The Problemist | 8,635 |
Die Schwalbe | 8,500 |
Source? | 6,871 |
Probleemblad | 5,458 |
British Chess Magazine | 5,291 |
Deutsche Schachzeitung | 4,328 |
Schweizerische Schachzeitung | 3,090 |
Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) | 3,018 |
Schach | 2,989 |
Freie Presse | 2,901 |
Chess | 2,662 |
StrateGems | 2,615 |
Magyar Sakkvilag | 2,575 |
Sachova skladba | 2,397 |
The Observer | 2,346 |
Schach-Echo | 2,303 |
Zadachi i Etyudi | 2,273 |
Tidskrift for Schack | 2,208 |
L'Italia Scacchistica | 2,126 |
The Field | 1,977 |
Neue Zurcher Zeitung | 1,842 |
Deutsches Wochenschach | 1,743 |
Skakbladet | 1,714 |
64 Shakhmatnoe obozrenie | 1,643 |
Problemas | 1,510 |
Phenix | 1,505 |
Kudesnik | 1,501 |
diagrammes | 1,455 |
Suomen Shakki | 1,404 |
Sachmatija | 1,400 |
Magyar Sakkelet | 1,383 |
Uralski Problemist | 1,383 |
Tijdschrift vd NSB | 1,372 |
Shakhmaty v SSSR | 1,363 |
Praca | 1,312 |
Troll | 1,281 |
Casopis ceskoslovenskych sachistu | 1,219 |
Deutsche Schachblatter | 1,218 |
The Problemist Supplement | 1,196 |
Springaren | 1,181 |
Problem (Zagreb) | 1,176 |
English Mechanic and World of Science | 1,174 |
Tijdschrift vd KNSB | 1,138 |
Mat | 1,074 |
Pittsburgh Gazette-Times | 1,055 |
Best Problems | 1,035 |
Zlata Praha | 1,032 |
Illustrated London News | 1,031 |
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya | 1,026 |
Chess Amateur (The) | 1,025 |
La Strategie | 1,021 |
Problem Observer | 1,008 |
Brisbane Courier | 988 |
Buletin Problemistic | 975 |
Good Companions | 936 |
Pat a Mat | 924 |
Het Belgisch Schaakbord (L'Echiquier Belge) | 901 |
Western Morning News | 893 |
Variantim | 877 |
Revista Romana de Sah | 856 |
Europe Echecs | 852 |
Schakend Nederland | 850 |
Badische Neueste Nachrichten | 844 |
Vasarnapi Ujsag | 843 |
Szachy | 839 |
Stella Polaris | 831 |
The Westminster Papers | 812 |
Themes-64 | 804 |
Svetozor | 797 |
Schach-Aktiv | 779 |
Sachsische Zeitung | 778 |
Chess Life | 756 |
The Tablet | 744 |
American Chess Bulletin | 726 |
Schackvarlden | 725 |
idee & form | 725 |
Narodni Politika | 705 |
US Problem Bulletin | 697 |
Shakhmaty | 681 |
Schachzeitung der Berliner Schachgesellschaft | 675 |
Basler Nachrichten | 672 |
SuperProblem | 671 |
Rochade Europa | 654 |
Wiener Schachzeitung | 653 |
Mat Plus | 652 |
Sunday Referee | 649 |
The Chess Player's Chronicle (Staunton) | 639 |
Thema Danicum | 633 |
Land og Folk | 627 |
Hlas l'udu | 601 |
Kuban segodniya | 589 |
Arbejder-Skak | 582 |
New York Clipper | 581 |
Sinfonie Scacchistiche | 560 |
Canadian Chess Chat | 557 |
Morning Post | 550 |
The Chess Review | 546 |
Pesti Naplo | 538 |
Parallele 50 | 534 |
Problemist Ukraini | 520 |
Dubuque Chess Journal | 508 |
Nepszava | 497 |
Liga Problemista | 490 |
Manchester Weekly Times | 490 |
Western Daily Mercury | 486 |
Israel Ring Ty. | 477 |
Boletim da UBP | 454 |
Il Due Mosse | 449 |
Magasinet | 446 |
Wola Gulowska | 446 |
Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs | 441 |
Detroit Free Press | 430 |
Hampstead and Highgate Express | 422 |
L'Alfiere di Re | 414 |
Falkirk Herald | 410 |
Problem-Forum | 383 |
De Maasbode | 379 |
Sahs (Latvia) | 377 |
Tages-Anzeiger | 370 |
Eskilstuna Kuriren | 368 |
Il Problema | 363 |
Land and Water | 351 |
Narodni osvobozeni | 343 |
Aftonbladet | 338 |
To Mat | 334 |
Checkmate | 331 |
Neue Leipziger Zeitung | 329 |
Prager Presse | 322 |
Philadelphia Times | 320 |
Sach | 318 |
Sunday Chronicle | 318 |
Arbeiter Schachzeitung | 315 |
