yacpdb | 87,438 |
Sadier Collection | 15,548 |
Valois Notebooks | 8,571 |
Near Snap | 6,612 |
White-Hume Collection | 6,000 |
The Problemist | 4,801 |
Albrecht-Leiss-Degener Collection | 4,372 |
Die Schwalbe | 3,083 |
Snap | 2,933 |
StrateGems | 2,309 |
British Chess Magazine | 1,762 |
SCPF/BCPS Black Books | 1,722 |
Probleemblad | 1,681 |
Pirnie Collection | 1,486 |
The Problemist Supplement | 1,214 |
FIDE Album (1914-1944) (II) | 1,202 |
American Chess Nuts | 1,192 |
FIDE Album (1945-1955) | 1,173 |
2345 Chess Problems | 939 |
The Good Companion Two-Mover | 910 |
TRD Scrapbook | 875 |
Shakhmatny zadachi miniaturi | 827 |
BCPS Library | 769 |
Problem Observer | 768 |
777 Chess Miniatures in Three | 752 |
FIDE Album (1914-1944) (I) | 722 |
700 Chess Problems | 659 |
Problemschach-Jahrbuch (1999) | 652 |
Mat Plus | 634 |
Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems | 620 |
Problemschach-Jahrbuch (1994) | 602 |
Simple Two-move Themes | 590 |
Chess | 588 |
The Chess Bouquet | 582 |
Problemschach-Jahrbuch (1993) | 568 |
Einfuhrung in die Welt des Schachproblem | 543 |
Chess Amateur (The) | 540 |
Problemschach-Jahrbuch (2000) | 540 |
English Chess Problems | 534 |
Complete Mansfield/II | 512 |
Variantim | 506 |
Problemschach-Jahrbuch (2001) | 501 |
Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) | 493 |
Bohemian Garnets | 486 |
Bekroonde Problemen | 485 |
FIDE Album (1980-1982) | 483 |
Schach | 478 |
Sachova skladba | 470 |
FIDE Album (1998-2000) | 468 |
EJWW Scrapbook | 460 |
FIDE Album (1995-1997) | 456 |
FIDE Album (1983-1985) | 451 |
Complete Mansfield/III | 449 |
FIDE Album (1977-1979) | 426 |
FIDE Album (1974-1976) | 423 |
FIDE Album (1971-1973) | 420 |
FIDE Album (1962-1964) | 415 |
FIDE Album (1986-1988) | 412 |
The Theory of Pawn Promotion | 412 |
FIDE Album (1956-1958) | 410 |
FIDE Album (1959-1961) | 407 |
FIDE Album (2004-2006) | 397 |
Harley Scrapbook | 382 |
FIDE Album (2001-2003) | 375 |
More Fun with Chess Miniatures | 370 |
FIDE Album (1968-1970) | 369 |
FIDE Album (1965-1967) | 368 |
Miniature Chess Problems from Many Countries | 368 |
Chess Wizardry: The New ABC of Chess Problems | 365 |
FIDE Album (1989-1991) | 359 |
HGM Weenink (Euwe/Niemeijer/Rueb/Trotsenburg) | 352 |
Kunstwerke auf 64 Feldern (1922-1966) (Ott, Kummer, Schudel) | 350 |
Still More Fun with Chess Miniatures | 350 |
Schachminiaturen I | 348 |
Schachminiaturen II | 347 |
The Two-move Chess Problem Tradition and Development | 347 |
An ABC of Chess Problems | 344 |
Chess Problems: Introduction to an Art | 335 |
Chess Problem Text Book | 330 |
All Change Here! | 327 |
FIDE Album (1992-1994) | 321 |
Nuova Antologia dei Problemisti Italiani | 319 |
300 Chess Problems | 312 |
Best Problems | 311 |
Selected Stocchi (I) | 303 |
Michael Keller Ein Meister der Schachkomposition | 301 |
L'Italia Scacchistica | 298 |
Mat Plus Review | 293 |
The Golden Argosy | 288 |
Versunkene Schatze | 288 |
Fun with Chess Miniatures | 285 |
