Sources League
The Problemist 8,635
Die Schwalbe 8,500
Source? 6,871
Probleemblad 5,458
British Chess Magazine 5,291
Deutsche Schachzeitung 4,328
Schweizerische Schachzeitung 3,090
Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) 3,018
Schach 2,989
Freie Presse 2,901
Chess 2,662
StrateGems 2,615
Magyar Sakkvilag 2,575
Sachova skladba 2,397
The Observer 2,346
Schach-Echo 2,303
Zadachi i Etyudi 2,273
Tidskrift for Schack 2,208
L'Italia Scacchistica 2,126
The Field 1,977
Neue Zurcher Zeitung 1,842
Deutsches Wochenschach 1,743
Skakbladet 1,714
64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1,643
Problemas 1,510
Phenix 1,505
Kudesnik 1,501
diagrammes 1,455
Suomen Shakki 1,404
Sachmatija 1,400
Magyar Sakkelet 1,383
Uralski Problemist 1,383
Tijdschrift vd NSB 1,372
Shakhmaty v SSSR 1,363
Praca 1,312
Troll 1,281
Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu 1,219
Deutsche Schachblatter 1,218
The Problemist Supplement 1,196
Springaren 1,181
Problem (Zagreb) 1,176
English Mechanic and World of Science 1,174
Tijdschrift vd KNSB 1,138
Mat 1,074
Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1,055
Best Problems 1,035
Zlata Praha 1,032
Illustrated London News 1,031
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1,026
Chess Amateur (The) 1,025
La Strategie 1,021
Problem Observer 1,008
Brisbane Courier 988
Buletin Problemistic 975
Good Companions 936
Pat a Mat 924
Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) 901
Western Morning News 893
Variantim 877
Revista Romana de Sah 856
Europe Echecs 852
Schakend Nederland 850
Badische Neueste Nachrichten 844
Vasarnapi Ujsag 843
Szachy 839
Stella Polaris 831
The Westminster Papers 812
Themes-64 804
Svetozor 797
Schach-Aktiv 779
Sachsische Zeitung 778
Chess Life 756
The Tablet 744
American Chess Bulletin 726
Schackvarlden 725
idee & form 725
Narodni Politika 705
US Problem Bulletin 697
Shakhmaty 681
Schachzeitung der Berliner Schachgesellschaft 675
Basler Nachrichten 672
SuperProblem 671
Rochade Europa 654
Wiener Schachzeitung 653
Mat Plus 652
Sunday Referee 649
The Chess Player's Chronicle (Staunton) 639
Thema Danicum 633
Land og Folk 627
Hlas l'udu 601
Kuban segodniya 589
Arbejder-Skak 582
New York Clipper 581
Sinfonie Scacchistiche 560
Canadian Chess Chat 557
Morning Post 550
The Chess Review 546
Pesti Naplo 538
Parallele 50 534
Problemist Ukraini 520
Dubuque Chess Journal 508
Nepszava 497
Liga Problemista 490
Manchester Weekly Times 490
Western Daily Mercury 486
Israel Ring Ty. 477
Boletim da UBP 454
Il Due Mosse 449
Magasinet 446
Wola Gulowska 446
Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs 441
Detroit Free Press 430
Hampstead and Highgate Express 422
L'Alfiere di Re 414
Falkirk Herald 410
Problem-Forum 383
De Maasbode 379
Sahs (Latvia) 377
Tages-Anzeiger 370
Eskilstuna Kuriren 368
Il Problema 363
Land and Water 351
Narodni osvobozeni 343
Aftonbladet 338
To Mat 334
Checkmate 331
Neue Leipziger Zeitung 329
Prager Presse 322
Philadelphia Times 320
Sach 318
Sunday Chronicle 318
Arbeiter Schachzeitung 315
Narodni listy 311
Problem Paradise 310
Munchner Neueste Nachrichten 309
Norsk Sjakkblad 305
Manchester Guardian 301
Novi Temi 300
L'Echiquier 299
Magyar Sakkujsag 297
Main-Post 294
Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin) 293
Ceske listy sachove 292
Schach-Express 292
Illustrirte Zeitung 286
