Search Results
164953 1889 g6d5 1551.33 #2 None Novoye Vremya Pradignat, Emile Leonard
157480 1889 g8d5 1728.04 #2 None Novoye Vremya Gleave, Walter
218095 1895 d5f7 0010.12 #4 None Novoye Vremya Troitzky, Alexey Alekseevich
22278 1899 b5e5 0111.11 #2 None Novoye Vremya Ropet, Ivan Pavlovic
117178 1904 b7d8 0100.41 #4 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
104308 1905 c3c5 4185.53 #2 1st Prize Novoye Vremya Charlick, Arthur Robert Baker
127458 1908 a6c4 1054.12 #3 None Novoye Vremya Cisar, Vaclav
165501 1908 a8b5 1382.52 #3 1st Prize Novoye Vremya Feigl, Maximilian
184764 1908 b1e4 1011.32 #2 None Novoye Vremya Bobrov, Pavel Pavlovich
60268 1908 b2e5 1075.18 #3 3rd Prize Novoye Vremya Feigl, Maximilian
148759 1908 d1a8 0042.23 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
119953 1908 d7d4 1237.23 #2 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
184780 1908 f8e6 1432.04 #2 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
9709 1908 h7f5 4842.14 #2 2nd Prize Novoye Vremya Feigl, Maximilian
117106 1908-1909 h1d4 1328.13 #2 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
185537 1909 c7e4 0720.53 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
185608 1909 f7h7 1400.37 #3 None Novoye Vremya Polet, Ivan Pavlovich
77852 1909 g3e5 4704.65 #3 HM. Novoye Vremya Zalkind, Lazar Borissovich
139744 1909 g4d7 0510.33 #2 None Novoye Vremya Galitzky, Aleksandr Vasilevich
185562 1909 g7e3 1658.26 #3 2nd Prize Novoye Vremya Marin y Llovet, Valentin
68044 1909 h1d4 1657.74 #3 None Novoye Vremya Gamage, Frederick
37930 1913 a5d5 4247.27 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
60278 1913 b7e4 1176.45 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
190635 1913 b8d4 1644.46 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
190560 1913 h8e5 4730.47 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
130079 1914 a3d4 1014.51 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
193338 1914 b8f5 1322.23 #2 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
130081 1914 f7d4 1345.65 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
183610 1915 d3f3 0125.31 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
130682 1915 d6a5 0141.12 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
191328 1915 h7a6 0445.27 #5 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
192030 1916 a6b3 0412.33 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
192036 1916 f8c8 0400.31 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
192038 1916 g5d8 0410.53 #3 None Novoye Vremya Kubbel, Leonid Ivanovich (AKA Kubbel, Karl Artur Leonid)
217034 1917 d2h3 1032.02 #3 None Novoye Vremya Tereshenko, Nikolai Semenovich
171722 1998 g8d4 1002.20 #3 None Novoye Vremya Antipov, Viacheslav Pavlovich

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