300 Sachmatu Uzdaviniu | 284 |
Mattbilder eines Lebens | 282 |
Tijdschrift vd NSB | 279 |
Dobrodruzstvi 64 poli | 274 |
Schach-Express | 264 |
Selected Stocchi (II) | 261 |
Aleksandr Galitzky - Shakhmaty Geine (Vol 1) | 253 |
Andrej Ancin - Chess Compositions | 253 |
Terms & Themes of Chess Problems | 253 |
The Art of Israeli Chess Composition | 250 |
Frederick Gamage (Prcic) | 249 |
Ceske Granaty | 236 |
Mostly Three=Movers | 235 |
Chess Life | 231 |
Het Half Pin Thema | 230 |
Selected Compositions of Julius Buchwald | 230 |
Viktor Chepizhny | 229 |
Wola Gulowska Award | 226 |
Aarsskrift for DSK | 221 |
De Problemist | 219 |
100 Years of the American Two-move Chess Problem | 215 |
FIDE Album (1995-1997) (Annexe) | 215 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 01 | 215 |
Phenix | 214 |
Complete Mansfield/I | 209 |
FIDE Album (1992-1994) (Annexe) | 209 |
Schweizerische Schachzeitung | 207 |
WCSC | 207 |
diagrammes | 204 |
The Enjoyment of Chess Problems | 202 |
kunstschach (1987-1996) (Hoffmann) | 199 |
A Collection of Chess Problems by Touw Hian Bwee | 198 |
200 Chess Problems (Healey) | 197 |
Ceske Melodie | 197 |
200 Demanding Chess Puzzles | 195 |
Chess Problem Spectrum | 194 |
Spectacular Chess Problems | 194 |
Aftonbladets Problemturneringar aren 1898-1904 | 193 |
Izbrannie Kompozitsi | 192 |
Kunstschach in der Schweiz | 187 |
Tidskrift for Schack | 187 |
Jaarboek | 184 |
My Chess Compositions | 184 |
Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs | 183 |
The Chess Monthly (Hoffer) | 181 |
Problemschach (Sidler) | 180 |
Wurzburg Artistry | 177 |
schachkunst (1997-2010) (Hoffmann) | 177 |
Problempalette II (Chlubna/Wenda) | 175 |
200 Intriguing Chess Puzzles | 171 |
Chess Compositions (Taraba) | 171 |
The White King | 171 |
FIDE Album (1986-1988) (Annexe) | 169 |
Hans Ott Schachprobleme (Kummer) | 169 |
Mate in Two Moves | 169 |
Westbury Scrapbooks | 169 |
KSG-Problemschach 1969-1987 (Muck/Laue) | 165 |
Themes-64 | 163 |
David Shire Selected Chess Problems | 161 |
Ling Notebooks | 161 |
Album Russia (1992-1994) | 159 |
Boletim da UBP | 158 |
Chess Cameos | 155 |
World Chess Solving Championship 1977-1996 | 154 |
Chess Problem Gems by Eight Eminent American Composers | 153 |
Wolfgang Pauly Challenge of a Legacy | 152 |
200 Classic Chess Puzzles | 151 |
Crumbs from the Chess-board | 150 |
Zadachi i Etyudi | 150 |
Hoegs skakproblemer | 148 |
Miniatures canadiennes | 148 |
The Chess Player's Chronicle (Staunton) | 146 |
Chess Problems by J H Barrow | 144 |
Holladay Chess Problems | 144 |
Soviet Chess Compositions (1945-1947) | 143 |
Mat Plus Special Issue | 142 |
Probleme de Sah | 142 |
Kleinste Schachaufgaben Drei- und Viersteiner | 139 |
A R Gooderson An English Progressive | 138 |
Classic Chess Problems by Pioneer Composers | 138 |
154 norske miniatyrproblemer | 137 |
Suomen Shakki | 137 |
Sonatas in Chess | 136 |
Schachzeitung | 133 |
Cyclone | 132 |
Suomen Tehtavaniekat | 132 |
The Chessboard Adventures of Norman Macleod | 132 |