Narodni listy | 311 |
Problem Paradise | 310 |
Munchner Neueste Nachrichten | 309 |
Norsk Sjakkblad | 305 |
Manchester Guardian | 301 |
Novi Temi | 300 |
L'Echiquier | 299 |
Magyar Sakkujsag | 297 |
Main-Post | 294 |
Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin) | 293 |
Ceske listy sachove | 292 |
Schach-Express | 292 |
Illustrirte Zeitung | 286 |
St. Louis Globe Democrat | 280 |
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement | 277 |
La Presse | 271 |
Revista de Sah | 271 |
Funkschach | 269 |
Tehtavaniekka | 267 |
Zemedelske noviny | 267 |
Heilbronner Stimme | 266 |
Landeszeitung fur die Luneburger Heide | 263 |
Svobodne Slovo | 260 |
De Problemist | 259 |
Natal Mercury | 259 |
The Chess Monthly (Hoffer) | 258 |
Prace | 256 |
Lidove noviny | 255 |
Shakhmatny Listok | 251 |
BCF | 250 |
Scacco! | 244 |
Sakkelet | 243 |
Pravda | 241 |
Daily Telegraph | 240 |
The Chess Player's Chronicle (Sampson) | 239 |
Problemisten | 238 |
stern | 236 |
Die Tat | 234 |
Sachove listy | 230 |
Die Welt | 228 |
American Chess Nuts | 227 |
Lidova Demokracie | 226 |
Ceske Slovo | 221 |
Good Companions (February) | 221 |
Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung | 221 |
Shakhmatna misl | 220 |
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung | 219 |
Good Companions (May) | 217 |
The Chess Problem | 217 |
The Macedonian Problemist | 217 |
Fun with Chess Miniatures | 213 |
Humoristicke listy | 213 |
Svenska Dagbladet | 213 |
Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung | 211 |
Moscow Ty. | 211 |
Problemist Pribuzhya | 211 |
Olympic Ty. | 210 |
Smena | 210 |
Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung | 209 |
Za Ogneypori | 209 |
The Times | 208 |
More White Rooks | 207 |
Australasian (The) | 206 |
Reading Observer | 206 |
Mate in Two!! (Lebeck) | 204 |
Northwest Chess | 203 |
Good Companions (December) | 202 |
Bulletin de la FFE | 201 |
Huddersfield College Magazine | 201 |
Unpublished | 201 |
Vsemirnaya Illustrantiya | 201 |
Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi | 200 |
Scacchi e Scienze Applicate | 200 |
Nationaltidende | 198 |
American Chess Problemist | 197 |
SEPA | 197 |
The Guardian | 197 |
Chemnitzer Tageblatt | 192 |
Time & Tide | 192 |
Problemnoter | 191 |
Nya Dagligt Allehanda | 189 |
Ceskoslovenska republika | 186 |
Bolton Football Field | 184 |
Bankovskaya gazeta | 183 |
Bohemia | 183 |
Busmen's Chess Review | 183 |
Pittsburgh Sun | 183 |
Apprenti Sorcier | 182 |
San Francisco Chronicle | 181 |
El Ajedrez Espanol | 180 |
Good Companions (October) | 177 |
Brownson's Chess Journal | 176 |
Chervoni Girnik | 176 |
Shakhmatny Zhurnal | 174 |
Uj Nemezdek | 172 |
Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung | 172 |
Tyden rozhlasu | 171 |
ChessStar | 170 |
Shakhmatnaya Poeziya | 169 |
Vratnica-64 | 168 |
Chicago Tribune | 167 |
Problemesis | 164 |
Schachzeitung | 164 |
Grantham Journal | 163 |
De Waarheid | 162 |
L'Illustration | 162 |
Berliner Morgenpost | 160 |
Good Companions (March) | 160 |
Maryland Chess Review | 158 |
Trollhattans Schacksallskap | 158 |
Op de Hoogte | 157 |
Shakh-M (Borovich) | 157 |
Shakhmatnoe obozrenie | 157 |
Cincinnati Commercial | 156 |
Good Companions (November) | 155 |
Schach-Report | 155 |
The Referee | 154 |
Deutsche Schachbund | 153 |
La Palamede | 152 |
Sissa | 152 |
Good Companions (January) | 150 |
BCPS Website | 148 |
Preston Guardian | 147 |
Double Pin-Mate after a Black King Move | 146 |