St. Louis Globe Democrat 280
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement 277
La Presse 271
Revista de Sah 271
Funkschach 269
Tehtavaniekka 267
Zemedelske noviny 267
Heilbronner Stimme 266
Landeszeitung fur die Luneburger Heide 263
Svobodne Slovo 260
De Problemist 259
Natal Mercury 259
The Chess Monthly (Hoffer) 258
Prace 256
Lidove noviny 255
Shakhmatny Listok 251
BCF 250
Scacco! 244
Sakkelet 243
Pravda 241
Daily Telegraph 240
The Chess Player's Chronicle (Sampson) 239
Problemisten 238
stern 236
Die Tat 234
Sachove listy 230
Die Welt 228
American Chess Nuts 227
Lidova Demokracie 226
Ceske Slovo 221
Good Companions (February) 221
Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung 221
Shakhmatna misl 220
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung 219
Good Companions (May) 217
The Chess Problem 217
The Macedonian Problemist 217
Fun with Chess Miniatures 213
Humoristicke listy 213
Svenska Dagbladet 213
Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung 211
Moscow Ty. 211
Problemist Pribuzhya 211
Olympic Ty. 210
Smena 210
Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung 209
Za Ogneypori 209
The Times 208
More White Rooks 207
Australasian (The) 206
Reading Observer 206
Mate in Two!! (Lebeck) 204
Northwest Chess 203
Good Companions (December) 202
Bulletin de la FFE 201
Huddersfield College Magazine 201
Unpublished 201
Vsemirnaya Illustrantiya 201
Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi 200
Scacchi e Scienze Applicate 200
Nationaltidende 198
American Chess Problemist 197
SEPA 197
The Guardian 197
Chemnitzer Tageblatt 192
Time & Tide 192
Problemnoter 191
Nya Dagligt Allehanda 189
Ceskoslovenska republika 186
Bolton Football Field 184
Bankovskaya gazeta 183
Bohemia 183
Busmen's Chess Review 183
Pittsburgh Sun 183
Apprenti Sorcier 182
San Francisco Chronicle 181
El Ajedrez Espanol 180
Good Companions (October) 177
Brownson's Chess Journal 176
Chervoni Girnik 176
Shakhmatny Zhurnal 174
Uj Nemezdek 172
Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung 172
Tyden rozhlasu 171
ChessStar 170
Shakhmatnaya Poeziya 169
Vratnica-64 168
Chicago Tribune 167
Problemesis 164
Schachzeitung 164
Grantham Journal 163
De Waarheid 162
L'Illustration 162
Berliner Morgenpost 160
Good Companions (March) 160
Maryland Chess Review 158
Trollhattans Schacksallskap 158
Op de Hoogte 157
Shakh-M (Borovich) 157
Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 157
Cincinnati Commercial 156
Good Companions (November) 155
Schach-Report 155
The Referee 154
Deutsche Schachbund 153
La Palamede 152
Sissa 152
Good Companions (January) 150
BCPS Website 148
Preston Guardian 147
Double Pin-Mate after a Black King Move 146
Pen & Pencil 146
Dresdner Anzeiger 145
Astafyeva-30 JT (Kudesnik) 144
Stratford Express 142
Problemista 140
Westminster Gazette 140
Australian Chess Problem Magazine 139
Sahovski Glasnik 139
Kieler Nachrichten 138
Newark Sunday Call 137
Jerusalem Post 136
Zurcher Woche 136
Chess Monthly 135
L'Echiquier de Paris 134
Politika 133
Brighton Society 132
Magyar Sakkszovetseg 132
New York Turf, Field and Farm 132
Westminster Budget 132
La Settimana Enigmistica 130
Besedy lidu 129
Nashville Daily American 129
Problemskak 129
Europa-Rochade 128
Cesky denik 127
Shakhmaty (Riga) 127
Good Companions (April) 126
Toronto Globe 124
Slovensky Dennik 123
Montreal Gazette 122