American Chess Problemist | 130 |
Schach fur Nussknacker | 130 |
Czech Album (1979-1981) | 129 |
Barnes about Chess Problems | 127 |
How to Solve Chess Problems | 124 |
170 Skakopgaver (Jorgensen) | 123 |
Tuxens skakopgaver (Leif C Schmidt) | 123 |
Uralski Problemist | 123 |
121 Chess Problems | 120 |
Izbrannie Shakhmatnie Zadachi Marka Reitmana | 119 |
100 und ein Schachproblem von Siegfried Brehmer | 116 |
Good Companion Chess Problem Club | 115 |
BCSC Final | 114 |
Systematic Terminology | 112 |
Walther Preiswerks Shachprobleme (M. Henneberger) | 111 |
BCPS Rapid Solving (Cheltenham) | 109 |
Thema Danicum | 109 |
Friedrich Dubbe ein Deutscher Problemmeister | 108 |
Faszinierendes Schachproblem | 107 |
Problemskak | 107 |
Selected Chess Problems of Colin Sydenham | 105 |
Bridgwater Scrapbook | 104 |
96 Schackproblem | 103 |
An English Bohemian | 103 |
Czech Album (1976-1978) | 103 |
English Mechanic and World of Science | 102 |
Beispiele zur Ideengeschichte des Schachproblems (Josef Breuer) | 101 |
Knights and Bishops | 101 |
Shakhmaty v SSSR | 101 |
Chess Souvenirs | 100 |
Chess Problems (Rayner) | 99 |
Some Problems For My Friends | 99 |
Springaren | 98 |
The Sushkov Theme | 98 |
Kudesnik | 97 |
The Chess Review | 97 |
White to Play | 97 |
Moje Sahovske Kompozicije (Markovic) | 94 |
Probleme si studii alese | 94 |
Tidsskrift for Skak | 93 |
Het Half Pin Thema (II) | 92 |
Robert Braune - Apotre de la Symetrie | 92 |
Adventures of my Chessmen | 89 |
Chess Solving Yearbook 2003 | 88 |
Magyar Sakkvilag | 88 |
Ukroshyenie Shakhmatnogo Pegasa (Vladimirov, YG) | 88 |
Chess Problems by V. M. N. Portilla | 87 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 12 | 87 |
Stanislav Trcala Sachovy odkaz | 87 |
Rozmaitosci Szachowe | 86 |
Seleccion de Problemas de Dante Hugo Rizzetti (Kapros) | 83 |
Norsk Sjakkblad | 82 |
Bindningsproblem med modellmatter (Froberg) | 81 |
Changing Fashions | 80 |
Chess Problems by the Late C M Baxter | 78 |
Hoekstenen | 77 |
ISC | 77 |
Amatorproblem | 76 |
Hans + Peter + Rehm = Schach | 76 |
ECSC | 75 |
Karl Junker: Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben | 75 |
Solving in Style | 75 |
The Best American Chess Problems of 1946 | 75 |
BCSC Postal | 73 |
Chess Problems by A. Z. Huggins | 73 |
The Field | 73 |
Petkov Selected Compositions | 70 |
The Macedonian Problemist | 70 |
75 Chess Problems | 68 |
Mat | 68 |
Jan Knoppel Udvalgte Skakproblemer | 66 |
Australian Chess Problem Magazine | 65 |
Bulletin de la FFE | 65 |
The Wizard of Oz | 65 |
Canadian Chess Problems | 64 |
Grossmeister Shakhmatnoi Kompozitsii | 61 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 02 | 60 |
Kemp Archive | 60 |
Chess Blossoms | 59 |
My Selected Chess Problems (Neumann) | 59 |
Tijdschrift vd KNSB | 59 |
Sachmatija | 58 |
Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) | 58 |
harmonie-aktiv | 58 |
Belgian Solving Championship | 57 |
Svi Moji Sahovski Problemi (Djurasevic) | 57 |
