986
154473 McWilliam, Robert C None Chess Life 1986
108956 Miltner, Vratislav None Sachova skladba 1986
198453 Pohjonen, Risto None Suomen Shakki 1986
196250 Salai (Snr), Ladislav None Sachova skladba 1986
211353 Speckmann, Werner None The Problemist 1986
228197 Stadelmeier, Gerhard None Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1986
211723 Stanton, J None The Problemist 1986
109480 Svoboda, Rudolf None Sachova skladba 1986
109482 Svoboda, Rudolf None Sachova skladba 1986
103790 Taranets, B None Serp i molot 1986
46436 Turnbull, Ronald None The Problemist 1986
211347 Turnbull, Ronald None The Problemist 1986
15630 Versmissen, Koen None Probleemblad 1986
77657 Wassong, Pascal None diagrammes 1986
15592 Wong, Peter None Chess in Australia 1986
177755 Zhuravlev, N None Sahs (Latvia) 1986
137532 Mazilu, C None Revista Romana de Sah 1986-1987
160087 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Sa ogneupory 1987
160808 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Sa ogneupory 1987
161683 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Shakhmatnie Zadachi Tabri 1987
161684 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Shakhmatnie Zadachi Tabri 1987
161687 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Shakhmatnie Zadachi Tabri 1987
171295 Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich None Znamya Ilycha 1987
103461 Banaszek, Marcin None Polish Chess Federation and Gdynia-60 JT 1987
103462 Banaszek, Marcin None Mat 1987
170189 Baumann, Hannes None Tages-Anzeiger 1987
15720 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None Lokker MT 1987
15744 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None Problemas 1987
218850 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None The Problemist 1987
243828 Chepizhni, Viktor Ivanovich None Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1987
65839 Chernet, R None diagrammes 1987
212960 Dragoescu, Radu None The Problemist 1987
136533 Drazkowski, Krzysztof 4th HM. Borowiczi 1987
106131 Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius None Thema Danicum 1987
45895 Grebeshkov, Vladimir None Zog 1987
15681 Gulyaev, Aleksandr Pavlovich (aka Grin, AP) None Amirov MT 1987
22731 Haring, Jacobus None Sozavox 1987
214405 Inostroza, Sergio None The Problemist 1987
239193 Kozhakin, Vladimir Vladimirovich None Schach 1987
110147 Kuligin, Nikolai Volodimirovich None Sachova skladba 1987
124489 Kuligin, Nikolai Volodimirovich None Sachova skladba 1987
214402 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1987
23019 Lewis, Robert Tony 3rd Prize Buletin Problemistic 1987
218851 Lewis, Robert Tony None The Problemist 1987
136239 Lincoln, Robert A None Newark Star-Ledger 1987
15734 Lincoln, Robert A None Newark Star-Ledger 1987
22558 Lincoln, Robert A None US Problem Bulletin 1987
39043 Lincoln, Robert A None Newark Star-Ledger 1987
174340 Loepert, Fritz & Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander None Boletim da UBP 1987
117355 Lyalyushkin, Yuri Konstantinovich None Lenininski Pyt 1987
258745 Makaronets, Leonid 4th Prize Buletin Problemistic 1987
91969 Maniak, Adam None Schach-Aktiv 1987
1146 McWilliam, Robert C 1st HM. Problem Observer 1987
154415 McWilliam, Robert C None Bournemouth Evening Echo 1987
154477 McWilliam, Robert C None US Problem Bulletin 1987
154414 McWilliam, Robert C None County Down Spectator 1987
154475 McWilliam, Robert C None The Independent 1987
241658 Mlynka, Karol None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 1987
121223 Parkhomenko, Nikolai A None Sahovski Glasnik 1987
84796 Petite, Efren None Revista Romana de Sah 1987
24689 Popov, Valery 1st Prize Borovich CC 1987
141648 Popov, Valery 4th Comm. Lokker MT 1987
95697 Rossi, Sisto None L'Italia Scacchistica 1987
103735 Rumyantsev, A None Panorama 1987