Pen & Pencil | 146 |
Dresdner Anzeiger | 145 |
Astafyeva-30 JT (Kudesnik) | 144 |
UV CSTV | 144 |
Stratford Express | 142 |
Problemista | 140 |
Westminster Gazette | 140 |
Australian Chess Problem Magazine | 139 |
Sahovski Glasnik | 139 |
Kieler Nachrichten | 138 |
Newark Sunday Call | 137 |
Jerusalem Post | 136 |
Zurcher Woche | 136 |
Chess Monthly | 135 |
L'Echiquier de Paris | 134 |
Politika | 133 |
Brighton Society | 132 |
Magyar Sakkszovetseg | 132 |
New York Turf, Field and Farm | 132 |
Westminster Budget | 132 |
La Settimana Enigmistica | 130 |
Besedy lidu | 129 |
Nashville Daily American | 129 |
Problemskak | 129 |
Europa-Rochade | 128 |
Cesky denik | 127 |
Shakhmaty (Riga) | 127 |
Good Companions (April) | 126 |
Toronto Globe | 124 |
Slovensky Dennik | 123 |
Montreal Gazette | 122 |
Telescacco 92 | 122 |
Norwich Mercury | 121 |
Realismo e romanticismo nell'arte problemistica di Antonio B | 121 |
Algemeen Handelsblad | 120 |
Mezija | 119 |
Enroque!! | 117 |
Het Schaakleven | 117 |
Hampshire Telegraph and Post | 115 |
Nove parizske mody | 115 |
Hamburgischer Correspondent | 114 |
Latvian Championship | 114 |
Manchester Evening News | 114 |
Osterreichische Schachzeitung | 114 |
The Sunny South | 114 |
Pravo lidu | 113 |
Akademische Monatshefte fur Schach | 111 |
Chess Problems for Solving | 111 |
Sjakk-Nytt | 111 |
UJCS | 111 |
BCPS | 110 |
Still More Fun with Chess Miniatures | 110 |
Ujsag | 110 |
Chess World (The) | 109 |
Ideal-Mate Review | 109 |
To Alain White | 109 |
Haagsche Courant | 108 |
L'Illustrazione Italiana | 108 |
Magadanskaya Pravda | 108 |
Nordiske Skakproblemer (Arnell & Sorensen) | 108 |
Tagliche Rundschau | 108 |
Magyarorszag es a Nagyvilag | 107 |
More Fun with Chess Miniatures | 107 |
Ruch | 107 |
Era | 106 |
International Chess Magazine | 105 |
Leeds Mercury | 105 |
The Chess Monthly (Morphy/Fiske) | 105 |
British Chess Magazine 08. Ty | 104 |
Caissa | 104 |
Haagsche Post | 104 |
200 Assorted Problems (Wenman) | 103 |
Arbeiter Zeitung | 103 |
Garzon-60 JT (Problemas) | 103 |
Gazeta Czestochowska | 103 |
Morgenbladet | 103 |
Seven Chess Notes | 103 |
Bristol Times and Mirror | 102 |
Het Parool | 102 |
Postsjakk | 102 |
Vecherni Krasnodar | 102 |
Hampshire Post | 101 |
Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung | 101 |
Revue d'Echecs | 101 |
Cesky spolek sachovni | 100 |
British Chess Magazine 12. Ty | 99 |
Sa ogneupory | 99 |
Christian Science Monitor | 98 |
125 Shakhmaty Zadachi (Eventski) | 97 |
Correspondence Chess | 97 |
Weekly Westminster | 97 |
Hackney Mercury | 96 |
Neue Berliner Schachzeitung | 96 |
Teplitz-Schonauer Anzeiger | 96 |
Bron MT | 95 |
Kieler Schachgesellschaft | 95 |
Melbourne Leader | 95 |
Pittsburgh Post | 95 |
Suomen Tehtavaniekat | 95 |
The Chess Players' Quarterly Chronicle | 95 |
American Chess Journal | 94 |
01. WCCT | 93 |
British Chess Magazine 13. Ty. | 93 |
American Chess Magazine | 92 |
Coello-75 JT (Problemas) | 92 |
Good Companions (May Meredith Ty.) | 91 |
Oesterreichische Lesehalle | 91 |
Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snallposten | 91 |
British Chess Magazine 11. Ty. | 90 |
Umenie 64 | 90 |
Fanfulla da Lodi | 89 |
Sonntagsblatt fur Schachfreunde | 89 |
St. John Globe | 89 |
Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser | 88 |
Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of USSR | 88 |
Lasker's Chess Magazine | 88 |
Chess Life & Review | 86 |