O Mosqueteiro do Rei | 56 |
A Tribute to G F Anderson | 55 |
Probleemcomponisten V - G H Drese | 55 |
Alpine Chess | 54 |
As in all Arts | 54 |
Encyclopedia of Chess Problems (Velimirovic/Valtonen) | 54 |
ChessMoves | 53 |
Huddersfield College Magazine | 53 |
Problemes choisis composes par Sigmund Herland (Yaremska-Iliescu) | 53 |
10. WCCT Award | 52 |
Deutsche Schachblatter | 52 |
Schweizer Schachkompositionen (1976-1986) (Henneberger) | 52 |
The Australasian Chess Review | 52 |
Componist | 51 |
Elementary Chess Problems | 51 |
British Championship Solving Ty. | 50 |
Problem Paradise | 50 |
Stella Polaris | 50 |
The Chessmen Speak | 50 |
64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie | 49 |
Henk Hagedoorn Solving Ty. | 49 |
Olympic Ty. Award (1948) | 49 |
Schaak..., maar raak! | 48 |
The Wangling Wizards | 48 |
Busmen's Chess Review | 46 |
Svenska Miniatyrer i urval (Froberg/Hultberg) | 46 |
Chess Problems by Pierces | 45 |
Deutsche Schachzeitung | 45 |
Dreiklang | 45 |
Sammlung Leichterer Schachaufgaben I (Dufresne) | 44 |
San Francisco Chronicle | 43 |
The Tablet | 43 |
Dutch Solving Championship | 42 |
Schach-Echo | 42 |
A Genius of the Two-mover | 41 |
A Memorial to D. J. Densmore | 41 |
Chess Solving Yearbook 2000 | 41 |
Chess Problems by John K Hanshew | 40 |
Czech Album (1995-1997) | 40 |
Presledovanie Temi | 40 |
Schach-Aktiv | 40 |
Brentano's Chess Monthly | 39 |
German Solving Championship | 39 |
McWilliam Scrapbook | 39 |
Tividar Kardos: 200 ausgewahlte Schachprobleme | 39 |
Problemi Opera omnia | 38 |
A Chess Philosophy of Otar Tabidze | 37 |
Chess Chips | 37 |
Probleemcomponisten I - L N de Jong | 37 |
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement | 36 |
Magyar Sakkelet | 36 |
Rochade Europa | 36 |
Tehtavaniekka | 36 |
Vybrane Sachove Problemy | 36 |
Attila Benedek - That's All | 35 |
Bohemian Garnets 03 (Fomichev) | 35 |
Schaak-composities 1975-1979 (de Vuyst) | 35 |
200 Schachaufgaben | 34 |
Asthetik und Ornamentik im Schachproblem | 34 |
La Strategie | 34 |
Maryland Chess Review | 34 |
Joseph Wainwright: 500+ Chess Problems (Meadley) | 33 |
The Chess Player's Chronicle (Sampson) | 33 |
Czech Album (2001-2003) | 32 |
La genialita compositiva di Giorgio Guidelli | 32 |
Lasker's Chess Magazine | 32 |
1001 Problemas | 31 |
Close Encounters with the Chess Pieces (Avner) | 31 |
European Junior Chess Solving Championship | 31 |
Finnish Solving Championship | 31 |
Problemschach-Jahrbuch (2002) | 31 |
Sjakkoppgaver og Studier av Andre Fossum | 31 |
A Tribute to G W Chandler | 30 |
Problemisten | 30 |
Skakbladet | 30 |
Sunningdale Machine Gun Solving | 30 |
Thirty Three-Movers (Wenman) | 30 |
International Chess Magazine | 29 |
Thirty Problems by Ehrenstein | 29 |
08. WCCT Award | 28 |
Social Chess Quarterly (The) | 28 |
The Westminster Papers | 28 |
Australasian Chess Magazine | 27 |
Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu | 27 |
Eretria Bulletin | 27 |
Selected Chess Compositions by Greek Composers | 27 |