Telescacco 92 122
Norwich Mercury 121
Realismo e romanticismo nell'arte problemistica di Antonio B 121
Algemeen Handelsblad 120
Mezija 119
Enroque!! 117
Het Schaakleven 117
Hampshire Telegraph and Post 115
Nove parizske mody 115
Hamburgischer Correspondent 114
Latvian Championship 114
Manchester Evening News 114
Osterreichische Schachzeitung 114
The Sunny South 114
Pravo lidu 113
Akademische Monatshefte fur Schach 111
Chess Problems for Solving 111
Sjakk-Nytt 111
UJCS 111
BCPS 110
Still More Fun with Chess Miniatures 110
Ujsag 110
Chess World (The) 109
Ideal-Mate Review 109
To Alain White 109
Haagsche Courant 108
L'Illustrazione Italiana 108
Magadanskaya Pravda 108
Nordiske Skakproblemer (Arnell & Sorensen) 108
Tagliche Rundschau 108
Magyarorszag es a Nagyvilag 107
More Fun with Chess Miniatures 107
Ruch 107
Era 106
International Chess Magazine 105
Leeds Mercury 105
The Chess Monthly (Morphy/Fiske) 105
British Chess Magazine 08. Ty 104
Caissa 104
Haagsche Post 104
200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) 103
Arbeiter Zeitung 103
Garzon-60 JT (Problemas) 103
Gazeta Czestochowska 103
Morgenbladet 103
Seven Chess Notes 103
Bristol Times and Mirror 102
Het Parool 102
Postsjakk 102
Vecherni Krasnodar 102
Hampshire Post 101
Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung 101
Revue d'Echecs 101
Cesky spolek sachovni 100
British Chess Magazine 12. Ty 99
Sa ogneupory 99
Christian Science Monitor 98
125 Shakhmaty Zadachi (Eventski) 97
Correspondence Chess 97
Weekly Westminster 97
Hackney Mercury 96
Neue Berliner Schachzeitung 96
Teplitz-Schonauer Anzeiger 96
Bron MT 95
Kieler Schachgesellschaft 95
Melbourne Leader 95
Pittsburgh Post 95
Suomen Tehtavaniekat 95
The Chess Players' Quarterly Chronicle 95
American Chess Journal 94
01. WCCT 93
British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. 93
American Chess Magazine 92
Coello-75 JT (Problemas) 92
Good Companions (May Meredith Ty.) 91
Oesterreichische Lesehalle 91
Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snallposten 91
British Chess Magazine 11. Ty. 90
Umenie 64 90
Fanfulla da Lodi 89
Sonntagsblatt fur Schachfreunde 89
St. John Globe 89
Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser 88
Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of USSR 88
Lasker's Chess Magazine 88
Chess Life & Review 86
Peris-120 MT (Problemas) 86
Charleston Sunday News 85
Il Secolo 85
Melnichuk-65 JT (Kudesnik) 85
New York Albion 85
Rhein-Main Presse 85
Sem Shakhmatnikh not 85
Illustrated Family Journal 84
Zaldo MT (Problemas) 84
Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz 83
Social Chess Quarterly (The) 83
Tolosa-100 MT (Problemas) 83
Candela MT (Problemas) 82
Densmore MT (Pittsburgh Gazette-Times) 82
FIDE Ty. 82
Schach-Report/Deutsche Schachblatter 82
USSR Championship 82
03. WCCT 81
Amirov MT 81
Le Courrier des Echecs 81
One Hundred Published Problems 81
02. WCCT 80
L'Eco degli Scacchi 80
Pravda (Bratislava) 80
Sport a hry 80
Rivista Scacchistica Italiana 79
Wochenpost 79
harmonie-aktiv 79
Arbeidermagasinet 78
Das Interessante Blatt 78
Good Companions (July) 78
Meson 78
Burnley Express 77
Chess Weekly 77
Leipziger Tageblatt 77
Ottawa Citizen 77
Australasian Chess Magazine 76
Daily News 76
El Diluvio 76
Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten 76
Na Smenu! 76
Pedagogusok Lapja 76
