Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich
Tekhnika Molodezhi, 1988
5 + 2
5454 | Near Snap | 2018 |
6490 | yacpdb | 2018 |
Anticipated by 23345(1927), 22287(1934), 22386(1934), 170476(1953), 24220(1983), 211347(1986)
This anticipates 23874(1996), 47813(1998), 26009(2001)
There are these versions: 165528
Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.
Implemented with HTML5, MySQL, Perl (with, inter alia, CGI::Simple, HTML::Template & XML::LibXML) &
CSS/Javascript (jQuery, Bootstrap & DataTables).