06. WCCT Award | 26 |
Brian Harley Award | 26 |
Fifty Chess Problems (Brian Tomson) | 26 |
Izbrannie Shakmatny Zadachi Vladimira Rychkova | 26 |
The Observer | 26 |
Sunday Referee | 25 |
Czech Album (1988-1990) | 24 |
FIDE Album (2007-2009) | 24 |
Op de Hoogte | 24 |
Ajedrez | 23 |
Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben von Heinz Zander | 23 |
Chess Problems by C W of Sunbury | 23 |
Manchester Guardian | 23 |
Mes problemes et etudes d'echecs (Lazard) | 23 |
The Chess Players' Quarterly Chronicle | 23 |
150 Valogatott Feladvanya | 22 |
Bedwards Best (Brian Edwards) | 22 |
Conquering Kings | 22 |
Hampstead and Highgate Express | 22 |
To Alain White | 22 |
US Problem Bulletin | 22 |
Dal classico agli albori del moderno compositori scacchisti | 21 |
FIDE Album (2013-2015) | 21 |
Illustrated London News | 21 |
The Chess Compositions of E B Cook (Keidanz) | 21 |
A selection of chess problems by G. C. Alvey | 20 |
Cheltenham Examiner | 20 |
Der Schach Komponist | 20 |
FIDE Album (2016-2018) | 20 |
Ryan Scrapbook | 20 |
Kompozicny Sach na Slovensku (Formanek) | 19 |
Neue Zurcher Zeitung | 19 |
One Hundred Published Problems | 19 |
BCPS Solving Ty. (Harrogate) | 18 |
Canadian Chess Chat | 18 |
Minimalkunst im Schach | 18 |
Creative and Imaginative Chess Concepts | 17 |
Czech Republic Solving Ty. | 17 |
Land and Water | 17 |
Mind Sports Olympiad Solving Ty. | 17 |
Sachovy odkaz Ladislava Vetesnika/II | 17 |
Valentin Marin y Llovet - Seleccion de problemas | 17 |
idee & form | 17 |
64 + 100 | 16 |
British Chess Magazine Chess Annual 1915 | 16 |
Hastings Solving Ty. | 16 |
Lignes et Figures | 16 |
SEPA | 16 |
The Two-move Chess Problem in the Soviet Union 1923-1943 | 16 |
Tvorsti Shakhmatnoi Krasoti | 16 |
American Chess Bulletin | 15 |
Nebraska Chess Bulletin | 15 |
Prague Series Solving Ty. | 15 |
Sunday Chronicle | 15 |
Ajedrez Artistico | 14 |
Australian Chess | 14 | | 14 |
FFLA Scrapbook | 13 |
FIDE Album (2010-2012) | 13 |
Problem (Zagreb) | 13 |
The Guardian | 13 |
Vratnica-64 | 13 |
111 Selected Problems by Famous Composers | 12 |
Deutsches Wochenschach | 12 |
Greek Solving Championship | 12 |
JBCSC Postal | 12 |
Jerusalem Post | 12 |
Manchester Evening News | 12 |
McIntyre MT Award | 12 |
Novi Temi | 12 |
Preston Guardian | 12 |
Shakhmatna misl | 12 |
Troll | 12 |
200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles | 11 |
French Solving Championship | 11 |
Horizon | 11 |
Manchester Weekly Times | 11 |
Nikola Stolev - Selected Compositions (Janevski/Stolev) | 11 |
PE*ST*AB Solving Ty. | 11 |
Valadao Monteiro Ty. | 11 |
Westminster Budget | 11 |
200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) | 10 |
Hull Solving Ty. | 10 |
Jurmala Open Solving | 10 |
New Orleans Times-Democrat | 10 |
Postsjakk | 10 |
Rhodes WCCC Bulletin | 10 |
The Siers Battery in the Bohemian Three-mover | 10 |
Ukraine Album 1999 | 10 |
White and Black From Brown (David L Brown) | 10 |
Belarus Solving Championship | 9 |