Vecherni Leningrad 75
10. WCCT 74
Birmingham Post 74
Brentano's Chess Monthly 74
Dagens Nyheder 74
Magadansky Komsomolets 74
Mosiashvili-75 JT (Kudesnik) 74
Munchner Zeitung 74
SEPA-80 JT (Problemas) 74
Shakhmatny Vestnik 74
Swiat Szachowy 74
200 Shakhmatni Zadachi 73
Els Escacs a Catalunya 73
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News 73
Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden 73
Southend Times 73
Sunday Times 73
Aarsskrift for DSK 72
Cherkasskaya Pravda 72
Andrews MT (British Chess Magazine 05. Ty) 71
Birmingham News 71
Delnicke listy 71
Straz lidu 71
Sydney Morning Herald 71
Temp-64 (Nikolaev) 71
Vart Hem 71
Yorkshire Weekly Post 71
Chess Problems by Theophilus A. Thompson 70
Glasgow Herald 70
New Orleans Times-Democrat 70
South African Chess Magazine 70
Western Morning News and Mercury 70
BCA Ty. 69
BCPS Ring Ty. 69
Mirror of American Sports 69
Al Hamishmar 68
Birnov MT 68
British Chess Magazine 14. Ty. 68
Nottinghamshire Guardian 68
Smer 68
Syracuse Daily Standard 68
Welt im Bild 68
Cheltenham Examiner 67
Dagbladet 67
Helsingin Sanomat 67
Il Littorale 67
Problemes d'Echecs 67
06. WCCT 66
National-Zeitung 66
Problem Online 66
Schachprobleme 66
Szachista 66
Bruderschaft 65
Grand Rapids Herald 65
Sports Referee 65
The Hindu 65
Budapesti Sakkszovetseg 64
Frankenstein MT (British Chess Magazine 16. Ty.) 64
Zaszlonk 64
Chess Correspondent 63
Das neue illustrierte Blatt 62
Der neue Tag (Weiden)/Amberger Zeitung 62
Torre & Cavallo - Scacco! 62
English Chess Problems 61
Journal de Geneve 61
Spanish National Ty. 61
League of Macedonian Problemists 60
Evening News 59
Frankisches Volksblatt 59
Schach-Magazin 59
Smena (Moscow) 59
Suddeutsche Schachzeitung 59
Folket 58
Schachminiaturen II 58
Sheffield Guardian (The) 58
Budapesti Sakkor 57
Molodoi Leninets 57
Wilkes-Barre Record 57
Chess Strategy 56
Der Landbote 56
Frederick Gamage (Prcic) 56
Gaudium 56
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung 56
Moscow Championship 56
Ruy Lopez 56
Sahovski Vestnik 56
Schach in Schleswig-Holstein 56
Anderssen MT 55
British Chess Magazine 02. Ty. 55
British Chess Magazine 15. (Healey MT) Ty. 55
Essener Anzeiger 55
Pittsburgh Leader 55
Rivista del Club Argentino de Ajedrez 55
Rochade 55
Vecherni Novosti 55
Basler Zeitung 54
Chess Problems by C W of Sunbury 54
Deutsche Arbeiter Schachzeitung 54
Hvar a Dag 54
Intelectualie Egri 54
Limburgs Dagblad 54
Schweizer Schach-Magazin 54
Vychodoslovenske noviny 54
Xadrez Brasileiro 54
Leipziger Volkszeitung 53
Liverpool Weekly Mercury 53
Sahs 53
Shakhmatnaya Moskva 53
Suddeutsche Schachblatter 53
The Theory of Pawn Promotion 53
Brooklyn Chess Chronicle 52
Chess Problems - Martindale, FW 52
Jas 52
L'Echiquier de France 52
L'Opinion Publique 52
Nas rozhlas 52
Philipp Klett`s Schachprobleme 52
Good Companions (April Complete Blocks) 51
Good Companions (August) 51
Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung 51
Sammler 51
The Times Weekly Edition 51
320 Danske Skakopgaver 50
BCF 1/03. Ty. 50
British Chess Magazine 09. Ty. 50
Moravskoslezsky denik 50
Noord-Hollandsch Dagblad 50
Sahovska Kompozicia 50
Chess Review 49
Leisure Hour 49
Midweek Sports Referee 49
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 49
Promadas 49
Toronto Week 49
Wiener Salonblatt 49
08. WCCT 48
Aleksandr Galitzky - Shakhmaty Geine (Vol 1) 48