Peris-120 MT (Problemas) | 86 |
Charleston Sunday News | 85 |
Il Secolo | 85 |
Melnichuk-65 JT (Kudesnik) | 85 |
New York Albion | 85 |
Rhein-Main Presse | 85 |
Sem Shakhmatnikh not | 85 |
Illustrated Family Journal | 84 |
Zaldo MT (Problemas) | 84 |
Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz | 83 |
Social Chess Quarterly (The) | 83 |
Tolosa-100 MT (Problemas) | 83 |
Candela MT (Problemas) | 82 |
Densmore MT (Pittsburgh Gazette-Times) | 82 |
FIDE Ty. | 82 |
Schach-Report/Deutsche Schachblatter | 82 |
USSR Championship | 82 |
03. WCCT | 81 |
Amirov MT | 81 |
Le Courrier des Echecs | 81 |
One Hundred Published Problems | 81 |
02. WCCT | 80 |
L'Eco degli Scacchi | 80 |
Pravda (Bratislava) | 80 |
Sport a hry | 80 |
Rivista Scacchistica Italiana | 79 |
Wochenpost | 79 |
harmonie-aktiv | 79 |
Arbeidermagasinet | 78 |
Das Interessante Blatt | 78 |
Good Companions (July) | 78 |
Meson | 78 |
Burnley Express | 77 |
Chess Weekly | 77 |
Leipziger Tageblatt | 77 |
Ottawa Citizen | 77 |
Australasian Chess Magazine | 76 |
Daily News | 76 |
El Diluvio | 76 |
Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten | 76 |
Na Smenu! | 76 |
Pedagogusok Lapja | 76 |
Vecherni Leningrad | 75 |
10. WCCT | 74 |
Birmingham Post | 74 |
Brentano's Chess Monthly | 74 |
Dagens Nyheder | 74 |
Magadansky Komsomolets | 74 |
Mosiashvili-75 JT (Kudesnik) | 74 |
Munchner Zeitung | 74 |
SEPA-80 JT (Problemas) | 74 |
Shakhmatny Vestnik | 74 |
Swiat Szachowy | 74 |
200 Shakhmatni Zadachi | 73 |
Els Escacs a Catalunya | 73 |
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News | 73 |
Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden | 73 |
Southend Times | 73 |
Sunday Times | 73 |
Aarsskrift for DSK | 72 |
Cherkasskaya Pravda | 72 |
Andrews MT (British Chess Magazine 05. Ty) | 71 |
Birmingham News | 71 |
Delnicke listy | 71 |
Straz lidu | 71 |
Sydney Morning Herald | 71 |
Temp-64 (Nikolaev) | 71 |
Vart Hem | 71 |
Yorkshire Weekly Post | 71 |
Chess Problems by Theophilus A. Thompson | 70 |
Glasgow Herald | 70 |
New Orleans Times-Democrat | 70 |
South African Chess Magazine | 70 |
Western Morning News and Mercury | 70 |
BCA Ty. | 69 |
BCPS Ring Ty. | 69 |
Mirror of American Sports | 69 |
Al Hamishmar | 68 |
Birnov MT | 68 |
British Chess Magazine 14. Ty. | 68 |
Nottinghamshire Guardian | 68 |
Smer | 68 |
Syracuse Daily Standard | 68 |
Welt im Bild | 68 |
Cheltenham Examiner | 67 |
Dagbladet | 67 |
Helsingin Sanomat | 67 |
Il Littorale | 67 |
Problemes d'Echecs | 67 |
06. WCCT | 66 |
National-Zeitung | 66 |
Problem Online | 66 |
Schachprobleme | 66 |
Szachista | 66 |
Bruderschaft | 65 |
Grand Rapids Herald | 65 |
Sports Referee | 65 |
The Hindu | 65 |
Budapesti Sakkszovetseg | 64 |
Frankenstein MT (British Chess Magazine 16. Ty.) | 64 |
Zaszlonk | 64 |
Chess Correspondent | 63 |
Das neue illustrierte Blatt | 62 |
Der neue Tag (Weiden)/Amberger Zeitung | 62 |
Torre & Cavallo - Scacco! | 62 |
English Chess Problems | 61 |
Journal de Geneve | 61 |
Spanish National Ty. | 61 |
League of Macedonian Problemists | 60 |
Evening News | 59 |
Frankisches Volksblatt | 59 |
Schach-Magazin | 59 |
Smena (Moscow) | 59 |
Suddeutsche Schachzeitung | 59 |
Folket | 58 |
Schachminiaturen II | 58 |
Sheffield Guardian (The) | 58 |
Budapesti Sakkor | 57 |
Molodoi Leninets | 57 |
Wilkes-Barre Record | 57 |
Chess Strategy | 56 |
Der Landbote | 56 |
Frederick Gamage (Prcic) | 56 |
Gaudium | 56 |
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung | 56 |