Czech Open Solving Ty. | 9 |
Evening News | 9 |
Good Companions (July) | 9 |
La Presse | 9 |
Mightiest of Minds Solving Ty. | 9 |
ONOK | 9 |
The Becherovka Cup (solving) | 9 |
Wiener Schachzeitung | 9 |
Atelier 64 (Maslar) | 8 |
Australian Chess Forum | 8 |
BCPJ (August) | 8 |
Correspondence Chess | 8 |
Deceptive Chess Problems | 8 |
Dubuque Chess Journal | 8 |
Good Companions (February) | 8 |
Liverpool Courier | 8 |
Mededelingenblad | 8 |
Palman | 8 |
Pardubice Solving Ty. | 8 |
Tehtavashakin kasikirja (Kallio) | 8 |
Telescacco 92 | 8 |
Ukraine Album 2003 | 8 |
BCPJ (June) | 7 |
BCPS Solving Ty. (Derby) | 7 |
Chess Life & Review | 7 |
Chess World (The) | 7 |
Era | 7 |
Kubok Ural Problemist Solving Ty. | 7 |
Maskrosor (Bo Lindgren) | 7 |
New York Clipper | 7 |
Warsaw Chess Solving Grand Prix | 7 |
BCPS Solving Ty. (Cheltenham) | 6 |
Chess Problems by Philip H. Williams | 6 |
Crete Open Solving | 6 |
Good Companions (November) | 6 |
Open Solving | 6 |
Philadelphia Times | 6 |
Seleccion de los mejores problemas Uri Avner | 6 |
Sunday Times | 6 |
BCPS Solving Ty. (Torquay) | 5 |
Bolton Football Field | 5 |
British Chess Bulletin | 5 |
Carpenter's Chess Problems (2nd Edition) | 5 |
Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin) | 5 |
Good Companions (Solving Ty.) | 5 |
Gruengard MT Award | 5 |
Izbrani Shakhovski Problemi (Denkovskis) | 5 |
Kubok Ural Problemist Open Solving Ty. | 5 |
Leeds Mercury | 5 |
Lowicz Open Solving | 5 |
Montreal Gazette | 5 |
Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung | 5 |
Pula Open Solving | 5 |
Rhodes Open Solving | 5 |
Szachy | 5 |
The Chess Monthly (Morphy/Fiske) | 5 |
Time & Tide | 5 |
Wageningen Open Solving | 5 |
Western Daily Mercury | 5 |
512 finlandska miniatyrer (Hannelius) | 4 |
Aftonbladet | 4 |
Alexander Pituk Chess Compositions II (Torok/Labai) | 4 |
American Chess Magazine | 4 |
Belgrade Solving Ty. | 4 |
Brazilian Solving Championship | 4 |
Ceske listy sachove | 4 |
Dan Meinking's Chess Problem Collection | 4 |
De Schaakcourant | 4 |
Les Tours de Force sur l'Echiquier | 4 |
Liverpool and Merseyside Illustrated | 4 |
Moscow Open Solving | 4 |
Promotion | 4 |
Schachprobleme | 4 |
Sheffield Guardian (The) | 4 |
Stratford Express | 4 |
100 ar finlandska miniatyrer (Hannelius) | 3 |
Atlanta Sunny South | 3 |
BCSC Starter | 3 |
Bridlington Free Press | 3 |
Brighton Society | 3 |
Die Welt | 3 |
Europe Echecs | 3 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 03 | 3 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 04 | 3 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 05 | 3 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 07 | 3 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 08 | 3 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 13 | 3 |
Hamburger Problem-Nachrichten | 3 |
Illustrirte Zeitung | 3 |
Le Pion | 3 |
Offiziers Schachzeitung | 3 |
PDB | 3 |
Pravda Vostoka | 3 |
Problemas | 3 |
Reading Observer | 3 |
Revista Romana de Sah | 3 |