Bekes 48
Boys' Own Paper 48
British Chess Magazine 06. Ty. 48
Fifty Two-Move Problems 48
Le Probleme 48
Shakhmaty i Shashki 48
Trud 48
Uralski Skazi 48
Australian Chess 47
Brighton Guardian 47
Centurini/Guidelli MT 47
Due Alfieri 47
Forderungsturnier des DSV der DDR 47
L'Echiquier Marseillais 47
Recueil de Problemes Scacchographiques et autres positions curieuses 47
Rigaer Tageblatt 47
BCF 043. Ty. 46
Bristol Mercury 46
Chemnitzer Wochenschach (Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz) 46
FIDE Review 46
Nederlandse Schaakbond 46
Novgorodskaya pravda 46
Pesti Hirlap 46
Salazar-100 MT (Problemas) 46
04. WCCT 45
8. American Chess Congress 45
Aachener Nachrichten 45
Arbejder Magasinet 45
CS Republika 45
Chigorin MT 45
Reichspost 45
Vecherni Moskva 45
09. WCCT 44
All Round Ty. 44
El Ajedrez Argentino 44
Glasgow Weekly Herald 44
Kubbel MT 44
La Scacchiera 44
Magyar Sakklap 44
Serp i molot 44
Sheffield Independent 44
The Australasian Chess Review 44
5. American Chess Congress 43
British Chess Magazine 07. Ty. 43
Das Ratsel 43
El Pais 43
Jaarboek 43
La Regence 43
Manchester City News 43
The Hopper 43
The Puzzler 43
07. WCCT 42
A Collection of Two Hundred Chess Problems (Healey) 42
BCF 001. Ty. 42
Deutsche Tageszeitung 42
Die Schachwelt (Berlin) 42
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 42
La Bataille 42
Les Tours de Force sur l'Echiquier 42
Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schachbundes 42
Pravda Vostoka 42
Reprodukce 42
Sah 42
South African Chess Player 42
Stern 42
Toronto Telegram 42
Westen und Daheim 42
Aachener Anzeiger 41
BCF 007. Ty. 41
Birmingham Daily Post 41
Boston Sunday Post 41
City of London Chess Magazine 41
Denken und Raten 41
Hamburger Problem-Nachrichten 41
L'Eclaireur du Soir 41
Le Havre Eclair 41
Munkassakk 41
Tribune de Geneve 41
Vecherni Praha 41
Amateur Chess Magazine 40
Arbeiter Schach Internationale 40
De Telegraaf 40
Jamaica Gleaner 40
Novi Sad Olympic Ty. 40
Teoria y Practica del Ajedrez 40
05. WCCT 39
200 Schachaufgaben 39
Aufgaben fur Schachspieler 39
Australian Chess Problem Magazine TT 39
Australian Columns 39
Bahn Frei 39
Baltimore Sunday News 39
Croydon Guardian 39
Knowledge 39
Lidove listy 39
Sammlung Leichterer Schachaufgaben 2 (Dufresne) 39
Schwabische Zeitung 39
Budapesti Sakkszemle 38
Columbia Chess Chronicle 38
Design and Work 38
Kentish Mercury 38
Liylu-75 JT (SuperProblem) 38
National-Zeitung Basel 38
Newark Star-Ledger 38
Slovensky Narod 38
Sredba na Solidarnosta 38
The Chess Euclid 38
Tidskrift for Schack #4 Ty. 38
Uris-60 JT (Problemas) 38
Vynalezy a pokroky 38
BCF 051. Ty. 37
Die Schwalbe TT 37
FIDE World Cup 37
Havel-140 MT (Kudesnik) 37
Kieler Neueste Nachrichten 37
Munchner Post 37
Raketa 37
Ajedrez Argentino 36
Bradford Observer Budget 36
Cassell's Family Paper 36
Evening Standard 36
Good Companions (February Meredith Ty.) 36
Hampstead Express 36
La Cle 36
Match: Denmark - Netherlands 36
Novoye Vremya 36
Quebec Chronicle 36
Tabor 36
The Westminster Chess Club Papers 36
Chess Problems (Brown, Reginald A) 35
Der Tijd 35
Inspanning en Ontspanning 35
Marin MT (SEPA) 35
Nedelna Pravda 35
Paris Ty. 35
Philadelphia Inquirer 35
Problemes d'Echecs (Legentil) 35
The White Rooks 35
Tidsskrift for Skak 35
2. International Team (Friendship) Match 34
Aftenposten 34
BCF 010. Ty. 34
BCF 011. Ty. 34
BCF 050. Ty. 34