Moscow Championship | 56 |
Ruy Lopez | 56 |
Sahovski Vestnik | 56 |
Schach in Schleswig-Holstein | 56 |
Anderssen MT | 55 |
British Chess Magazine 02. Ty. | 55 |
British Chess Magazine 15. (Healey MT) Ty. | 55 |
Essener Anzeiger | 55 |
Pittsburgh Leader | 55 |
Rivista del Club Argentino de Ajedrez | 55 |
Rochade | 55 |
Vecherni Novosti | 55 |
Basler Zeitung | 54 |
Chess Problems by C W of Sunbury | 54 |
Deutsche Arbeiter Schachzeitung | 54 |
Hvar a Dag | 54 |
Intelectualie Egri | 54 |
Limburgs Dagblad | 54 |
Schweizer Schach-Magazin | 54 |
Vychodoslovenske noviny | 54 |
Xadrez Brasileiro | 54 |
Leipziger Volkszeitung | 53 |
Liverpool Weekly Mercury | 53 |
Sahs | 53 |
Shakhmatnaya Moskva | 53 |
Suddeutsche Schachblatter | 53 |
The Theory of Pawn Promotion | 53 |
Brooklyn Chess Chronicle | 52 |
Chess Problems - Martindale, FW | 52 |
Jas | 52 |
L'Echiquier de France | 52 |
L'Opinion Publique | 52 |
Nas rozhlas | 52 |
Philipp Klett`s Schachprobleme | 52 |
Good Companions (April Complete Blocks) | 51 |
Good Companions (August) | 51 |
Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung | 51 |
Sammler | 51 |
The Times Weekly Edition | 51 |
320 Danske Skakopgaver | 50 |
BCF 1/03. Ty. | 50 |
British Chess Magazine 09. Ty. | 50 |
Moravskoslezsky denik | 50 |
Noord-Hollandsch Dagblad | 50 |
Sahovska Kompozicia | 50 |
Chess Review | 49 |
Leisure Hour | 49 |
Midweek Sports Referee | 49 |
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle | 49 |
Promadas | 49 |
Toronto Week | 49 |
Wiener Salonblatt | 49 |
08. WCCT | 48 |
Aleksandr Galitzky - Shakhmaty Geine (Vol 1) | 48 |
Bekes | 48 |
Boys' Own Paper | 48 |
British Chess Magazine 06. Ty. | 48 |
Fifty Two-Move Problems | 48 |
Le Probleme | 48 |
Shakhmaty i Shashki | 48 |
Trud | 48 |
Uralski Skazi | 48 |
Australian Chess | 47 |
Brighton Guardian | 47 |
Centurini/Guidelli MT | 47 |
Due Alfieri | 47 |
Forderungsturnier des DSV der DDR | 47 |
L'Echiquier Marseillais | 47 |
Recueil de Problemes Scacchographiques et autres positions curieuses | 47 |
Rigaer Tageblatt | 47 |
BCF 043. Ty. | 46 |
Bristol Mercury | 46 |
Chemnitzer Wochenschach (Allgemeine Zeitung Chemnitz) | 46 |
FIDE Review | 46 |
Nederlandse Schaakbond | 46 |
Novgorodskaya pravda | 46 |
Pesti Hirlap | 46 |
Salazar-100 MT (Problemas) | 46 |
04. WCCT | 45 |
8. American Chess Congress | 45 |
Aachener Nachrichten | 45 |
Arbejder Magasinet | 45 |
CS Republika | 45 |
Chigorin MT | 45 |
Reichspost | 45 |
Vecherni Moskva | 45 |
09. WCCT | 44 |
All Round Ty. | 44 |
El Ajedrez Argentino | 44 |
Glasgow Weekly Herald | 44 |
Kubbel MT | 44 |
La Scacchiera | 44 |
Magyar Sakklap | 44 |
Serp i molot | 44 |
Sheffield Independent | 44 |
The Australasian Chess Review | 44 |
5. American Chess Congress | 43 |
British Chess Magazine 07. Ty. | 43 |
Das Ratsel | 43 |
El Pais | 43 |
Jaarboek | 43 |
La Regence | 43 |
Manchester City News | 43 |
The Hopper | 43 |
The Puzzler | 43 |
07. WCCT | 42 |
A Collection of Two Hundred Chess Problems (Healey) | 42 |
BCF 001. Ty. | 42 |
Deutsche Tageszeitung | 42 |
Die Schachwelt (Berlin) | 42 |
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper | 42 |
La Bataille | 42 |
Les Tours de Force sur l'Echiquier | 42 |
Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schachbundes | 42 |
Pravda Vostoka | 42 |
Reprodukce | 42 |
Sah | 42 |
South African Chess Player | 42 |
Stern | 42 |
Toronto Telegram | 42 |
Westen und Daheim | 42 |
Aachener Anzeiger | 41 |