Revista de Sah | 3 |
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung | 3 |
Schachspiegel | 3 |
Schakend Nederland | 3 |
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya | 3 |
Shakhmatny Listok | 3 |
Southend Times | 3 |
Svetozor | 3 |
The Chess Euclid | 3 |
The Times | 3 |
Toteutuneita olvalluksia (Myllyniemi) | 3 |
Western Morning News | 3 |
Wilkes-Barre Record | 3 |
10. WCCT | 2 |
250 Problemes des Echecs | 2 |
Albrecht MT | 2 |
Alexandre | 2 |
Andradiana | 2 |
Apprenti Sorcier | 2 |
BCPS Website | 2 |
Besedy lidu | 2 |
Birmingham Post | 2 |
Bradford Weekly Telegraph | 2 |
Brisbane Courier | 2 |
Bristol Times and Mirror | 2 |
Brooklyn Chess Chronicle | 2 |
Cahiers de l'Echiquier francais | 2 |
Caissa | 2 |
Checkmate | 2 |
Chess Strategy | 2 |
Chicago Tribune | 2 |
Christian Science Monitor | 2 |
Cincinnati Commercial | 2 |
Daily Telegraph | 2 |
De Maasbode | 2 |
Der neue Tag (Weiden)/Amberger Zeitung | 2 |
Detroit Free Press | 2 |
Devon and Exeter Gazette | 2 |
Falkirk Herald | 2 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 09 | 2 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 11 | 2 |
Good Companions | 2 |
Hackney Mercury | 2 |
Hlas l'udu | 2 |
Kentish Mercury | 2 |
Lesehalle | 2 |
Lippische Landeszeitung | 2 |
Liverpool Weekly Mercury | 2 |
Los Angeles Times | 2 |
Matous under the Microscope (Vlasek) | 2 |
More White Rooks | 2 |
Morning Post | 2 |
Multiple publication | 2 |
Munchner Neueste Nachrichten | 2 |
Narodni listy | 2 |
Oesterreichische Lesehalle | 2 |
Pat a Mat | 2 |
Probleemcomponisten XIII | 2 |
Problemi di Ottavio Stocchi | 2 |
Sachsische Zeitung | 2 |
Sakkelet | 2 |
Sissa | 2 |
St. Louis Globe Democrat | 2 |
St. Petersburger Zeitung | 2 |
The Chess Player | 2 |
The Chess Problem Hobby | 2 |
The Chess-Player's Companion (Staunton) | 2 |
Torre & Cavallo - Scacco! | 2 |
Umenie 64 | 2 |
Vasarnapi Ujsag | 2 |
Wola Gulowska | 2 |
feenschach | 2 |
100 des meilleurs problemes d'echecs (Pradignat) | 1 |
1000 auserlesene Schachaufgaben | 1 |
20 Dnei | 1 |
A Collection of 107 Chess Problems | 1 |
Adventures in Composition | 1 |
Albrecht-100 MT | 1 |
Album Ceskoslovenskych Sachovych | 1 |
Algemeen Handelsblad | 1 |
Aloni (Yoel) 50 JT | 1 |
American Chess Association | 1 |
American Chess Journal | 1 |
Amirov MT | 1 |
Amusements in Chess | 1 |
Andrews MT (British Chess Magazine 05. Ty) | 1 |
Arbejder-Skak | 1 |
Asymmetrie | 1 |
BCF 013. Ty. | 1 |
BCF 051. Ty. | 1 |
BCF 113. Ty. | 1 |
BCF Solving Ty. | 1 |
BCPJ | 1 |
BCPS | 1 |
BJM-60 JT | 1 |
Bahn Frei | 1 |
Baltic Solving Cup | 1 |
Banska Bystrica (BABY)-50 JT | 1 |
Basler Nachrichten | 1 |
Berliner Sonntagsblatt | 1 |
Bohemia | 1 |
Boston Transcript | 1 |
Boys' Newspaper | 1 |
Boys' Own Paper | 1 |
Bradford Illustrated Weekly Telegraph | 1 |
British Chess Magazine 12. Ty | 1 |
British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. | 1 |
Brooklyn Daily Eagle | 1 |
Brooklyn Eagle | 1 |
Buletin Problemistic | 1 |
