Loyd, Sam
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, 1879
4 + 2
3757 | Schachminiaturen I | 1902 |
5206 | Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems | 1913 |
5501 | Chess Cameos | 1936 |
3295 | Einfuhrung in die Welt des Schachproblem | 1984 |
273 | Mat Plus | 1995 |
3310 | 2345 Chess Problems | 1997 |
5637 | Prague Series Solving Ty. | 2002-2003 |
5405 | Chess Solving Yearbook 2003 | 2004 |
5454 | Near Snap | 2013 |
3713 | Snap | 2014 |
This anticipates 9653(1907), 196940(1919), 152713(1932), 81245(1966)
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