BCF 007. Ty. | 41 |
Birmingham Daily Post | 41 |
Boston Sunday Post | 41 |
City of London Chess Magazine | 41 |
Denken und Raten | 41 |
Hamburger Problem-Nachrichten | 41 |
L'Eclaireur du Soir | 41 |
Le Havre Eclair | 41 |
Munkassakk | 41 |
Tribune de Geneve | 41 |
Vecherni Praha | 41 |
Amateur Chess Magazine | 40 |
Arbeiter Schach Internationale | 40 |
De Telegraaf | 40 |
Jamaica Gleaner | 40 |
Novi Sad Olympic Ty. | 40 |
Teoria y Practica del Ajedrez | 40 |
05. WCCT | 39 |
200 Schachaufgaben | 39 |
Aufgaben fur Schachspieler | 39 |
Australian Chess Problem Magazine TT | 39 |
Australian Columns | 39 |
Bahn Frei | 39 |
Baltimore Sunday News | 39 |
Croydon Guardian | 39 |
Knowledge | 39 |
Lidove listy | 39 |
Sammlung Leichterer Schachaufgaben 2 (Dufresne) | 39 |
Schwabische Zeitung | 39 |
Budapesti Sakkszemle | 38 |
Columbia Chess Chronicle | 38 |
Design and Work | 38 |
Kentish Mercury | 38 |
Liylu-75 JT (SuperProblem) | 38 |
National-Zeitung Basel | 38 |
Newark Star-Ledger | 38 |
Slovensky Narod | 38 |
Sredba na Solidarnosta | 38 |
The Chess Euclid | 38 |
Tidskrift for Schack #4 Ty. | 38 |
Uris-60 JT (Problemas) | 38 |
Vynalezy a pokroky | 38 |
BCF 051. Ty. | 37 |
Die Schwalbe TT | 37 |
FIDE World Cup | 37 |
Havel-140 MT (Kudesnik) | 37 |
Kieler Neueste Nachrichten | 37 |
Munchner Post | 37 |
Raketa | 37 |
Ajedrez Argentino | 36 |
Bradford Observer Budget | 36 |
Cassell's Family Paper | 36 |
Evening Standard | 36 |
Good Companions (February Meredith Ty.) | 36 |
Hampstead Express | 36 |
La Cle | 36 |
Match: Denmark - Netherlands | 36 |
Novoye Vremya | 36 |
Quebec Chronicle | 36 |
Tabor | 36 |
The Westminster Chess Club Papers | 36 |
CSTV | 35 |
Chess Problems (Brown, Reginald A) | 35 |
Der Tijd | 35 |
Inspanning en Ontspanning | 35 |
Marin MT (SEPA) | 35 |
Nedelna Pravda | 35 |
Paris Ty. | 35 |
Philadelphia Inquirer | 35 |
Problemes d'Echecs (Legentil) | 35 |
The White Rooks | 35 |
Tidsskrift for Skak | 35 |
2. International Team (Friendship) Match | 34 |
Aftenposten | 34 |
BCF 010. Ty. | 34 |
BCF 011. Ty. | 34 |
BCF 050. Ty. | 34 |
BCF 056. Ty. | 34 |
BCPS Victory Ty. | 34 |
Bilten | 34 |
Der Westen | 34 |
Dom i Svet | 34 |
Dutch East Indies Chess Association | 34 |
Grunenwald/Monreal JT (diagrammes) | 34 |
Le Temps | 34 |
Mate | 34 |
Saturday Westminster Gazette | 34 |
The San Francisco Call | 34 |
Zvezda | 34 |
Allgemeine Sportzeitung | 33 |
Armeeblatt | 33 |
Four-Leaved Shamrock | 33 |
German Ring Ty. | 33 |
Lippische Landeszeitung | 33 |
Norsk Vanforetidsskrift | 33 |
Orillia Packet | 33 |
Prachensky kraj | 33 |
Streifzuge durch des Gebeit des Schachproblems | 33 |
Stuttgarter Nachrichten | 33 |
Vecherni Kharkov | 33 |
Vecherni Magadan | 33 |
Vukcevic MT | 33 |
Yorkshire Telegraph and Star | 33 |
Yugoslav Championship | 33 |
07. World Cup | 32 |
1. International Team (Friendship) Match | 32 |
Hull Times | 32 |
Illustrirte Familien-Journal (Leipzig) | 32 |
Magasinet for Alle | 32 |
Melnichuk-65 JT (Miniatures) (Kudesnik) | 32 |
Oberosterreichische Nachrichten | 32 |
Olimpiya dunyasi | 32 |
Otto Fuss Ty. | 32 |
Sjakk-Liv | 32 |
Stuttgarter Zeitung | 32 |
SuperProblem-10 JT | 32 |
Szachista Polski | 32 |
Zheltonozhko-60 JT | 32 |
BCF 020. Ty. | 31 |
BCF 039. Ty. | 31 |
BCF 058. Ty. | 31 |
BCPJ (May) | 31 |
Express Wieczorny | 31 |
Kolnische Rundschau | 31 |
L'Echiquier d'Aix | 31 |
Lebanon Herald | 31 |
London Chess Congress | 31 |
London Era Ty. | 31 |
Offiziers Schachzeitung | 31 |
Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant | 31 |
Problemi di Ottavio Stocchi | 31 |
The Globe | 31 |
12. Kwik-Toernooi | 30 |
Arbeiter Shachzeitung (Chemnitz) | 30 |
BCF 014. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 016. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 017. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 022. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 023. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 025. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 028. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 038. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 045. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 048. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 059. Ty. | 30 |
BCF 060. Ty. | 30 |
Chess Chips | 30 |
Chess in Australia | 30 |
Devon and Exeter Gazette | 30 |
Gamage MT (Chess Life) | 30 |
Leninskaya Smena | 30 |
Magyar Hirlap | 30 |
Minimat | 30 |
Prioskaya Pravda | 30 |
Sao Paulo Chess Club | 30 |
Schaakblad | 30 |
Schachaufgaben | 30 |
Sudwestdeutsche Schachzeitung | 30 |
SuperProblem 181. TT | 30 |
TW-25 JT | 30 |
Utarova-20 JT (Kudesnik) | 30 |
Vancouver Province | 30 |
250 Problemes des Echecs | 29 |
BCF 019. Ty. | 29 |
BCF 026. Ty. | 29 |
BCF 033. Ty. | 29 |
BCF 053. Ty. | 29 |
BCF 054. Ty. | 29 |
Chess Journal | 29 |
De Schaakcourant | 29 |
Der Reichsbote | 29 |
Liberte-Dimanche | 29 |
Match: France - Romania | 29 |
Neuigkeits Weltblatt | 29 |
Nice-Matin | 29 |
Nordisk Schackforbund | 29 |
Omskaya Pravda | 29 |
Ostdeutsche Morgenpost | 29 |
Problemas de Ajedrez | 29 |
Przepiorka MT | 29 |
SVTVS | 29 |
Sportowiec | 29 |
BCF 013. Ty. | 28 |
BCF 057. Ty. | 28 |
Banska Bystrica (BABY)-50 JT | 28 |
Budapest Chess Club | 28 |
Cincinnati Enquirer | 28 |
Dresdner Volkszeitung | 28 |
Festschrift des Akademischen Schachklubs Munchen | 28 |
Hereford Times | 28 |
Hobbies | 28 |
Maroczy MT | 28 |
Matou | 28 |
Miniatures Strategiques | 28 |
Moment | 28 |
Odessa | 28 |
Panorama | 28 |
Petite MT (Problemas) | 28 |
Sachovy Svet | 28 |
Spisska Borovicka | 28 |
The Macedonian Problemist League | 28 |
Thessalonika Olympic Ty. | 28 |
Tijdschrift van den Nederlandsch-Indischen Schaakbond | 28 |
Tipografia TE | 28 |
Tolna megyei nepujsag | 28 |
Tygodnik Illustrowany | 28 |
BCF 047. Ty. | 27 |
Bekes Sakk | 27 |
Coello-80 JT (Problemas) | 27 |
Computer Test FIDE Albums | 27 |
Gros | 27 |
Internationales Arbeiterschach Ty. | 27 |
Karlovac Chess Club | 27 |
Kotelec | 27 |
La Liberte | 27 |
Match: Netherlands - Poland | 27 |
Messigny | 27 |
Metlitsky-60 JT | 27 |
New York Musical World | 27 |
New York Saturday Press | 27 |
Odessa Festival | 27 |
Prapor peremogi | 27 |
Romanian Federation Cup | 27 |
White MT (B) | 27 |
BCF 004. Ty. | 26 |
BCF 008. Ty. | 26 |
BCF 018. Ty. | 26 |
BCF 029. Ty. | 26 |
BCF 042. Ty. | 26 |
BCF 044. Ty. | 26 |
British Chess Bulletin | 26 |
Chepizhni-50 JT | 26 |
Dame und Laufer | 26 |
Der Bund | 26 |
Het Reformatorisch Dagblad | 26 |
Lokker MT | 26 |
Munchner Schachzeitung | 26 |
Netanya (Internet) | 26 |
Original for 08. WCCT | 26 |
Parcerisa-80 (Problemas) | 26 |
Presledovanie Temi | 26 |
Samostatnost | 26 |
Scientific American Supplement | 26 |
Sovietskaya Kuban | 26 |
The Spectator | 26 |
Vecherni Petersburg | 26 |
Vossische Zeitung | 26 |
Watertown (New York) Re-Union | 26 |
White MT (A) | 26 |
Australasian Chess Review | 25 |
BCF 031. Ty. | 25 |
Banska Bystrica (BABY) | 25 |