BCF 056. Ty. 34
BCPS Victory Ty. 34
Bilten 34
Der Westen 34
Dom i Svet 34
Dutch East Indies Chess Association 34
Grunenwald/Monreal JT (diagrammes) 34
Le Temps 34
Mate 34
Saturday Westminster Gazette 34
The San Francisco Call 34
Zvezda 34
Allgemeine Sportzeitung 33
Armeeblatt 33
Four-Leaved Shamrock 33
German Ring Ty. 33
Lippische Landeszeitung 33
Norsk Vanforetidsskrift 33
Orillia Packet 33
Prachensky kraj 33
Streifzuge durch des Gebeit des Schachproblems 33
Stuttgarter Nachrichten 33
Vecherni Kharkov 33
Vecherni Magadan 33
Vukcevic MT 33
Yorkshire Telegraph and Star 33
Yugoslav Championship 33
07. World Cup 32
1. International Team (Friendship) Match 32
Hull Times 32
Illustrirte Familien-Journal (Leipzig) 32
Magasinet for Alle 32
Melnichuk-65 JT (Miniatures) (Kudesnik) 32
Oberosterreichische Nachrichten 32
Olimpiya dunyasi 32
Otto Fuss Ty. 32
Sjakk-Liv 32
Stuttgarter Zeitung 32
SuperProblem-10 JT 32
Szachista Polski 32
Zheltonozhko-60 JT 32
BCF 020. Ty. 31
BCF 039. Ty. 31
BCF 058. Ty. 31
BCPJ (May) 31
Express Wieczorny 31
Kolnische Rundschau 31
L'Echiquier d'Aix 31
Lebanon Herald 31
London Chess Congress 31
London Era Ty. 31
Offiziers Schachzeitung 31
Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant 31
Problemi di Ottavio Stocchi 31
The Globe 31
12. Kwik-Toernooi 30
Arbeiter Shachzeitung (Chemnitz) 30
BCF 014. Ty. 30
BCF 016. Ty. 30
BCF 017. Ty. 30
BCF 022. Ty. 30
BCF 023. Ty. 30
BCF 025. Ty. 30
BCF 028. Ty. 30
BCF 038. Ty. 30
BCF 045. Ty. 30
BCF 048. Ty. 30
BCF 059. Ty. 30
BCF 060. Ty. 30
Chess Chips 30
Chess in Australia 30
Devon and Exeter Gazette 30
Gamage MT (Chess Life) 30
Leninskaya Smena 30
Magyar Hirlap 30
Minimat 30
Prioskaya Pravda 30
Sao Paulo Chess Club 30
Schaakblad 30
Schachaufgaben 30
Sudwestdeutsche Schachzeitung 30
SuperProblem 181. TT 30
TW-25 JT 30
Utarova-20 JT (Kudesnik) 30
Vancouver Province 30
250 Problemes des Echecs 29
BCF 019. Ty. 29
BCF 026. Ty. 29
BCF 033. Ty. 29
BCF 053. Ty. 29
BCF 054. Ty. 29
Chess Journal 29
De Schaakcourant 29
Der Reichsbote 29
Liberte-Dimanche 29
Match: France - Romania 29
Neuigkeits Weltblatt 29
Nice-Matin 29
Nordisk Schackforbund 29
Omskaya Pravda 29
Ostdeutsche Morgenpost 29
Problemas de Ajedrez 29
Przepiorka MT 29
Sportowiec 29
BCF 013. Ty. 28
BCF 057. Ty. 28
Banska Bystrica (BABY)-50 JT 28
Budapest Chess Club 28
Cincinnati Enquirer 28
Dresdner Volkszeitung 28
Festschrift des Akademischen Schachklubs Munchen 28
Hereford Times 28
Hobbies 28
Maroczy MT 28
Matou 28
Miniatures Strategiques 28
Moment 28
Odessa 28
Panorama 28
Petite MT (Problemas) 28
Sachovy Svet 28
Spisska Borovicka 28
The Macedonian Problemist League 28
Thessalonika Olympic Ty. 28
Tijdschrift van den Nederlandsch-Indischen Schaakbond 28
Tipografia TE 28
Tolna megyei nepujsag 28
Tygodnik Illustrowany 28
BCF 047. Ty. 27
Bekes Sakk 27
Coello-80 JT (Problemas) 27
Computer Test FIDE Albums 27
Gros 27
Internationales Arbeiterschach Ty. 27
Karlovac Chess Club 27
Kotelec 27
La Liberte 27
Match: Netherlands - Poland 27
Messigny 27
Metlitsky-60 JT 27
New York Musical World 27
New York Saturday Press 27
Odessa Festival 27
Prapor peremogi 27
Romanian Federation Cup 27
White MT (B) 27
BCF 004. Ty. 26
BCF 008. Ty. 26
BCF 018. Ty. 26
BCF 029. Ty. 26
BCF 042. Ty. 26
BCF 044. Ty. 26
British Chess Bulletin 26
Chepizhni-50 JT 26
Dame und Laufer 26
Der Bund 26
Het Reformatorisch Dagblad 26