Burnley Express | 1 |
Canadian Illustrated News | 1 |
Cape Times | 1 |
Ceskoslovenska republika | 1 |
Cheltenham Chronicle | 1 |
Chepizhni JT | 1 |
Chess Board Memories | 1 |
Chess Chatter & Chaff | 1 |
Chess Monthly | 1 |
Chess Problem Science | 1 |
Chess Problems | 1 |
Chess Problems made easy | 1 |
Chess Review | 1 |
Chess World (Exercise 604) | 1 |
Chess in Australia | 1 |
Cincinnati Enquirer | 1 |
City of London Chess Magazine | 1 |
Cross-Check | 1 |
DSB | 1 |
Das neue illustrierte Blatt | 1 |
De Tijd | 1 |
Delnicke listy | 1 |
Delo in Tovaris | 1 |
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung | 1 |
Deutsche Schachhefte | 1 |
Die Frauenwelt | 1 |
Die Illustrirte Welt | 1 |
Dufresne | 1 |
Dufresne Schachaufgaben III | 1 |
Echec+ | 1 |
Eretria Quick Ty. | 1 |
Eskilstuna Kuriren | 1 |
Express | 1 |
Feledvanykedvelok Lapja | 1 |
Fleck MT | 1 |
Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 06 | 1 |
Gefle Dagblad | 1 |
Glasgow Weekly Herald | 1 |
Good Companions (October) | 1 |
Haagsche Courant | 1 |
Haagsche Post | 1 |
Hamburgischer Nachrichten | 1 |
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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News | 1 |
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JBCSC Starter | 1 |
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Land og Folk | 1 |
Landeszeitung fur die Luneburger Heide | 1 |
Le Courrier des Echecs | 1 |
Le Guide des echecs (Bienabe/Giffard) | 1 |
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Mat Plus Forum | 1 |
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Nice Olympic Ty. | 1 |
Nordwest Deutsche Zeitung | 1 |
Norman Macleod Award | 1 |
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Osterreichische Schachzeitung | 1 |
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Problemes d'echecs en deux coups (Boyer) | 1 |
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Puig Ambros MT | 1 |
RISO | 1 |
Rio Open Solving | 1 |
Rostocker Zeitung | 1 |
S E de A | 1 |
Sahovska Kompozicia | 1 |
Sahovski Glasnik | 1 |
Sammlung Leichterer Schachaufgaben 3 (Dufresne) | 1 |
Sammy Award | 1 |
San Francisco | 1 |
Scacco! | 1 |
Schach-Welt | 1 |
Schachminiaturen | 1 |
Schachzeitung der Berliner Schachgesellschaft | 1 |
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Schweizerische Schachzeitung (of Chur) | 1 |
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Southern Daily Post | 1 |
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Stuttgarter Nachrichten | 1 |
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Sudwestdeutsche Schachzeitung | 1 |
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Swiss Solving Championship | 1 |
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Tasks and Echoes | 1 |
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The Two-Move Chess Problem | 1 |
Toledo Daily Blade | 1 |
Toronto Evening Telegram | 1 |
UKCSC Postal Round | 1 |
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