Belgrade Internet Ty. | 25 |
Brunner Beobachter | 25 |
Cape Times | 25 |
De Schaakwereld | 25 |
Dunaujvarosi Hirlap | 25 |
Euximus Pontus Romania | 25 |
Fontaine MT | 25 |
Hamburger Nachrichten | 25 |
Israel Problemists' Association | 25 |
Moskovskie Viedomosti | 25 |
Romanian Championship | 25 |
San Francisco Argonaut | 25 |
Schach-WW | 25 |
Sodra Delarnes Tidning | 25 |
Southern Trade Gazette | 25 |
St. James' Budget | 25 |
The Independent | 25 |
Tijdschrift | 25 |
Zaporozskaya Pravda | 25 |
Alkmaarsche Courant | 24 |
Apprenti Sorcier TT | 24 |
BCF 030. Ty. | 24 |
BCPJ (June) | 24 |
Chess Amateur (The) (Valve Ty.) | 24 |
Club Argentino de Ajedrez | 24 |
De Probleemvriend | 24 |
Diagramme und Figuren | 24 |
Dortmunder Zeitung | 24 |
Hannover Courier | 24 |
Knobi's Knobelecke | 24 |
La Vie Rennaise | 24 |
Le Monde Illustre | 24 |
Manchester Weekly Post | 24 |
Northern Whig | 24 |
Obrazkova Revue | 24 |
Palestine Post | 24 |
Polski Zwiazek Szachowy | 24 |
Retrograde Analysis | 24 |
Running the Gauntlet | 24 |
Sahlberg JT | 24 |
SuperProblem 118. TT | 24 |
SuperProblem 186. TT | 24 |
The Chess Player | 24 |
The Problem | 24 |
The Schoolmaster | 24 |
Volk und Zeit | 24 |
Wilke's Spirit of the Times | 24 |
Zpravodaj Kotva | 24 |
Arguelles JT | 23 |
Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben | 23 |
Brisbane Sports and Radio | 23 |
Buffalo Globe | 23 |
Die Wochenschau | 23 |
Fleck MT | 23 |
Hartford Weekly Times | 23 |
Heidelberger Tageblatt | 23 |
Hofer Anzeiger | 23 |
Illustrovany svet | 23 |
Loshinski MT (64) | 23 |
Magadan-60 JT (Kudesnik) | 23 |
Nedele | 23 |
Nova Praha | 23 |
Palkoska MT | 23 |
Polski Zwiazek Problemistow | 23 |
Problem TT | 23 |
Probleme | 23 |
Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems | 23 |
Shahmat | 23 |
The Chess Players' Magazine | 23 |
The Sun-Herald | 23 |
Trybuna Robotnicza | 23 |
Uber Land und Meer | 23 |
Vizugyi Sports Club | 23 |
Banyai MT | 22 |
Boston Transcript | 22 |
Bow Bells | 22 |
Centurini Ty. (L'Italia Scacchistica) | 22 |
Chepizhni-60 JT (Kudesnik) | 22 |
Chess Problems | 22 |
East German Championship | 22 |
Echec et Mat | 22 |
Fairy Chess Review | 22 |
Feoktistov-70 JT | 22 |
Feuille d'Avis de Lausanne | 22 |
Fleck JT | 22 |
Hirschenson JT | 22 |
Illustracyja Polska | 22 |
Izbrannie Zadachi | 22 |
Krasnoe Znamya | 22 |
Kristal | 22 |
Lunds Dagblad | 22 |
Mora Tidning | 22 |
Myllyniemi-50 JT (Suomen Shakki) | 22 |
Politika Meredith Ty. | 22 |
Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung | 22 |
St. Paul's Dispatch | 22 |
Stosic MT | 22 |
SuperProblem 162. TT | 22 |
SuperProblem 190. TT | 22 |
Surrey Weekly Press | 22 |
Sussex Chess Problem Fraternity | 22 |
USSR Team Championship | 22 |
Volksgazet | 22 |
Wrobel MT | 22 |
Astafyeva-30 JT (Lightweights) (Kudesnik) | 21 |
BCF 032. Ty. | 21 |
Bell's Life in London | 21 |
British Ty. | 21 |
Bucharest Cup | 21 |
Buletin Problemistic TT | 21 |
Chess Problem | 21 |
Cik | 21 |
Dagens Nyheter | 21 |
East German Chess Federation | 21 |
Gemeindemitteilungsblatt von Rheinmunster | 21 |
Good Companions (January Meredith Ty.) | 21 |
Illustrovana Politika | 21 |
Kola Lige Rekonstrukcije Problem | 21 |
Komsomolets Zaporozhya | 21 |
L'Echiquier Francais | 21 |
London | 21 |
Lud | 21 |
New York Post | 21 |
Osterreichische Schachrundschau | 21 |
Radio Ujsag | 21 |
Russian Championship | 21 |
The Inquirer | 21 |
Uralski Problemist-20 JT | 21 |
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