Lokker MT 26
Munchner Schachzeitung 26
Netanya (Internet) 26
Original for 08. WCCT 26
Parcerisa-80 (Problemas) 26
Presledovanie Temi 26
Samostatnost 26
Scientific American Supplement 26
Sovietskaya Kuban 26
The Spectator 26
Vecherni Petersburg 26
Vossische Zeitung 26
Watertown (New York) Re-Union 26
White MT (A) 26
Australasian Chess Review 25
BCF 031. Ty. 25
Banska Bystrica (BABY) 25
Belgrade Internet Ty. 25
Brunner Beobachter 25
Cape Times 25
De Schaakwereld 25
Dunaujvarosi Hirlap 25
Euximus Pontus Romania 25
Fontaine MT 25
Hamburger Nachrichten 25
Israel Problemists' Association 25
Moskovskie Viedomosti 25
Romanian Championship 25
San Francisco Argonaut 25
Schach-WW 25
Sodra Delarnes Tidning 25
Southern Trade Gazette 25
St. James' Budget 25
The Independent 25
Tijdschrift 25
Zaporozskaya Pravda 25
Alkmaarsche Courant 24
Apprenti Sorcier TT 24
BCF 030. Ty. 24
BCPJ (June) 24
Chess Amateur (The) (Valve Ty.) 24
Club Argentino de Ajedrez 24
De Probleemvriend 24
Diagramme und Figuren 24
Dortmunder Zeitung 24
Hannover Courier 24
Knobi's Knobelecke 24
La Vie Rennaise 24
Le Monde Illustre 24
Manchester Weekly Post 24
Northern Whig 24
Obrazkova Revue 24
Palestine Post 24
Polski Zwiazek Szachowy 24
Retrograde Analysis 24
Running the Gauntlet 24
Sahlberg JT 24
SuperProblem 118. TT 24
SuperProblem 186. TT 24
The Chess Player 24
The Problem 24
The Schoolmaster 24
Volk und Zeit 24
Wilke's Spirit of the Times 24
Zpravodaj Kotva 24
Arguelles JT 23
Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben 23
Brisbane Sports and Radio 23
Buffalo Globe 23
Die Wochenschau 23
Fleck MT 23
Hartford Weekly Times 23
Heidelberger Tageblatt 23
Hofer Anzeiger 23
Illustrovany svet 23
Loshinski MT (64) 23
Magadan-60 JT (Kudesnik) 23
Nedele 23
Nova Praha 23
Palkoska MT 23
Polski Zwiazek Problemistow 23
Problem TT 23
Probleme 23
Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems 23
Shahmat 23
The Chess Players' Magazine 23
The Sun-Herald 23
Trybuna Robotnicza 23
Uber Land und Meer 23
Vizugyi Sports Club 23
Banyai MT 22
Boston Transcript 22
Bow Bells 22
Centurini Ty. (L'Italia Scacchistica) 22
Chepizhni-60 JT (Kudesnik) 22
Chess Problems 22
East German Championship 22
Echec et Mat 22
Fairy Chess Review 22
Feoktistov-70 JT 22
Feuille d'Avis de Lausanne 22
Fleck JT 22
Hirschenson JT 22
Illustracyja Polska 22
Izbrannie Zadachi 22
Krasnoe Znamya 22
Kristal 22
Lunds Dagblad 22
Mora Tidning 22
Myllyniemi-50 JT (Suomen Shakki) 22
Politika Meredith Ty. 22
Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung 22
St. Paul's Dispatch 22
Stosic MT 22
SuperProblem 162. TT 22
SuperProblem 190. TT 22
Surrey Weekly Press 22
Sussex Chess Problem Fraternity 22
USSR Team Championship 22
Volksgazet 22
Wrobel MT 22
Astafyeva-30 JT (Lightweights) (Kudesnik) 21
BCF 032. Ty. 21
Bell's Life in London 21
British Ty. 21
Bucharest Cup 21
Buletin Problemistic TT 21
Chess Problem 21
Cik 21
Dagens Nyheter 21
East German Chess Federation 21
Gemeindemitteilungsblatt von Rheinmunster 21
Good Companions (January Meredith Ty.) 21
Illustrovana Politika 21
Kola Lige Rekonstrukcije Problem 21
Komsomolets Zaporozhya 21
L'Echiquier Francais 21
London 21
Lud 21
New York Post 21
Osterreichische Schachrundschau 21
Radio Ujsag 21
Russian Championship 21
The Inquirer 21
Uralski Problemist-20 JT 21

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